A/N: Mwaha, Akunen is back! So yeah… Just how did I come up with this one? And who cares? Yeah. Anywho, let's get started with this!

Disclaimer: Akunen doesn't own Kingdom Hearts or anything associated with it! If she did, she'd be too busy playing new games to write fanfics.


Zexion's sense of smell was a blessing, yet a curse at the same time. Sure, he could sense when people entered the castle, where they were, and also if somebody had died. However, with that came the ability to smell other things, and they weren't always pretty…

Zexion was currently sitting on the couch, reading a book with a clothespin over his nose. He had become far too familiar with what went on in the castle. If Larxene was taking a shower, he knew what shampoo she was using. If Axel was burning something, he knew what he was burning. If Marluxia was planting flowers, he knew what flowers they were.

And when Lexaeus came out of the bathroom, Zexion knew when.

Putting a clothespin on Zexion's nose was the smartest idea Axel had in a long time.


A/N: Haha, I couldn't resist writing this lil' drabble! Sorry it's so short, but it really doesn't work long, y'know? Now, make sure to click that purple button and send in a review! Reviewers can have their very own clothespin just like Zexion's!