"Blah" – talking

Blah- Text

'Blah' – thoughts

BLAH – place/back ground

(Blah!) – Inner self talking inside their bodies and in the middle of a sentence

Blah - Inner Self

"Blah" – Inner Self takes over body

"BLAH!" – Loud, clear, firm words

"Blah" – Emphasize on word

"BLAH!" – Anger and firm clearness and also very loud words

"Blah!" – emphasize in word/song lyrics

(A/N:) – Authoress Note

Title: Uta No Kokoro

Title Translation: Song of Heart

Summary: When you were born without any parents, you can be selfish right? When you were born without any love, you aren't expected to cry right? And when you've never met someone to love, you can forget about others right? Wrong. Nobody ever believed in it, all except two. And when these two meet their complete opposites, will their point of views on life change?

Full and BETTER Summary: Uzumaki Naruto and Uchiha Sasuke were the two most popular singers of Japan. They've been performing on bunches of the largest stages in Japan and holding some of the most successful and wonderful concerts in Japan. They were selfish, never cried before, and they never met anybody to call their soulmate. All their life they've suffered, they never knew a thing called love. And their fans' obsess with them isn't worth to call love. Sasuke grew up knowing the fact that his parents and family were murdered because of his brother. Naruto grew up with everyone in his hometown despising him, hating him, because he was blamed for the death of the nicest family in their hometown, his own family. Hyuuga Hinata and Haruno Sakura were the two most popular singers in their small village. They've been performing on the streets and in small orphanages and hospitals all their life. They were kind at heart, cried bunches of times before, and they met people that have broken their hearts. All their life they've suffered, they never knew a thing called family. And the villagers weren't a real family, and neither were fan boys and some girl admirers. Sakura grew up alone with no one but her brother, being abandoned by their family at a young age because they didn't have enough money to support themselves and having two kids didn't help at all. Hinata grew up alone, being disowned by her family when she was 5 because her family were honorable people but to them, she was just trash and wasn't good enough to be a 'Hyuuga.' When you compare these two boys to these two girls, you might ask: 'How do they walk the same yet slightly different path, and be so different?' The answer? Simple. "Sometimes, a little can mean a lot." And when these boys cross paths with these girls, everything changed for them. Love. Warmth. Family. It was all there. Yet we all know happiness cannot last for a lifetime. And even if a promise if happiness was made, everyone knows promises were made to be broken.

Pairings: SakuSasu HinaNaru NejiTen InoShika [Slight ItaOC and OCOC

Updated Time and Date: Friday, October 29, 2007, 11:55 P.M.

Disclaimer: The world is soooo tough on me… they just couldn't let me own NARUTO!!! I also don't own any of the songs they sing.

Authoress Note: I just wanted to let you guys know that they all graduated from college early, yes, even Naruto, so I just wanted to put the ages of them here!

Sakura, Sasuke, Naruto, Shikamaru: 20

Hinata: 18 ½

Tenten, Neji: 20 ½

Ino, Lee, Chouji, Shino, Kiba: 19 ½

Kurenai, Kakashi, Asuma, Gai: 33

Anko: 32 ½

Tsunade, Jiraiya, Orochimaru: 50

Shizune and Genma: 29 ½

Itachi, Tsubasa, Nadeshiko, Junko: 28

Daisuke: 5

Aiko: 4

Ruri: 6 ½

Uta No Kokoro

Final Performance

A Maiden's Miracle

Sakura felt tears leaking down her cheeks without warning. She fell down on her knees and hugged her knees up to her chest and started crying. Her mom hurriedly rushed back to her and cradled her in her arms. Sakura cried out in frustration and whimpered as she shook uncontrollably.





Sasuke felt anger rise inside him as soon as Naruto hid the ground, a bullet buried into his abdomen. He bent down and shook him repeatedly. "Naruto! You idiot! Why did you do that!" he shouted and felt tears fall down his cheeks. His best friend just got a bullet meant for him!

Naruto coughed up blood and smirked at Sasuke a bit, "Looks like I'm the hero this time huh teme? I can't have Sakura die knowing that you were going to be waiting for her there first… -cough-!" Sasuke glared at him.

