Thank you guys so much for your support! I really hope this meets your expectations!

I'd like to thank phoenixfirekitsune for being such a great and understanding beta reader. I'm sorry if you felt a bit left out... I just wished to post all of these chapters as soon as possible but I'll try and start sending them to you again. Also, I wish to thank all of my reviewers from What Lies Beneath Our Skin: Blood Alchemist, Ai MacLean, Sweetnsexy89, min, AnneTanquam, kit, Alyxandrah, wiggles, and Anna Jaganshi. I'd like to point out your reviews are always welcomed, whether it be a first or one of many XD Thanks!

This story will contain rated M material such as limes and lemons. Please take this as a warning...

Also I do not own or plan on owning YYH, that's the first and last time I will say such in this story.

What Lies Within Our Heart

Chapter One

"Stop it baka," the young man murmured only half-conscious of what he was saying.

"I just came in for spring break and the first thing you do is call me a baka?"

The gentle, wispy voice sounded as if from a far away dream to him. He miserably sighed as he flipped himself onto his stomach, his arms going out to hug his pillow.

A warm smile graced the other's lips as he brushed aside the hair that had grown a little more than shoulder length. That smiling mouth then lowered to kiss upon the broadened shoulders of his boyfriend, "Hiei, wake up."

"Rosey?" escaped him as he turned and finally saw the redhead.

"Yes Shadow?"

Hiei sat up and shook away whatever sleep that remained, "What the hell are you doing here? You said spring break didn't start until next week–"

Kurama brought him closer, kissing him lightly before pulling back, "It originally was. However this week I would only have had Bionomics Chemistry and the teacher, for whatever reason, went on vacation early. Thus, no class and no reason to stay there."

"Mmm what did you do to your hair?" his still smaller fingers twisted and lifted the hair to get a better look, "Why did you do this?"

Pink lightly dusted his cheeks as he thought about the safest way to answer this, "A few girls in the dorm dyed just this forelock. Originally it was black but I didn't quite like that–"

He tugged lightly at the dyed hair, "You're leaving out what lead to it being dyed in the first place."

His slender fingers untangled the other's from his now silver strands and held them, "If you must know, I got drunk. When I came about I was able to stop them from doing the rest."

"I thought I told you not to drink," Hiei snorted, "You can't hold your liquor at all."

"You're not angry?"

"It's your hair, not mine. Just don't drink when I'm not around you lightweight. I don't need to worry about someone taking advantage of you."

He chuckled and kissed his palm, "You mean like you did when I turned twenty-one?"

"Tff, you were all over me, I didn't do anything you didn't want," he childishly stuck out his tongue that was then quickly swept into moist warmth.

Lazily Hiei wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck before lowering himself to the bed.

"Is someone horny this early in the morning?"

"I haven't seen you in three months, two weeks, and five days. That means I haven't kissed or been kissed in at least a three thousand hours. That means I haven't made love in over seven months because you were only here three days last time and you wasted all your energy on playing with my sister's son or on visiting as many people as you could," he huffed.

"Aw, is wittle Shadow feeling neglected? I'm sorry," Kurama nipped at his nose, afterwards allowing himself to leave a trail down his cheek to his neck, "How does this feel?–"

The shorter one nearly wept when his cell phone rang on his bed side table and those pleasure giving petals were removed, "I suppose we'll have to continue another time."

"Just give me a minute, I'll get this ass off the phone and then we can return to what we were doing," he grudgingly grabbed and growled into it, "What do ya– you want?"

"We had a meeting at eight– You missed it! Get down here now–"

"I had a meeting at eight. I realize I did and guess what? Those who matter knew I was going to miss it because I told them. Now everyone knows Saturday is my day off so leave me the fuck alone you annoying pest! You're not going to become my co-leader,ever!" he threw his phone somewhere to the side as he just closed his eyes and breathed in and out for a bit.

