"Why are you two so aggressive towards each other?" the too nosy for her own good Gryffindor asked, taking the opportunity of the visitors for once lounging around an area she and her friends frequented.
Sasuke decided to ignore her- as he was practiced in the art of ignoring annoyances but Sai cheerfully turned, smiling "Aa- I suppose I may have a problem with traitors" ^_^
Naruto (who had been napping on the tree branch above) snorted and muttered something about kettles and pots
"Traitor??" exclaimed Harry because he is a spiteful git- (much like Hermione in the second year in an incident involving a suspect tom and an at the time beloved family pet rat) and his mind was qued into certain words, like 'traitor' and 'snake' and 'dark' and of course 'custard'
The ever perverted ex-roots member only widened his suspicious grin and nodded "Oh yes, Sasuke betrayed our home to become the student of a snake of a man lusting after immortality."
The vague explanation made all three- excuse me, five (forgot tubby mcforgetsalot and misscrazycommonsensebird) twitch - a side effect of their brains trying to self destruct.
"WHAT??" The red haired comic relief yelled in order to get the point of the fic moving
Sasuke frowned "When did I betray our home? I left to get revenge on my brother who slaughtered the police like clan (our family by the way), and killed my 'snake of a man' teacher when I was done with him...."
Naruto sighed- because he had been rather depressed, sulking and reading orange covered books for the past few weeks "He's talking about how you joined up with the cost-plus gang your brother was part of after you killed him. And decided to destroy our hometown- and me - because creepy-old-dude-who-acted-like-a-little-kid-till-recently told you to"
Sasuke nodded "Aa..." because there really isn't anything you can say to such a statement.
Sakura snored quietly- too tired out from healing everyone and their grandnin to be part of this chapter.
Four-eyes, because it had been a while since he last pointed out the obvious, looked around "Hey...where's that masked guy..."
All four stared blankly, before Naruto and (no longer sleeping Sakura) began bawling "Kakashiii!!!" and a dark cloud of angst descended upon them. Even Sai looked almost sad but considering he's an unfeeling Sasuke clone with an obsession for all things Naruto, Sasuke and penis oriented- couldn't actually feel the loss of the second really awesome character.
Then Ginny- who magically arrived- widened her eyes. "Sore subject?" she asked
The angst doubled 'til the air was somewhat hard to breathe, forcing the Potterland group to runaway- lest they be devoured by the outraged fans that existed within the fog-o-angst
"Let's go guys," Ron said nervously.
"Yeah," they agreed. They had their own angsty troubled endings that this fic-author didn't care about to deal with after all.
And so Closes this moving adventure. D I hope you all enjoyed it. I know, for the most part, I enjoyed laughing at all characters involved.
I anyone wants to read more of my 'literary genius' (haha) I'd say keep an eye on my profile for links to my live journal posts as most of my drabbles don't work with FFs layout ^_^*
To everyone else ^_^ bye.
Also Everyone needs to go to my beta "Heart of Shou" as their work is EPIC. Not haha ehpick but 'holy crap that's Epic!" epic.