"Hero?! A hero to me or to yourself! Usuratonkachi!" but he was stopped when Naruto held up a thumb and grinned up at him. He bit his bottom lip until he drew blood.

"T-Teme…" Naruto whispered before closing his eyes.

Sasuke widened his eyes. There was just no way that two of the most important people in his life were going to disappear at the same time. He cried out in anguish and Neji and Shikamaru took a few steps back when they saw Sasuke's eyes turn bloody red and shining dangerously.

Sasuke looked directly at Orochimaru.


It was late evening now and the hospital visiting hours were closed. However, a bell jingled as a shadow silently walked into the hospital and up to the room Sakura was staying in. The person looked through the window and smiled a bit before opening the door quietly with a crescent shaped key.

She walked inside the room and looked at Sakura. She took Sakura's hand in hers and placed a gentle kiss on it before placing a bouquet of flowers on the table and a single feather on the table. The light shone on her to reveal that she had silky periwinkle hair tied into a high left sided ponytail that reached her thighs, attached to her hair tie was a silver chopstick with two dangling charms, one was a white feather with a pearl on top while the other was a diamond crescent moon. She had left side swept bangs and side bangs that reached her chin and cupped her small face.

She looked like she was about 13-16. Her deep indigo eyes glanced at Sakura and she bent over to place a kiss on Sakura's cheek before whispering something into her ear. She walked out of the room and locked the door once again using that strange silver key before disappearing down the hallway.

"Onee-sama, wake up, onegai…"

Sakura looked up at Kami-sama and tried her best to speak the things on her mind. "K-Kami-sama… p-please… I don't want to die yet… I really don't… There are too many people I love… Hinata… Naruto… Ino… Shikamaru… Tenten… Kiba… Neji… Akamaru… Momo… Lee… Shino… Chouji… Nadeshiko… Tsubasa… Itachi… Junko… Aiko… Daisuke… Ruri…" she hesitated. "A-And… S-Sasuke…kun…"

She saw how Kami-sama turned towards her in a curious manner and smiled a bit. "I asked you what your final decision was earlier, and you said that you wanted everything to end and I'm granting you your request. And yet now you are telling me to stop in the middle of procedure?" Sakura bit her bottom lip, "-Sighs-… I guess this cannot be helped, Akuma-sama must be very sad he cannot receive a new attendant today, very well then, this is your second and final chance. But you can only wake up after something moves you emotionally, something very powerful."

Sakura nodded thankfully and hugged her parents and felt herself being lifted off the ground again.

"Have a nice life Sakura-san."

Orochimaru screeched when a bullet came in contact with his hand. He gasped a bit before retrieving a knife and throwing it at Sasuke who caught it lazily between his fingers and smirked at Orochimaru. "You think I'll let you live after you messed with Sakura and Naruto? As if teme. If I have to die with you then so be it."

The two pointed their guns to each other's heads at the same time. Sasuke smirked wider, a malicious smirk it was. "I'll see you in hell."

Hinata laid down on her bed and drew the covers up closer to her chin and looked at the picture of her and Sakura on her 10th birthday. Sakura was the one that planned her birthday party and had given her such a huge surprise, she was crying so much. The picture showed a shy Hinata sitting on her knees on the grass with a grinning Sakura hugged her from behind.

The colorful pink and purple frame of the picture read below, 'Cherries and Lavenders.' She felt tears nearly falling down her eyes again, but this time, she successfully stopped the tears from falling. It was hard to get Ino and Tenten to safely go back to their own apartments to sleep and have a nice long rest for tomorrow.

They were planning on going to the park tomorrow, something Sakura wanted to do a lot when she was still there for them. Sakura's favorite place to eat was actually a picnic at any park on a warm sunny day with just everyone there to eat with her. She loved a warm breezy day where you could feel the sun warming you up with a slight breeze to balance it out.

Hinata wiped away a tear that was forming at her eyes and smiled bravely. For Sakura, she wasn't going to cry anymore. "Get well soon Sakura-chan…"

Ino looked at the picture she had on her bedside table. It was a cute picture of a smiling 12 year old Sakura that was stationed on a branch of a cherry blossom tree on a spring day. The pink frame of the picture read on the left side of the frame, 'My Cherry Blossom.' Ino thought it was funny when she bought the frame with Sakura there.

