AN: I've been really inspired by an author whose story I've been reading that is extremely well made! If you want to know what it is, the authors name is distant6 and the story is called Broken Glass. Read it! You won't be disappointed! Sorry if some –cough—cough- things are wrong about the placement and stuff, but I don't really know but would like those characters to be with him to stat things off. Sorry if I offend anyone!!!


Delicate Heart

Silence lingered in the car as the blond boy held his backpack on his knees, his hands slightly trembling.

"Are you alright?"
A woman with crimson eyes took a hand off the steering wheel, reaching out to him. He flinched, backing away closer to the window. She withdrew her hand and placed it back on the wheel, a frown of disappointment etched in her face.

"Mr. Iruka will be taking care of you for a while. Please try to behave yourself…this is hard for you, I know…but Mr. Iruka is a kind man with a good heart, so you don't have to worry about him like the others. He has many children to take care of and a very hard job. I'd appreciate it if you were on your best behavior."

She turned her head to him for a quick moment, seeing him fiddling with the loose straps on his backpack to keep him busy and his mind on something else.

"He is a single man as well, so it'll be extra hard. We only allowed him to take care of children because he is clearly able to maintain control and has a salary high enough to support an even larger family."

She tried to get him to speak, but her effort was in vain.

"Do you want to know about the children we assigned to him?"
He slowly shook his head, looking out the window to his side, seeing a car whizzing past them.

"Are you sure? He's taking care of four boys and one girl. Don't worry; you'll have fun, Naruto."

A sign rushed past them as they continued onwards, leaving behind memories and about to create new ones in the new town.

"We're almost there. Want to stop for some hot chocolate? It's raining pretty hard outside…"

He shook his head yet again, a large, cold stone sitting heavily in his stomach.

"I'll get one for you anyways incase you want it after."

They pulled up towards a small café, the woman driving in a parking place.

"Will you be fine in the car for a few minutes alone?"

He nodded, his mouth still refusing to open. She smiled and closed the door, locking it. Naruto opened his bag and browsed through his belongings again, making sure he left nothing behind in his last home. Even if he did, there was no way to retrieve it. His eyes traveled to the small name tag on a chord hanging from the mirror. It read: Yuuhi Kurenai. His throbbed from a headache, making him enjoy the silence even more. He saw the social worker named Kurenai running back towards the car, unlocking it.

"It's pour rain outside!"

She exclaimed, a smile on her lips. She had been working with Naruto for a while, knowing that he used to have a brilliant smile the first time she met him. The second time, it faded so fast. Within two months, it was gone. After the second home, he refused to speak with anybody. This was, currently, his fifth home he was going to within seven months. Before that, he was living with a relative whom passed away. After was the orphanage, and then foster care… then started the horrible months of torture.

"Careful, it's hot."

She placed the paper cups in the cup holder, as if Naruto was going to take one.

"We're about fifteen minutes away from Mr. Iruka's home. Please, drink that quickly but don't burn yourself."

She started up the car again and began to drive away. Naruto closed his bag, staring at the hot chocolate.

"Go ahead. It won't bite. Besides, if you don't take it, who will?"

Naruto's hand hesitantly reached over to the cup, feeling the heat warm his cold, bony fingers.

"If you finish your drink before me, I promise you I'll visit you within a week."

Naruto's eyes sparked, picking up his drink quickly. Her usual visits would only happen within a month, but because of that, it allowed the caretaker to do so many things so freely, he always hid in fear.

"Do you think that you can do me a favor?"
He looked up at her with innocent, hardened eyes.

"Reach in the back and pick up the bag that's there."

Naruto placed his cup back in the cup holder, taking up the bag.

"Open it. Whatever is in there is yours."

Naruto opened the bag, pulling out a small book and pen with a camera.

"I want you to record everything that happens to you when you're in that house. Who knows? You might catch some good moments!"

She saw him stare at the expensive item in awe.

"Yes, it's really yours. It used to be mine, but my days are boring. So I have no use for it."

Naruto looked up at her, then the camera, placing it carefully in his bag. He then took a closer look at his journal, a realistic picture of a fox with it's snout in the air covered it.

"I know how much you like foxes, so have fun."

She pulled up in a driveway with a large house stood. There were people waiting outside. Kurenai smiled.

"That's your new family."

Naruto took note of their fancy clothing that they wore for the occasion and wondered why.

