Disclaimer – like I really need it, I don't own anything anyway. None of this is mine.

A/n had this in my head for a while, thought it would be fun. It's a Devil May Cry crossover with a few characters from other things as well. But they may be OOC as I don't really have much experience with them and very little with the DMC characters

Devils Tears

Chapter 1

His time in Hell

Shinji Ikari's eyes slid open.

He was met with a sight he hadn't really been wanted. A crimson marble ceiling held up by classic Greek style pillars. The room was sparsely furnished with the biggest thing being the oversized bed he now lay in.

He had hoped once again all of this was a bad dream.

Compared to where he had first appeared in this place though, this was probably the best he could hope for. This would be his eternity he supposed, his punishment for fighting against the messengers. Those memories would never leave him, he had nightmares every night.

This was Hell after all.

Outside this place was nothing but a barren fiery wasteland of flame and torment. The 12th angel had dropped him here a month ago, or was it a year; it could have been a week he couldn't tell. The only thing brightening his now bleak existence was them; they were the only bright spot he figured he would ever see again.

Morgan and Lilith.

The two demons/succubus who had taken him in at Lilith's insistence. He had actually confused her for Rei at first; he was such a wreck then. They had explained everything to him, where he was and why. The two had explained everything including the relation between Lilith, Rei, and Shinji's mother Yui. They said the only reason he wasn't actually being tortured was because he wasn't suppose to be here at all. He was supposed to have remained to fight. There must have been some kind of mix up or maybe Nerv had tried something to destroy the angel that sent him here.

The prince of darkness himself had ordered one of his generals, Mephisto, to pass word to the two that the boy was to come to no harm. The last thing he needed was the lord knocking on his door again.

Morgan had an extensive library in this place. Her own pocket world you could say. Separate from hell, but still part of it. Shinji read of many things to pass the time till the girls would return. Things from the full history of existence to the legends of the Dark Knight Sparda, the first and only demon to find virtue, the only one to "turn from the dark side" as it were.

Over the time he had been here Morgan and Lilith had gone from slightly curious and protective to outright affectionate. He had to chuckle a bit. Affectionate, hell he usually woke up between them. Either way he turned in the mornings, or what he thought was morning, he was faced with a pair of bare breasts. Morgan's put Misato to shame while Lilith's were smaller, but still shapely. Waking up some times with his face pressed into one or the other pair didn't help much.

He had noticed he had been changing during his time here as well. With the gentle prodding of the two he had been becoming bolder. Waking up with one's head between either Morgan, or Lilith's breasts does tend to help one grow a spine and temper down somewhat.

He had also been growing stronger, taller as well though he couldn't figure out why. At this point the was almost as tall as an average 17 year old. Had there been a mirror he would have also noticed streaks of white in his normally brown hair. He thought Morgan and Lilith knew, but they weren't talking.

But secretly both were concerned, they wondered if hell were actually tainting him. They had to do something. At this rate it was only a matter of time until one of the demons got a hold of Shinji or he was completely tainted. They had both grown fond of the boy. A thought had occurred to Lilith, it was a long shot, but it had a chance to work. She and Morgan could travel freely between Hell and Earth so this had a shot. They couldn't take Shinji back but they COULD bring someone here who could. Plus if it did work and Shinji went home, they could always go to him. All she could hope was that Sparda's sons would listen to her.


Misato Katsuragi stood with Rei Ayanami and Asuka Langley Soryu in front of a simple granite grave marker.

Ritsuko's plan to retrieve unit 01 had worked…mostly. What they got back from the 12th angel was simply parts and pieces. The torso was more-a-less intact which prompted the commander to order Unit 01 rebuilt.

However, due to the heavy and nearly total damage the Eva taken, the commander had striped Ritsuko of any authority she had during combat operations, she could advise now, that was all.

The Eva's limbs had returned, separated from the body and the Eva's back had been shredded, the entry plug apparently lost forever or destroyed outright. Nerv command had immediately declared Shinji KIA and forgotten him as if he never existed, then started the search for the 4th child.

The Japanese government and the UN however, had not forgotten Shinji. The Japanese Government had declared Shinji a national hero. They had declared an official day of morning the day of his funeral and had paid for all of the expenses including the marker. And then forbid Nerv from recruiting anymore children from their borders.

The UN had openly criticized Nerv for not even bothering to bury their dead and had even held an open vote to disband the entire Nerv Command staff, the measure was only defeated by one vote but the UN did send inspectors to Nerv to go though everything in all of the facilities. If they were denied access to anything, the Disbandment Measure would be enforced by UN executive order.

They were also to have a UN staff on hand at all times, if things got to a certain point, they had authority to take command of Nerv and execute anyone who resisted. She could only wonder what they would find.

Most countries in the UN had also banned Nerv from recruiting any more Children from within their borders as well, more-a-less eliminating Nerv's ability to recruit any useable candidates. The UN decided it would pick the next child and all subsequent children, as the methods Nerv had used to recruit Shinji were at best dishonest and at worst criminal.

Misato laid the small wreath in her hands at the base of the marker.

Shinji Ikari


Eva Pilot KIA

God speed with the

Blessings of the world

You saved

Tears slid down her cheeks as she read it, she knew Shinji would have been embarrassed people thought so much of him. He would have argued that he wasn't important, but he was. Rei had moved in after his funeral and for the first few days she listened to Asuka cry her self to sleep. She had barely spoken a word since, her familiar fiery attitude gone.

