Title: Tasty Places

Rated: M (sexual innuendo)

Summary: Inuyasha learns of new things to eat but finds something new himself with Kagome.

Kagome watched with amusement as Inuyasha picked the object of his objection all night. At first, he barked about not wanting anything to do with it and wanted what he usually received at this time. Not about to give up and determined to get him to try something new, Kagome pestered until finally the dog demon gave up.

Now he sat with the "disgusting" thing in front of his face. He sniffed experimentally.

Kagome almost felt a pang of pain at him thinking it was poisoned. "Geez, its only pizza."

The dog demon gave her a droll look that told her she said nothing new to him that would appease his appall toward the cheese pizza. "Feh. What's your point?"

Giving a glare his way, Kagome plopped down beside him and reached for her own slice. "I don't know why you're so determined to hate it. It's delicious." Her mouth quickly nibbled at the cheese dripping of the piece, making Inuyasha groan.

Ooh, how he wished that he were that cheese. A bit of red sauce accidentally fell and landed on the top of her chest. She laughed and her breasts bounced making the hanyou's eyes bulge out of their eye sockets.

"Oh man, I'm such a slob." She went to reach for the napkin sitting on the coffee table where they sat in front of when a hand caught her wrist. "Huh? Inuyasha?" She found amber eyes glowing with hunger as he started toward her chest.

Too flabbergasted by the whole thing, Kagome allowed Inuyasha to lean down and lick the red sauce from her chest. Giving a few nips for good measure as well, simply for the fun of it, he pulled back to find Kagome flushed and slightly panting.

"You're right." He said with a toothy smile toward her.

"I was? What about?" Kagome brushed back a few strands of raven hair that had fallen into her face as she tried to calm herself down. Inuyasha grinned even more.

"Pizza is delicious-" his eyes turned down toward her chest again and licked his lips "or more of what you eat it off of."

Kagome gave an audible gulp at the sight of that look on his face.

'Well,' she thought, 'pizza is never going to be the same again to me.'

Inuyasha took his slice and pushed her down to the floor.

Nope, definitely wasn't.


AN: Mainly written for fun.