Kurama frowned and lightly stroked his fingers through the dark mass knowing Hiei liked that, "What's going on my Shadow?"

Weary red eyes met with his concern green ones, "This egotistic bitch thinks she has a chance at gaining your spot. It's some person Mukuro sent over, probably because she didn't want her either. They call her Gypsy, I call her–"

"An annoying, egotistic, bitch?" he grinned, his hand dropping to stroke his cheek, "Perhaps we should go to H.Q. so this girl can know that no one gets close to my Fire Demon."

"Tff I'd rather the someone who can does and fast–" Hiei started only to drift out into a cursing rant upon hearing his phone vibrating again.

"Let me get it," the redhead breath into his ear, giving a small lick at it before going to answer the bothersome device.


Hiei shifted to his side to watch him.

"Excuse me, Gypsy, right?" he sighed as the girl continued ranting about what Hiei said to her before.

"Are you quite done now?" Kurama snapped at her upon a pause, "Good. Now, this is Youko Kurama–"

"I needn't prove it to you of all people. God damn it shut your mouth and listen!"

A black brow quirked at his boyfriend's moment of anger, it was quite rare to actually see one get under his skin nowadays.

"Now, we can do one of three things. One, you stop bugging the crap out of Hiei. Two you return to China. Three, we kick you out of Torture Reborn and rid the whole group of your annoyance. Frankly, I'm leaning towards the latter of the three. Why? Well because just that, I'm your leader, you don't have the right to question me unless you ask for permission first. Just the same you don't have the right to talk over me when I'm speaking. It's out of manners that I don't do the same to you," he puffed out a breath trying to calm himself.

Shadow placed his hands on his Rosey's hips and slid them up and over the his chest, "Let me take over from here, you're getting aggravated over nothing."

The green eyes hid beneath lids as he permitted himself to recline against him, "No I shall finish this– Yes, I'm talking to Fire Demon– No, you may not, he's mine."

"Just hand it over," he mumbled between licking and kissing at the swanlike neck.

"Mmm, stop Hiei," Kurama groaned, though thinking enough ahead to hold the phone at arm's length.

"Now, as I was saying– I said stop it Dragon unless you want me to tell her about..." he grinned lightly when all of Hiei's distractions ceased, "Yes we were busy but with your incisive calling we've had to put it on hold. No, we will not just forget you called, let's finish what we've started."

"So now you're apologizing? Tff, 'tis another reason as to why you'll never receive this ranking. Whatever the case, know that I will, until I so wish to, hold this position–" shock spawned in ever crevice of his face upon her next comment, "Excuse me?! Alright, that's it, meeting in my office tonight at six. If you don't show up then don't think about showing up tomorrow either!"

"What did she say?" he inquired though kept out of the redhead's way as he started tossing things around.

His hair whipped out as he spun to glare at him, "What did she say?! That fucking pint sized, no breasted bitch said, and I quote, 'of course you'll hold that position, Hiei loves to screw people!'"

"So what, she got the roles reversed–"

"Hiei, I'm not kidding around! If she thinks I got where I am just because of our relationship–"

Hiei snorted, "She's nine years younger than us, why do you care what she says?"

"Still by seventeen we knew our places and others did too! I don't know who the hell she thinks she is, honestly!" he threw himself onto their bed, "And now I'm tired and the jet lag is finally setting in..."

"Damn bitch," the man growled as he crawled up beside his lover to spoon his side, "Another day without making love, welcome home to this shit hole."

Kurama hugged Hiei tightly and sadly whispered, "I'll make it up to you, I promise. Just give me a few more months and I'll be back for good."

"You better," he sighed out, getting quite comfortable before continuing, "After waiting eight years for you to graduate with your PhD from that American college–"

"Princeton, Hiei," was the wearily correction, "and I never meant to put a strain on our relationship–"

"What strain? You're going delirious, sleep."

Though both knew what was spoken of one was more reluctant than the other on addressing it and so, for the moment, it was put to rest.

