Chapter 1

I decided this story needed a serious makeover. I will be re-posting four chapters a night until it is done. Hope you like the remake.

Chapter 1

Sara smacked the top of the table hard with the magnifying glass. The case was at a standstill, the suspect list long, and the evidence on short supply. The female DB was found raped and strangled in murder central at a hotel off the strip and although there was an overwhelming amount of fingerprints to go over, the rest of the evidence for the case was minute.

Sara always took these cases personally and although Gil warned her not to get attached to the victim, it was always hard for her to do this due to her past, but she tried. This case was just getting to her and she couldn't help it.

Growing up in a violent home made her hyper sensitive to this kind of case and she was determined to find something to get the bastard who committed this horrible crime to this woman.

It wasn't until after she had smacked the table she realized Grissom was watching her. Although her back was to him, she could sense he was in the room and was regretting her actions against the poor magnifying glass.

Gil looked in on Sara and noticed her brows were scrunched together, though this did not detract from her natural beauty he knew it only happened when she was becoming consumed by a case.

She had her long chestnut hair back in a clip revealing her long neck and her even darker chestnut eyes were trained on the evidence in front of her. She seemed to be stressed, this being proven when she suddenly gave a frustrated groan and smacked the magnifying glass she was holding against the table in front of her.

He knew he must do something to ease the amount of tension threatening to overwhelm her or he was going to have to requisition some more magnifying glasses, and he was damned if he was going to fill out more paperwork, even for the sanity of the woman he held most dear in his life, so he took the easy way out and headed into the room.

She was inspecting the sheet from the bed when he came up and leaned over her shoulder, "find anything new?"

She knew what he was up to but decided he was right and played along, and although to the naked eye he was not doing anything suspicious, he knew how his proximity would affect her and smiled when she had a hard time answering him.

His hips were mere inches from hers and she could feel the heat emanating from his body and his breath on her neck as he spoke. She could smell the scent of his soap and the coffee he drinks consistently throughout the day.

She could feel the slow burn of desire grow in her belly but she finally managed to squeak out a "no". Noticing the difference in her he smiled, oh he loved playing this game.

She could give as well as she got and he knew that, but he was pushing the envelope a little further than they usually did and acted as if he was doing nothing when in fact he knew what happened when he came this close to her.

He leaned in a bit closer, their hips coming into contact and his chest met with her back, she sucked in a breath and instinctively leaned into him, enjoying the sensation of having him so close to her.

The feel of having her so close to him was effecting him as much as it seemed to affect her, but he didn't back down, "You know it wasn't very nice of you to do that to the magnifying glass" he stated with mock seriousness in his voice.

She gave a small laugh and relaxed against him slightly. She hadn't realized she was that tense until her shoulders released their built up tension and she felt herself surrender to the feel of him. Therefore, she felt a great sense of loss when he abruptly stood up grabbed his own magnifying glass and sat in the chair next to her.

She was about to ask him why he moved when she noticed Nick entering the room. Nick displayed no indication that he had witnessed what just went on and began to talk to Grissom about the case he and Warwick were currently working on.

Grissom listened intently and asked him a couple of questions here and there, periodically looking over at Sara when she asked one of her own questions. She began to think of what could have happened had Grissom not noticed Nick coming and although she knew he was only trying to lower the amount of pressure on her she still considered it to be a foolish thing for Grissom to do.

He knew just being close to him set her blood on fire, yet he made sure to lean in close enough for her to be able to feel his breath on her neck and the smell of his soap. She could still feel the warmth of his body against her back.

She closed her eyes and began to envision him lying naked against her on their bed after a session of lovemaking, the feel of his skin next to hers, still damp from the exertion. The fire that had begun to wane reared itself back to life and she could feel her face begin to warm along with another part of her anatomy.

She could tell that her face must have been red when Nick entered the room, and that it was growing even redder with the thoughts now coursing through her mind.

This was confirmed when he asked, "Are you ok Sara, you look a little flushed. Your not getting sick are you?" Hearing this from Nick jarred Sara back to the here and now and her face grew crimson.

This statement made Grissom smile because he knew exactly why Sara was so flush, and it was entirely his fault. He could only imagine the thoughts coursing through her mind at the moment and wished he could read them. He saw her slightly shake her head before she managed a response.

"Huh? No, I'm fine Nick; I just need a little air is all. I've been processing evidence for 8 hours."

At hearing this the thoughts racing through his mind suddenly shifted and he frowned, he knew this case was going to get to her when they first began it, that was why he partnered himself with her in the first place, but he was unaware she was letting it go this far.

He looked at her a little closer and realized just how tired she looked, she had light purple shadows under her eyes and although she was blushing at the moment her skin was a little more on the pale side then usual.

Growing a little concerned he asked, "Why don't you go and get something to eat and take a break, I can finish this up."

He was rewarded with a death glare and a very curt, "I don't need anything to eat Grissom, I just need to get some air."

Nick could tell by the look on Grissom's and Sara's faces that this was not going to go well and having told Grissom everything he needed to get him up to speed on the case he and Warwick were working he quickly and silently exited the room, closing the door behind him.