
Disclaimer: I do not own LWD.

Author's Note: Last Chapter.

Derek watched Casey walk up the avenue towards the hotel. He was walking at least seven steps behind her because he didn't want to upset her, plus he liked watching her walk. Dark storm clouds had seemed to form above them. After a couple moments he finally spoke.

"Case." He called out frightened. "Are you okay?"



"I'm not deaf you idiot." She spat coldly. Derek was shocked he stopped walking.

"You would think if someone wasn't answering you. You'd leave them alone. Then again. I'm talking to Derek, who has the IQ of something you'd find under a rock. I mean you only serve one purpose in life. To fuck, and frankly you suck at that too." She sneered in a really ugly tone. Derek was actually hurt; he had never heard Casey talk like that about anyone.

"Hey, I was just seeing if you were alright." He scoffed not trying to show his hurt. "Ya didn't have to go into bitch mode."

She stopped and spun around tears forming in her perfectly lined eyes. "Derek!" She started to say in a pleading voice. "Please, can't you see?!" She said grabbing at her head and thrashing around.

"See what?" He said clueless.

"From the moment I set foot on that cruise, it's like god has been telling me he wants us to get together. Everywhere I look there are signs. It scares me. My god Derek. Don't you see them too?" It had begun to rain. She stood there, arms down by her side and makeup smearing waiting for her answer.

"I-I mean….Casey…there's…" He stuttered, dumbfounded.

"I mean we have kissed, flirted, fucked, and then all the other signs." She said pacing a little from side to side. "Like Michael and Molly…I mean Derek please, tell me I'm not crazy. Tell me you feel it too." Her last words were hushed so only he could hear them if he wanted too.

He took a couple steps closer and crossed his arms.

"Casey. Are you saying you were making those 'mistakes' on purpose?" He said pulling his shoulders back.

"No, I'm saying that they weren't mistakes at all." She said jaw clenched and her heart on the line. He thought she looked drop dead gorgeous. Just standing there, with this hopeless look in her eyes and drenching wet.

"Finally." He said as he threw down his arms and took another lunch forward and grabbed her and kissed her.

He wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her closer to him. She let her arms entangle in his hair. Her lips formed to his in a heated and passionate kiss before his tongue opened her mouth. A moan caught in her throat as his hands found the rim of her shirt. She shook her head noteing the time wasn't right yet, they took a couple staggering steps back until Casey hit the side of a building.

"Derek." She groaned from the impact as his hands could no longer contain their excitement and explored where they should roam.

After what seemed like years, they broke apart. Needing lots of air and warmth.

"We should get back to the hotel." Casey said extending a hand to him.

He smirked as he took her hand a replied with. "Yeah. Let's go there."

"Maybe have a drink?" She said lightly as they began to walk again.

"What about our no drinking near each other rule?"

She eyed him up and down. "I think I could make an exception. There are always exceptions to my rules."

He smiled and evil smile as he let go of her hand and ran ahead. They reached the hotel within minutes. Panting they entered the hotel lobby, dripping wet. She twirled, letting her soaking hair out and strutted into the bar.

"Can I have a bottle of whiskey, please?" Casey said with a smile. The bartender gave her a smile and handed the bottle with the bill. She signed then turned to smile to Derek. Derek grabbed Casey's hand and ran to the elevator, up to their floor and into their room as fast as they could.

As soon as the door closed Casey felt Derek's lips against her skin, slowly inching their way up to her mouth. She let out a giggle as she pulls Derek closer by the buckle of his belt, which was painfully pushing into her ribs.

When his lips finally met hers she was the one to let her tongue explore. He smirked against her as she opened the bottle while holding her. They broke apart after several heated minutes. She took a huge gulp before choking slightly. He smiled at her attempt before downing half the bottle. Casey gaped astounded. She finished off what little there was. Next thing she knew she was being lifted and flung onto the coffee table/couch.

Casey broke apart form Derek's tonsil hockey to moan out.

"Mmmm Derek!" She moaned as she arched her back. "Not on this thing." Derek nodded as he took her mouth and now placed her on the bed. Then everything went black.


Casey felt the light on her face as she rolled over and saw the sleeping face of Derek. They had passed out. While having Sex. Casey broke out laughing. Derek woke to see her laughing and kinda arched an eyebrow. Then realizing it himself he kinda chuckled.

"Derek." Casey said as she stopped laughing.

"Yes, Case." He said as he found his boxer and slipped them on.

"Are we gunna be like this when we go back to Canada?" She said serious.

"Like what?" Derek said as he walked into the bathroom.

Casey took a deep breathe. "Like a couple?"

"Uhm." Derek said from in the bathroom.

That wasn't the reaction Casey wanted, she felt her heart sink to the bottom of her stomach and she was holding back tears the best that she can. "Then what am I to you, a fuck buddy!?" She screamed throwing a mug at the bathroom door.

"NO, Casey." Derek said seriously as he emerged from the bathroom.
"You're not a fuck buddy. It's just…I mean I do really like you. More than a step-brother should."

"I would assume." She spat arms crossed.

"Yes, and I would assume…it would just be hard to 'be a couple' in Canada. Here no one knew us…and well, there everyone does."

"But we could keep it a secret, right?" Casey asked as more of a plea.

"We could, but for how long? Everywhere I go…I'll see you and want top do things….then if I see you with other guys…"

"And I'm suppose to be all dandy with girls dripping off you?!"



"Casey, it's just. Don't you think someone will find out?"

"Not if we are careful." Casey said getting out of bed and wrapping the bed sheet around her.

"Yeah, well careful isn't so good when it comes to me." He said as he took a couple steps near her.

"But Derek….I really want to make this work."

Derek sighed and looked into her eyes; she could see it was killing him to be the responsible one. "Casey…" He grabbed her and kissed her so passionately it was like no one else in the world mattered. "We will try. But if someone catches us or someone gets really suspicious we've got to end it. Agreed?"

Casey nodded and smiled as she kissed him again. He smirked and laid her back down on the bed. "Derek, we don't have enough time." She giggled.

"Ok then, I'll be quick." He said peaking at her underneath the sheets.

That not what I ment." She giggled. Then she rolled over to stare at the clock. It was two-thirty. They had to leave at three. Casey yelped. Derek fell off the bed.

"Derek! Get dressed quick! We are late!" Casey screamed.

"Are you serious?!" Derek shoved his clothes on, while Casey struggled with hers. They were out of the hotel within ten minutes. They caught a cab to the dock and saw the cruise coming toward them.

Casey smiled as she let go of Derek's hand. Derek smirked as he leaned against the post.

"Typical." Casey murmured as she rolled her eyes.

Voila! It's done. Seriously. Yay! Don't worry; my sequel will be up around Tuesday maybe. Enjoy.