"Hiei, do you hate me for going to America?"

It was a question Kurama had often asked his boyfriend while he slept for over the years he had started sleep talking. Not once had the redhead received an answer but it never stopped him from asking.

The dark haired man rubbed his cheek into the lean chest, "Never."

His green eyes widened and looked down expecting the other's red to be gazing up at him. He was still asleep though and so he inquired some more, "Why?"

"Because," he mumbled, "she liked that ring's cut better than the other's... give it to me."

A coldness wrapped around his heart at that, "Why do you need rings?"

"I don't wanta wear that penguin suit."

Without meaning to he pulled away bringing with him a man which was startled from his sleep.

"Shuichi?" he yawned, "Where're you going?"

"Nowhere I was just," he paused for but a second and looked over himself, a light layer of sweat had formed, "hot and decided I should–"

"It's only ten," Hiei shared after looking at his alarm clock, "You need sleep after spending as long as you did on that plane– I know you can't sleep on them. Now please come back to bed, I'll take the quilt off if you'd like."

For a moment he debated on asking him but then decided he really didn't want to know and stood, "I'm going to get something to drink."

Hiei frowned and sat up, "Stop, you of all people know I have a small fridge in here, what's up?"

"Hiei," he uttered, "have you been, well, having a relationships in my absence?"

"Of course not, what the hell gave you that idea?"

"You were talking in your sleep and said something about she not liking the cut on that ring," Kurama offered before he found himself pulled back into bed, "What?–"

"You can be a real idiot at times. The doc said I repeat random things from what I've said days, weeks, or even months ago–"

"Then you really are getting a ring for... someone?" he whispered trying to hold back the sadness in his voice.

Shadow pushed him onto his back and kissed the life out of him while reaching his hand out for his drawer.

"Hiei– Stop, I'm not in the mood," he wasn't given the chance to protest further as his lips were sealed again by those warm, loving ones.

"Why don't you shut up and let me explain, " Hiei mumbled against his mouth before sitting up to straddle his hips, "This isn't how I wanted you to find out."

"Find out what?" the redhead softly asked whilst his eyes filled with a sheet of unshed tears.

"That I wanted you to marry me. It would have to be a fake ceremony but–"

Those droplets escaped their threshold leaving streams upon those porcelain cheeks, "Really?"

Hiei smirked and produced the velvet box, "Yeah, I was going to ask you last year but your mom said I should wait for our ten year anniversary, when you returned to Japan for good."

Kurama couldn't contain himself any longer as he flipped them over and started ravishing him with kisses, "I'm sorry... I thought the worst."

"Mmm, Kuro," he smirked at the look he received before winking, "Just kidding baka. So?"

"So?... Oh, yes, I will! I never knew you wanted to though–"

His right hand grabbed hold of Kurama's left one, "If legally we could have wed I would have done so right out of highschool. To tell you the truth it was your mother who gave me the idea to have a ceremony– by the way Shu's marrying Kia."

"Oh, so she wanted you to officially tie yourself to me?" he chuckled, "And you told me Shu was getting married at least two months ago."

"Actually she wanted you to ask me because you supposedly gave me a promise ring."

A box was popped open and presented to the redhead, "Now would you like me to put it on?"

His green eyes marveled at the workmanship. The white gold band was sprinkled with golden specks, an engraved Hiei was trimmed with gold, and rubies were on either end of the name, "It's beautiful."

"Shiori helped me pick it out, she didn't like the original cut placed on the stones and made the guy redo it free of cost," he smiled as he carefully removed it and slid it up the slender finger, "Perfect fit."

The redhead beamed and rubbed his nose against the other's, "Did you get one for yourself?"

"Yeah, it's in my side table drawer. I was really planning on giving this to you next week after a nice dinner and all but you just have to mess everything up."

He kissed at his lover's hand after sliding on the ring that held his name and emerald stones, "I didn't mean to ruin your plans, Love. If you want you can treat me to a night on the town."