Sakura kept telling her she didn't want to be known as her cherry blossom plus a picture. Ino sighed as she fingered Sakura's smile and couldn't help but smile herself. So many memories with the pink haired lady… you'd think she'd have 1000 full bottles filled with memories by now… each one of how she first met Sakura and the things they did for each other…

They would share everything and tell each other all their deepest secrets. Ino would be there for Sakura when someone teased her about her forehead and Sakura would be there for Ino when someone just wanted to make fun of the fashion diva. Ino sniffed a bit as she looked at the window.

Sakura said the thing she loved best about night was that sometimes, everything would be at just the right balance and you could see silver stars glinting so brightly, "Are you a star now Forehead Girl?"

Tenten looked at the picture of her, Sakura, Ino, and Hinata when they were 5 with her being 6. They were at the beach and the picture was of them splashing water upon each other while smiling widely. At that time, Ino didn't know how to swim yet and was scared to go down near the water but Sakura helped her in.

Tenten and Hinata would be talking furiously, saying how it was funny to see the ever so confident Yamanaka girl be afraid of water. Sakura would scold them for doing that and Ino would pout so much, it would look much like her cheeks were going to burst from puffing up too much. Sakura was a cutie too.

Tenten and Sakura were each other's bodyguards. Sakura standing up for Tenten when someone felt like making fun of her tomboy-ness and Tenten for Sakura when someone wanted to say one of her bad points just for show. Tenten smiled at the picture and the frame that said, 'Four Flowers.' Ino had picked it out for her 11th birthday…

Tenten hugged the picture close to her chest as she laid her forehead on her desk and closed her eyes. "Sakura…"

Sasuke pressed the trigger and as soon as he did, he dodged the bullet Orochimaru shot. But before Orochimaru hit the ground, he managed to slash Sasuke across the back with his knife. Sasuke coughed up blood, Neji was taking care of Naruto so Shikamaru rushed up to Sasuke. Sasuke looked at Orochimaru who still looked alive.

Orochimaru smirked and stood up, twirling a knife in his hand while the other hand was covering the bleeding part with the bullet dug inside it. Sasuke groaned and lazily got his gun out again. Shikamaru took the gun from his hand instead and aimed it straight at Orochimaru who narrowed his eyes.




At that same moment, Orochimaru got shot two times, one by Shikamaru, the other by a shadow. The shadow looked at Orochimaru as he hit the ground and walked over to him. Orochimaru groaned as he looked at Sasuke through his pained eyes, "I'll get you some day Sasuke… trust me I will… Orochimaru does not die easily…"

The shadow slapped Orochimaru across the face and injected something into him that made him fall asleep. The shadow spoke with their back turned to the boys, "If you want that blonde head to recover, I suggest you bring him to a hospital. You too black cat." The voice revealed the shadow to be a girl no older than 15.

She picked Orochimaru off and carried his body to the broken window and jumped out of the window before the boys knew what was happening. Shikamaru suddenly groaned, the third bang belonged to the bullet Orochimaru shot out to Shikamaru. He clutched his arm and cursed before looking at the others.

"Well… that was easy, some minor injuries, but I suspect that he's coming back." The boys just nodded. "Let's get idiot head to the hospital," he groaned as he helped Sasuke stand up and Neji helped Naruto.

The four walked out of the room, limping, oblivious to the stares around them. A dark chuckle was heard before vanishing again.

"Oh so many things you don't know that's in store for you… Orochimaru is such a fool…"

As soon as the four had entered the hospital, after about an hour long of Neji's reckless driving so that they could get to the same hospital Sakura was in, in Suna, the nurses took one look at that them and called for stretchers immediately. Sasuke grunted, hating to be treated like this by people, unwillingly lied down on the stretcher after some persuading.

Minutes after news spread of their fight, Itachi and Junko arrived, looking horror stricken and raced to the emergency room that held Naruto, Sasuke, and Shikamaru. Neji was guilty for being the only one with minor injuries while Naruto was shot right in the abdomen, Sasuke a long gash on his back, and Shikamaru a bullet in his left arm.