Toji and Kensuke had been by everyday to check on them as had Asuka's friend Hikari. It had been a blow to the whole city when one of the pilots had been killed. It had hit the whole class hard when the announcement had been made. The school had canceled classes for the entire next week.

Misato ran her hand down the marker. She would come her once a week. Rain or shine it didn't mater to her. This must be how it feels for a mother to lose her child.


Misato broke down; she could barely take this, only Asuka and Rei kept her going home at all. Rei and Asuka helped Misato to her feet. Both holding back their own tears. They knew this was hard on her, it was on them all. Rei pulled out her phone and called Section 2 for transport, Misato didn't need to be driving right now.


Dante kicked back in his recliner, things had been slow lately. Trish sat on the nearby couch reading, Lady was off doing her thing as was Lucia and Vergil was off trying to close a portal to the demon world in Europe. Ever since the second impact he had had more than enough work to keep busy, but these down times bored him nearly to tears. The only thing penetrating the quiet was the occasional page turn by Trish. Dante was about to lose it when a knock came at the door. Before he could even move Trish was in motion, she reached the door and opened it. Outside stood a young woman wearing blue jeans, white sneakers, a pink hoodie and a ball cap. She appeared nervous, overly so.

"Hello, can I help you"

She nodded.

"Yes, I'm looking for Dante, is he in"

Trish nodded, something was off about her. She stepped aside and let the girl in. Dante recognized her instantly; having read about her in some of the books Trish brought with her and stood.

"Well, now here's someone, or should I say something, I never expected to set foot in my shop. The fact you came here in disguise and with out any protection, I'd guess you want to talk. So what do you want Lilith. I thought you came to men in dreams not in person"

Trish nearly pulled one of her pistols till Dante held up a hand and stopped her. Trish could see why though. This Succubus had waked into the shop to see Dante, in person, in the day when she had little power, in disguise, and without protection. She wanted something.

Lilith stayed silent for a moment before she finally spoke.

"I need a favor, something happened that shouldn't have. A child was sent to hell"

Dante shrugged.

"Happened before"

Lilith shook her head

"Not while they were still alive"

Trish's eyes shot open the size of dinner plates and Dante raised an eyebrow.

"What do you mean still alive"

"I trust you know what's going on in Japan"

Dante nodded.

"Yeah, the UN is taking on giant devils with big robots, saw it on TV"

"Well, the boy is one of theirs. His name is Shinji. He was in battle and the demon trapped him inside its body. When Nerv destroyed it he was sent back to hell with it. Morgan found him and brought him home. We've been watching after him since, that was a month ago, but if we don't get him out soon one of the demons will get a hold of him. Apparently heaven found out and word was sent to the dark prince not to let harm come to him, so he left him with us, but that won't last much longer. Even my sister Morgan can only do so much and she's the Queen of all Succubus"

Dante thought for a moment.

"So let me get this strait, you want me to go down to hell and get this kid out"

Lilith nodded.

"Yes, no strings attached, that's exactly what I want you to do. I'll pay whatever you want"

Dante thought for a moment.

"One thing, how do I get there?"

Lilith looked up.

"Opening a portal would be too much, I'll take you. And I know you can get back on your own. I would bring him back myself if I could, but I can't. But I can only take one of you"

Dante looked over to his desk. This could be worth it. He walked over to the wall and picked up his sword Rebellion then headed to his desk to get Ebony and Ivory. Trish walked over to him.

"You can't be serious"

"Yep, get to save a kid, get paid, and get to kick ass. I haven't been out in a while, this will be fun"

Trish's shoulder slumped.

"Well be careful then'

"Always and call Vergil, tell him what's going on and to hold the door."

Trish nodded, understanding what Dante wanted. Lilith chose that moment to speak.

"There's something else'

Dante and Trish turned to look at her, she continued.

"I want you to train Shinji. I think being in hell for this long is having an effect on him. Maybe he was inside the demon to long or maybe it's his bodies reaction to just being in hell. But he's showing signs of demon blood now. The signs are small but still there. I want you to teach him to control it if he is. I don't care about the price. Train him to be a demon hunter if you want"

Dante looked over at her.

"What is it about this kid; everybody seems interested in him all of a sudden"

Lilith just stood silent for a moment until she finally spoke. A small smile graced her face.

"I don't know about every one else but as for me. You see, Nerv found one of the body's I use to use on earth and used part of its blood to create a half breed clone of me. She looks human and Shinji has taken a liking to her. I like to think of her as something of an unknowing daughter. I'd like to see the two together."

Dante nodded.

"What the hell, lets go. I need some fun"


Some time later Shinji lay in bed with Morgan, resting his head against her shoulder while she had her arms and wings wrapped around him. He was as comfortable as he had ever been, but god did he miss everyone. Misato and Rei, Toji and Kensuke, hell he even missed Asuka right now. As he was about to fall asleep the door flew open. In came Lilith, almost frantic.

"Come on Shinji get up, you have to go"

He jumped out of bed and put on the black pants and short sleeve shirt with red trim they had given him.

"Why do I have to go?"

Lilith walked up to him and put her hands onto his shoulders.

"I found a way to get you home Shinji. Remember how I said I could go to the mortal plane but I couldn't take you. I explained it remember"

He nodded and she continued.

"Well I brought some one back who will help you get home"

Shinji pulled on the black hiking boots he had and followed Lilith into the main chamber where Dante waited.

A/n well I thought this would be kind of cool to try out for a change. Tell me what you think. And yes I know I recycled the Misato, Rei, and Asuka scene but it seemed to fit