I had absolutely no idea was I was going to do.

"Can we go down to the bridge, Sir?" I asked the man who turned out not to be the mechanic. "It's always been my dream to kiss on a bridge and I have cancer, this could be my last opportunity." For some random reason, the guy agreed. I started to plot out what I'd do as Johnny, the "mechanics", and I walked toward the bridge. I pulled Johnny over to the edge, pulled him close, and kissed him gently. He didn't let go when I tried to pull away, eventually I had to push him.

"Thank you, gentlemen. Johnny," I said. I didn't know what to do, there was nothing I could do. I sat on the edge and let myself fall. I found myself being barried by water.

"Leslie!" Johnny called out. I heard a splash in the water. Eventually, I forced myself to the surface, finding Johnny swimming after me, the bikers watching.

"What the heck are you doing?" Johnny asked once he'd reached me. I forced myself under, dragging him with me. Either this would kill us, or the bikers would. It was a lose, lose situation. The stream carried our bodies down, Johnny struggling for air. I looked him in the eye, making sure he knew to trust me. I let my body float, face down in the water. I soon realized we'd floated past the eye range of the men and turned to make sure Johnny was alright. He was face down in the water, not yet realizing that we were safe. I went over to him and shook him. His body didn't move. I panicked, throwing him over my shoulder and carrying him to shore. He wasn't breathing.

"Johnny, don't do this to me," I insisted, beginning CPR. Breath in twice, sixteen pushes. Breath. Breath. Push. Push. Push. Push. Push. He lives! "Johnny!" I hugged him tightly. He returned my hug with a slight grip around my waist.

"Alright, let go," he commanded, getting up. He walked unsteadily around. "Did your plan have to include almost dieing?" he questioned angrily.

"Don't think this is my fault!" I shouted. "You're the one they were after in the first place." I paused. "Why were they after you?"