He wondered if it was freaky to be sad that you were in perfect condition while your friends were near death. After a 2 hours, Shikamaru and Sasuke appeared in hospital pajamas, Sasuke on a wheelchair temporarily and Shikamaru driving the wheelchair. Sasuke said he wanted to go to Sakura's for a bit and Neji nodded, promising to call him if Naruto's condition was mentioned immediately.

Itachi handed a box to Sasuke that he placed in his pocket and thanked Itachi for getting it for him.

Shikamaru drove Sasuke there and left him there for him to get some privacy.

Sasuke held Sakura's hand in his and planted a kiss on it, not noticing that there was a bouquet of flowers on her desk already. He looked at her with loving eyes and began talking. "Sakura… Naruto and I resigned from our singing careers… but Orochimaru didn't want to let us go without a fight… Naruto the idiot dove into a shot that was meant for me and got his ass into an emergency room… -sighs-…"

He felt tears forming in his eyes when he saw that Sakura was nowhere near to waking up. "Sakura… when are you going to wake up? I'm sorry… it wasn't my fault though, really… those two women jumped on me before I had time to react… I love you Sakura… and only you…" he whispered against her hand.

He reached into his pocket to get a small green box and smiled at her. "I wanted to give this to you so badly Sakura…" he muttered as he opened the box to reveal a gorgeous promise ring that consisted of a silver band with a heart shaped pink diamond on the center of the band. "This officially states that I, Uchiha Sasuke, promise that when you are ready, I will propose to you whether the answer will be yes or no." he kissed her palm again.

"I love you Sakura… I really do…" he slipped the ring on her left ring finger and smiled a crooked smile at her, his voice broke as he began talking again, "I don't know what I'd do without the love of my life and my best friend by my side Sakura… please come back to me… come back to me and everyone else…" he closed his eyes, laying his head on the bedside and fell asleep.

Kami-sama smiled at Sakura as he looked at her fragile face stained with tears from hearing everything Sasuke said. "Looks like you're emotionally moved, Sakura-san… are you ready?"

Sakura took a deep breath before nodding. "H-Hai…" Kami-sama smiled and lent her his hand which she happily took.

"Then let's go back."

It was half an hour after he fell asleep that her apple green eyes slowly opened, she blinked awhile to get her eyes to focus. When she looked down and saw her hand cupped inside another hand, she smiled. Her eyes teared up when she saw the ring around her ring finger. She looked at Sasuke and stroked his hand with her own. "S-Sasuke-kun…" her voice was unsteady.

He stirred awhile before his mind registered it and he widened his eyes. "S-Sakura?!" Sakura giggled and nodded. Sasuke gaped for a while before immediately jumping on her, tackling her into a hug. "S-Sakura… I missed you… You're here to stay right?" Sakura nodded and smiled at him, her green eyes sparkling.

Sasuke felt tears leak out of his eyes and looked up at her hopefully. "Forgive me?" he whispered.

She smiled her heartbreaking smile. "Forgiven." He smirked a bit before capturing her lips with his own.

It was morning now and everyone returned to the hospital and went to Sakura's room first. Sasuke had left to go to Naruto's room a little earlier. The door to Sakura's room burst open and everyone's jaws dropped down to the ground when they saw her propped on one elbow, reading her magazine.

She looked up when she heard them and smiled. "Oh? Hi you guys. How's it been?" it took them a full minute to register what happened in their minds before they all gasped.


Sakura laughed, "You got it nincompoops! Now anybody mind taking me to the Baka No. Naruto's room?" everyone surrounded her in hugs first before they fought over who got to help her to Naruto's room.




"C-Can I?"







Sakura sighed and looked at them, "How about you all do and escort the princess to her idiotic friend?" she joked. They all looked at each other before grinning sheepishly.


When they reached his room, they saw him talking to Sasuke. He froze when he saw Sakura though. "SAKURA-CHAN!" he shouted. Sakura laughed as she strode over to his bed with Hinata helping her.

"Why hello there Idiot No.1, Sasuke-kun told me about your little field day! Wasn't exciting to be a hero huh?" she saw how Naruto shook his head with a lazy grin on his face. She giggled, "I thought so as much."

Nadeshiko smiled, "This is great how we all get to be here together again…" everyone smiled.