Kurenai parked, getting out of the car and beckoned to Naruto to do the same. He sank deep in his seat, putting his new belongings away and opening the door with dread.

"This is Uzumaki Naruto. The new recruit."

Kurenai introduced him. Iruka smiled kindly and held out a hand to shake with Naruto. He simply stared at it and backed away, bumping into a boy with a high ponytail.

"Watch it, next time."
He gulped and remembered the hot chocolate in the car that remained untouched.


"He's been…quiet for sometime now. Don't be too hard on him, okay everyone?"
Iruka explained, still smiling. They nodded and slowly went back into the house, leaving the three alone.

"Are you ready, Naruto?"

He looked down, not answering.

"I'll see you in a week, then."

He felt guilty for making her do so while losing the bet. She tried to hug him, only to have him flinch back. Her eyes drooped in sadness.

"Okay, then…bye. Iruka, he has everything with him."

"That's great. Thanks, Kurenai."

She waved bye and went back into the car, starting it up. They turned around when they heard the car door open. They turned around, Kurenai walking out with Naruto's hot chocolate. She smiled and handed it to him.

"Have a good time."
She waved and this time, really did drive away. Naruto watched until her car was no longer in view.

"Okay, Naruto, is it? Let's show you your room."


Naruto set his backpack on a bed that was across from three others. He looked up to see their fancy clothes strewn across the bed. He shook his head and sat down, Iruka leaving him alone to get acquainted with the family.

He didn't feel like it at the time, so he went back towards his bed and sat down on it, opening it up and taking out his journal, beginning to write while finishing his hot chocolate.

June 25

My name is Uzumaki Naruto and I am ten years old. My favorite animal is a fox and favorite color is orange. I have seven bruises, eight scratches, and six scars on my face. The person I care about in this world and is alive now is Ms. Kurenai. I hate everyone else. I just came to this home and already made someone mad.


He ended his entry quickly, just wanting to record his first hour. He noticed a boy in the corner of the room watching him quietly. The two stared at each other until the other boy stood up.

"Wanna come watch a movie with us?"
The boy with dark hair grabbed his wrist, not waiting for an answer.

"My name is Sasuke."

Naruto tried to pull his arm away, falling back against the bed.

"Told you it wouldn't work. Come on, guys…Hinata's not going to wait for us forever, you know."

A boy with red paint on his face came out from hiding from under the bed.

"I'm Kiba."



"And then there's the girl waiting for us. Her name is Hinata. Come on, new guy."

Kiba walked up to Naruto now and pushed him out of the room, making him freak out until he grabbed his hand and lead him to the basement.

Naruto looked around the clean basement and saw a girl with short, black hair putting a on a movie, sitting down with popcorn on the table in a large bowl.


Shikamaru shuffled his feet and flopped down on a couch, Choji already snacking on the popcorn.

"Mr. Iruka is working, so we can't bother him now."

Sasuke told Naruto, whom stood still on the stairs.

"Come sit."

Naruto licked his dry lips, looking around.

"Are you deaf!?"

Kiba yelled towards the blond, making him begin to tremble. He turned around and ran back towards his room. Shikamaru sighed.

"Mr. Iruka told you to be careful."

"He didn't tell us that he was deaf."

"He's not deaf…were you paying attention at all?"
Kiba sighed and took a seat next to Choji.

"Whatever. Can't force him to do whatever he doesn't want to do."


Naruto had the window open, he sitting on the roof that was easily accessible.

"Aren't you coming?"

The small boy turned around to see Sasuke. He shook his head.

"Why don't you speak?"

Naruto closed his eyes and opened them, looking down.

"You can tell me…I promise I won't tell anyone. Not even Mr. Iruka…pinky promise?"

Naruto looked up to see Sasuke's pinky poised in the air. He slowly linked his finger with his, feeling the stone in his stomach grow heavier.

Naruto squint his eyes, about to open his mouth, but Choji appeared through the window.

"Hey, it's time for supper!"

He called to them. Naruto dashed past Sasuke, using supper as an excuse.

The two went back inside with wet clothes on. It was only lightly damp.

"We're having pizza! Mr. Iruka ordered in because he's working late!"

Choji explained to them happily.


Sasuke extended a hand, trying to catch Naruto before he could tear past him.


Naruto stared at the pizza in front of him, Iruka smiling gladly at Naruto.

