First off major spoilers for those who haven't seen the whole show… if you haven't DON'T READ THIS!!!

So I fished watching Samurai 7 with my friends Lena and Angel!!! OH GOD I love the show so much!!!! And they did to.

So anyway on the way home this came to mind… it's the thoughts of Shihoko a oc of the Amazing Outerglow (you can't find her on Deviantart .com if you want a link to her AMAZING, I'm not kidding here people she'll blow you away, go to my profile) about Heihachi when he dies.

Also I'm soooo sorry for all the horrible spelling and grammar mistakes that are in this… I really tried but I'm really not that good at midnight. –looks sheepish-

Disclaimer: I do not own Samurai 7 that's owned by Akira Kurosawa

And Shihoko owned by Outerglow aka Jenny


Pitter, Patter,

The rain falls around, me making my short green hair stick to my head. Even the sky is crying for those brave men who died for what they believed in.

While I only cry for one of them

He had been my life, my smile; he was the young man that became the sunshine in this poor little girl's life.

With his docile attitude and those little comments that would make me laugh so hard. There was nobility behind those brown eyes, there was kindness and humility that shown so strongly that it would sometimes almost blind me. I loved that stilly little obsession with rice and the fact that he could name the village it was from by just tasting it.

God I don't think I can take this…

I was just a young girl, a child wanted to prove that she was as good, if not better, then any male samurai. I was on a mission that no one would divert me from

Or so I thought

Who would have guessed that a cheerful easy going boy like that could break the wall around my heart and show me that there is more to life then just the sword.

It's raining harder now. The wind is blowing my short wet locks across my tear stained face.

No, NO, he's NOT dead!! They say he's gone but never found his body!!! They have no proof that he's really dead… and if he was gone I would know!!

I won't stop looking for him. I'll just keep going until I know in my heart that he's dead… and not until then. And no one… NO ONE is going to tell me otherwise.

It's time for me to find him like he found me all those years ago.

Lighting splits across the sky as I throw my head back. Then louder then the thunder, louder then all the doubt that surrounds me, I let out my cry.



I hoped you liked it and please review!!! I really like getting them :D