"What of your meeting with Gypsy?"

"I said night not evening. In the mean time I'm going to roam around town by myself, you don't mind do you?"

He arched up into the pinch his nipple received, "Ah, n-not at all."

"I knew you wouldn't my pretty masochist," a soothing lick was placed upon the abused skin.

"You and your nicknames– ahh!" Hiei glared down at him, "Stop pulling at my chest hair you idiot!"

"A chest hair Love," he chuckled, "It looked odd there all by itself on your lovely skin."

"Well, you don't have any either!–" the man gasped as he was grabbed through his pajama pants.

"How about I give you my gift now hmm? I mean before you were just complaining that I was neglecting you and–"

Their mouths met in a rush and battled for awhile. Hands soon came to aid in the removal of clothes on their heated bodies. The rest was lost to their passions, memories, and a joint love for the other.

Hiei whimpered before arching up into the other and releasing his pent up tension. His lover joined not even a second later.

"S-so good."

"Indeed," Kurama breathed before going onto say,"Perhaps we should wait another couple of months before–"

His redhead was soon reminded of where his manhood still was when the other rotated his hips, "Don't you fuckin' dare or I'll fuck you in your sleep."

"That's an interesting suggestion, kinky, but interesting nonetheless," he winked but his Shadow just rolled his eyes and looked to the side.

"It's twelve, let's get clean up and get something to eat."

"I don't know, I won't be able to find anything as tasty as you."

"Too bad because at two I promised I'd watch Yoshi," Hiei shifted lightly, "Get up."

Kurama pouted but pulled out,"Where's Yukina going and for how long?"

"Her doctor to see if she's pregnant again. She can't trust those damn store tests after last time they were wrong," he grumbled and stretched, "Shower?"

"Bath then let's order room service," was the purr placed in his ear as his husband-to-be slid off and sauntered through the bathroom door.

Lazily he eyed the lithe body that never failed to arouse or amaze him, "I'll be there soon."

"Alright, but don't be too long or the water will get cold."

He pulled himself to his feet and grabbed his phone, "Don't worry, it'll only take a moment."

"Hello, Shiori?" Hiei asked outside his room.

"Hello Hiei, is there something wrong?" came over the phone line.

"No, not at all. However you'll never guess who showed up at my door this morning," he smirked to himself as the woman sighed.

"I suppose you're right, but it must be someone important that I know otherwise you wouldn't be calling, ne?"

"Quite, but don't you want to guess, even a little–"

"Hiei, is this what's taking you so long?" came a laugh as the bedroom door was pulled open, "Must you wave my arrival home in her face?"

"Shuichi! He's a week early!"

"Tell me about it, first he pulls me from my sleep and then," he paused at the glare he received before snorting, "Well I wasn't going to tell her we made love but–"

"Hiei!" his cheeks flared red and he went to snatch away the phone.

"Well, as lovely as that is dear I believe you have something else you wished to tell me, correct?" she giggled from the few words she could catch of her son and Hiei's exchange.

"Yeah, your son is an asshole and ruined my surprise for next week–"

"If anything Hiei you slipped and ruined your surprise," he pointed out with a smile on his still blushing face.

"Well if you'd just stop asking me questions in my sleep–"

"How about we speak at a later time, I trust he said yes though?" Shuichi's mother cut in.

"Yes, if not for me, he said yes because of the ring. I'll talk to you later, once he's done–"

"Alright, I better hear from you later then, goodbye."


The redhead pulled his lover into the steam filled bathroom, "How would you feel if I were to tell your sister of what we do in bed."

"I was kidding around–"

"Yes with my mother!" he smiled and guided him into the large tub, "Just don't do it again, I don't need her knowing that we're sexually active even if she suspects it."

"Well why did you act as if I were going to tell her that to begin with?" Hiei snorted as he pulled the other into his arms.

