
Pairing: EO

Disclaimer: Honestly, if I owned Law & Order, do you actually think Haung would still be on it? Ezacatackaly.

(A/N: Anything in italics is written. Elliot's notes are bold and italic. Olivia's are just italic. )

It was a cool autumn day. Today was the first day of 2nd Grade.

And Elliot Stabler was walking with his mom.

"If any thing goes wrong, tell the teacher okay?"

Elliot rolled his eyes, "Mom, you said you wouldn't do this!"

Mrs. Stabler chuckled at her son. She handed him his lunch and kissed his head.

"Good luck! I'll meet you here at 2:45, okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." After a few more "I love you" and "I can't believe your starting school" Elliot was off.

When he was in his classroom, he went to the teacher. She smiled, "Well hello there! You must be Elliot Stabler. I'm your teacher Ms. Pier. You can find an empty seat to sit in while we wait for the rest of the class."

He found a seat next to a girl who was reading. She had brown hair and matching eyes. She didn't notice that Elliot was even there.

"Can I sit here?" he asked.

"It's a free country isn't it?" she kept her eyes on the table.

Elliot sighed and tried again. That's what his father did to him when he wouldn't talk.

"So, what's your name?" This time, the girl looked up. "Olivia Benson, what's yours?"

Elliot smiled "Elliot Stabler. Why aren't you with all the other girls?"

Olivia faced him "Because their bimbos and have cooties."

Elliot got confused.

"You're a girl, don't you have cooties?" Olivia shook her head.

"Nope. That's because I'm never by anyone, so I don't pick it up."

"Don't you like other people? You have to have some friends?"

Olivia looked down at her feet. "Nope, never. Everyone thinks I'm a freak."

"I don't" replied Elliot. He then had a good idea. "I'll be your friend. You're really nice."

Olivia beamed "Really? You would?!"

"Of course I will. Do you want to—" Elliot was cut off by the teacher.

"Boys and girls, please take your seats. We're going to start class now."

Elliot dug into his backpack and took out his notebook. He quietly ripped out a piece and wrote on it. He then passed it to Olivia under his desk.

Olivia, take some paper out. We can pass notes.

Olivia sighed and took out her own notebook.

Elliot, we're going to get in trouble. I don't want to get detention.

Come on! It's the first day of school. Like she'd give us detention.

Fine, but it's your butt on the line pal.

Why can't it be your but?

First of all its spelled B-U-T-T. Second of all it has to be your but because you started it.

But you're going along with it


So you should take the blame to

It's too not to

What are you? An LA teacher

No. I'm an eight year old

So am I and I don't go around being an Genius

So you're saying I'm smart

No I'm not

But you're implying it

Elliot rolled his eyes and smiled. It took everything Olivia had not to burst out laughing.

At 12:00 the recess bell rang. Elliot and Olivia got up and went outside. Elliot spoke up. "So, what do you want to do?"

Olivia shrugged but then saw something. It was a man and wearing a long trench coat.

"Elliot, look at that man. He's staring at us."

Elliot looked over. "Creep. My dad said that if there's ever a stranger that's being mean to you to tell the teacher."

"But he's not being mean to us. He's just staring." Elliot thought about this. "Yeah, maybe your right. Let's go play tag."

Olivia was still scared, but said "Okay".