"So, why don't you tell us a little about you, Naruto?"
Everyone scooted towards the edge of their seat, staring intently towards the blond. His gaze never left the single slice that was in front of him.

"Mr. Iruka! I don't think he's well! He hasn't spoken the entire time!"

Choji spoke up, Kiba nodding in agreement.

"Well, maybe he doesn't want to speak now."

"How did you get those scars?"
Kiba pried, trying to get him to speak. Naruto quickly raised his hands to hide the slash marks on his cheeks.

"Kiba! What did I tell you?!"

The boy sighed in defeat.

"No asking questions unless you say so…"

He grumbled, slinking down in his seat. The frail blond let his hands drop.

"Do you want to tell everyone your name?"
"We all know it by now, what's the use of him telling us?"
Shikamaru spoke up in his bored tone, picking off the pepper on his pizza.


The pineapple-headed boy looked up at the ceiling, as if finding something interesting in it.

"How 'bout we make some cupcakes tomorrow?"
Everyone in the room excluding Naruto cheered.

"But you have to help me wash the dishes tonight. There's another large shift I'm going to have to pull tonight so I'll be up for a long time if anybody needs me."

Naruto knew that the comment was directed mainly towards him, making him feel guilty as if he had done something wrong and needed a confession.

"So, who wants to help me, then?"

"For the cupcakes!"

Choji raised a hand in the air, thinking solely of the scrumptious food that would satisfy his sweet tooth. They laughed, not noticing Naruto slipping under the table and creeping away from the table.

"N-Naruto…. Where are you going?"
Hinata stopped him in his tracks, everyone turning their heads towards him.

"Come back here. You have to eat a little bit at least…"

Iruka told him, worried about his health even though it wasn't an exactly healthy meal that they were eating. He had no choice but to walk back to his chair in shame at being caught.

"Have you ever had pizza before?"
He shook his head at Sasuke's question. Choji let out an audible gasp, standing up dramatically and letting his chair fall over.
"No way! Where have you—wow…you…NO! EAT PIZZA NOW!"
He was in a loss for words, not caring if he was using proper grammar skills like he was usually supposed to. All the kids stood up, waiting for Naruto to take a bite of pizza. All eyes were on him. There was nothing else he could do. He picked up the slice and put it in his mouth, chewing slowly. It DID taste good…then again…food was food…this did have some…pizzazz though…he couldn't help himself but to take another bite. The kids smiled in triumph. Iruka's teeth gleamed as he leaned in closer.

"Okay, finish eating everyone. I'm going to throw the boxes out."

They're mouths were too full of pizza to answer.


Naruto was curled up in a ball under the covers, listening to the patter of rain soothe him. Tears fell out of his eyes. Who were these kind people? Why were they doing this to him when they only just met?

A clap of thunder surprised him, making him jump slightly before settling back into the warmth of the covers. He could never really sleep deeply. He was always afraid that something would happen to him. He sniffled, wiping some tears from his eyes, hoping he would stop to cry soon but could feel more tears coming. It was a mixture of emotions of happiness, sadness, and confusion that caused him to cry. He just wanted to be with Kurenai at the time. The only person he really felt safe with.

"Are you okay?"
Naruto felt a hand on his back, hearing Sasuke's voice.

"Do you want to go with Mr. Iruka? We all did on our first day…"

Truthfully, he wanted to actually be alone.

"I know it's weird to be living with us…Mr. Iruka is a good person, don't worry."

Sasuke smiled, seeing that Naruto wasn't flinching from his touch.

"Tomorrow is gonna be warm…Mr. Iruka has extra bathing suits…we could go down the

Creek and swim…"

Sasuke heard him let out a strangled sob.

"Here…Mr. Iruka said that this is the comfort bear…everyone used him once, least…even me…"

He handed Naruto a beat up bear.

"I'm gonna go back to sleep…you should too."

He was about to stand up, Naruto grabbed his pajama.

"I'm scared…"

The tiny voice escaped the pale lips belonging to Naruto. Sasuke was taken back at hearing the blond's voice.

"It's okay…I'm right here."

Naruto nodded and let out a shuddered breath, closing his eyes.

"Good night, Naruto."

There was no reply.


AN: OO NO! THIS IS NOT SASU/NARU! DON'T ASK! They're 10 years old…please, save the shonen-ai for another story. I don't know why I used Kurenai as the hero in Naruto's eyes. I just did. R&R please!!!