"You told her once that we were up in my room making out when she interrupted us–"

"That was years ago when you were still living with her and you deserved that after teasing me without any intention of following through," he nibbled at the neck presented before him, "Plus she just laughed it off both times."

Shuichi's amorous moan spurred him to continue but he stopped after one last lick, "No more, we have to hurry up."

"Now who's teasing who?"

"Tff, we have things to do but if you want to cut out food, which my stomach is craving for–"

"Sounds like a plan–"

"Look I'm all for sex but we're going to have to wait. My stomach's aching for something to eat after having to force down what Kuro cooked," he groaned at the thought of last night's meal.

"You were at Kuro's last night?" Kurama turned in his arms, "I haven't seen him in awhile. How is he doing with Tiya?"

"Not too good, she turned out to be cheating on him with some asshole," he grumbled, "He just caught her in the act yesterday."

"Really? Poor Kuro... Let's goto the base as early as we can so we can pay him a visit."

"Sure, but first lets do what one thing at a time."

Hiei made sure they finished bathing as fast as they could before eating and leaving for his sister's house.

"Tell me, does Yoshi still have your sister's hair?" Kurama questioned as he slid onto the motorcycle.

"Yeah but he hasn't grown much so it looks like he's going to be short too." He put on his helmet and looked expectantly at him.

With a smile he placed his own on and lowered the visor, "He's only one and a half years old, you can't possibly be certain at such a young age. Is he showing any of Kuzuma's characteristics?"

"Not really, he's all his mom," Hiei smirked, "Might actually mean he has a promising future."

"Dragon, don't be mean."

The man revved his engin, "I'm not, I'm merely stating the truth."

When a protest was about to come from him Hiei speed off suddenly cutting it off, "Hold on tight!"

His arms hugged the slightly shorter one tightly as he yelled, "You can really be an asshole some times you know!"

"Shuichi!" Yukina threw her arms around him, "Welcome back, how are you? Can I get you anything?"

He laughed and kissed her cheek, "Thank you Yukina. I'm doing well and we just had breakfast so you needn't trouble yourself. How are you though? Hiei tells me that you might be expecting again."

A pretty little blush tickled her cheeks as she welcomed her brother, "Hiei, not even Kuzuma knows!"

Her brother shrugged and scooped up his nephew, "He would have found out eventually."

"Oh," she shook her head back and forth clearly flustered, "Whatever, I have to go or I'll be late. Yoshi listen to your uncles, okay?"

The small boy nodded and giggled as he was thrown and caught in the air by Hiei.

"You know Yukina, I could always tell you right now. I don't quite have the machines to show you but–"

Yukina's blush became more pronounced, "It's nothing against you, I swear, it's just–"

Kurama chuckled and tipped her chin up to look him in the eyes, "I understand now get running or you'll miss your appointment."

She smiled and hugged him one more time, "I hope Hiei won't keep you away for the whole week, I'd like to catch up on what's been going on and everything."

"I have two weeks, I'm sure I can stop by a few times," he called after her.

"Oh good, I'll make us all dinner!" she sweetly responded as her car drove off.

Hiei set Yoshi onto the ground and the boy turned to Kurama and rose his arms.

"So did you eat lunch yet?" he asked as he took the child into his arms.

He nodded and got himself comfortable in his other uncle's arms.

Alright guys, this is the part where the teasers shall tease and then a nice review is welcomed hehe:

She pulled back with her red eyes wide with wonder, "H-how did you know?"

"I've just got to show you this ride man! Look! Leather seat, the strongest engine on the market, storage compartment under the seat, satellite radio, a button that connects to the closest member near by, and, get this, it's–" "Mine," came a voice demanding power.

He pushed her to the ground and pointed a finger at her, "This gang is not some joke. I'm sick of you acting like some spoiled brat. You better get your act together and pick a field you want to be in or I'm throwing you in the front line, got it? Anyone else have anything to add?"