Tsubasa grinned widely. "I propose a toast of hands! To the future!" they all laughed as they clinged 'hands.'

"To the future!"

3 years later…

22 year old Sakura skimmed over the pages of her favorite book- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows over and over again, reading the ending with a smile on her face. Satisfied that Hermione and Ron ended up together and that Harry managed to find someone other than Cho Chang, she herself thought that Ginny was quite cute actually.

She sighed again and leaned back onto the cherry blossom tree. She wasn't surprised when two arms wrapped themselves around her slender neck and a voice whispered into her ears, "You're early today…" he breathed into her hair as she smiled and closed her book to look up at him. He raised an eyebrow and smirked, waiting for her to retort.

"Well you're late!" she retorted, exactly what he thought would be of it. He laughed and helped her stand up. It wasn't long before more voices reached them. Ino and Shikamaru arrived together, Ino carrying a basket of fruits and flowers while Shikamaru was lazily following her with a smirk on his face.

Tenten and Neji were next, Tenten was hugging Neji's arm happily as the two strode over to Sakura and Sasuke's spot under the cherry blossom tree. Hinata and Naruto were walking side by side next to each other, both were blushing incredibly. Next were Kiba and Shino, Kiba telling them that Momo was at his house right now, resting up since giving birth to her and Akamaru's 9 pups. Lee and Chouji arrived next, Lee was somehow really hyper and Chouji brought more chips than usual.

Nadeshiko, Tsubasa, Ruri, Itachi, Junko, Daisuke, and Aiko arrived next, each family carrying basket of food and sporting a camera was Junko. The three kids happily chased each other around the tree while Sakura made sure they didn't fall while also keeping track of what Sasuke was doing so he won't come close to molesting her (wink, wink)!

Kurenai, Gai, Asuma, Tsunade, Shizune, Kakashi, and Anko showed up last, Tsunade carrying bottles and bottles of sake.

Junko smiled before turning to them, "Come on you guys! Let's take a picture!" she set up the camera and ran back to the group. Everyone was fussing, "Ok, 1, 2, 3, smile!"



The adults were in the back smiling while the teens in the middle and the three last kids in front. Sakura was hugging Sasuke's side with one of Sasuke's arms around her waist. Ino was sharing a sweet short kiss with Shikamaru. Tenten and Neji stood really close to each other with Tenten's head on Neji's shoulder. Hinata was blushing furiously because Naruto's arm was around her shoulder. Nadeshiko and Tsubasa were bending down on the left front side and hugging each other while facing the camera. Junko and Itachi were on the right front side, kneeling with Itachi's hand around Junko's waist, Daisuke was in the front middle with Aiko and Ruri latched onto each of his arms, he had a bright blush on his face.

Sometimes, smiles were the sole things that made someone's day…

"Uh… you guys… I have to go… really badly!"



The same shadow that visited Sakura and carried Orochimaru smiled while leaning out from behind the tree. "Congratulations… Sakura-onee-sama…"


Oh my gosh… the ending sucked didn't it? I just know that the ending sucked a lot! T-T Wha! Well the sequel will be up next month so stay tuned! Wow… I still can't believe that the story is over… whoa… seriously… WHOA… it's been 5 months since I created this story… it's like… WOW….

Hehe, I really don't know what to say because I've never completed a whole story before so… just… wow… but what I do know is that you guys have been awesome! So thank you SO much:D

:. Review Thanks Corner .:

kerapal bubbles



shadow stripe







Credits in this chapter goes to asianangelgirl! Her idea was really something alright, hers and Entoxica's combined, actually. I'm so happy that you guys helped me with this last chapter. I'm sorry if it didn't meet your expectations but I really tried my best, truly. So thank you A LOT!

Credited Parts

The idea of having Sasuke doing something and giving something for Sakura to have her wake up because he moved her emotionally

THANK YOU SO MUCH TO Entoxica and asianangelgirl!

Oh my gosh… oh my gosh… I can't believe it's over! Well stay tuned for the sequel coming up! Should be here next month!

Hope I'll see you guys in the next story! I will post the information about the story as soon as I start writing the first chapter of it:)


Kokoro No Kodou

When the beat of your heart gets tangled with the beat of my heart…