
Disclaimer: I do not own Life with Derek. :

Author's Note: Heyy. This idea was just bouncing around in my head and just wanted it to fly out. Please review if ya want me to update. Thankies.


I woke up to the load banging of pots. Marti has been trying to 'replace' the drummer in my band ever since he moved to New York.

"Smarti!" I yelled. I felt the hangover coming on.

She popped her head through the crack of my door way. "Yes, Smerek?" She said.

"Hey could we play drummer later on this afternoon?" I said trying to sound as sweet as possible.

"Okay, Smerek." She said excited. I turned over and pulled the covers up, I fell asleep for a total of two minutes when I was awoken to the shriek of….Casey.

"Der-ek!" She screamed. Seriously what part of 'Hang-over' to people not seems to comprehend?!

She stormed into my room red faced. "Derek where did you put my." She yelled. I held up her blow-dryer.

"Oh. Why did you steal my blow-dryer?!" She said looking for a fight. I didn't answer.

"Derek answer me!" She said as she kicked me in my back. Okay this bitch is going down.

I threw the covers off of me. I went over to her, picked her up carried her to her room and flung her on to her bed. I pointed to my face and said, "Hung-over. Don't talk."

She sat there petrified. I walked away.

"Derek don't forget." She said sweetly. "We're leaving in two hours." I froze in my place, it couldn't be. Could it? I searched for my cell phone in my pants, which I had fallen asleep in. I found it and opened it; it's June 13th. Shit. We are supposed to leave for our 'First Family Vacation'. I shuddered. It was 9:05 am. I could feel Casey's smile burn a whole in the back of my head. I looked left. The bathroom was right across from me, I smiled and I saw Casey's face panic.

"Derek, no!" She said as she ran my way. I ran into the bathroom and locked the door in her face. I took a twenty-minute shower. When I got out it was 9:30. I went into my room and took two aspirins and stared packing. I got dressed and brought the stuff downstairs, by that time it was ten minutes till eleven. I had one suitcase and a back, Casey had three suitcases, a backpack and a purse.

"Casey we are going for two weeks, not for a year." I said looking for her.

"Well Derek, just because I am not a slob and can actually remember and pack ahead." She said as she walked down the stairs, I kinda tuned her out. She was wearing a yellow bikini under a see through white tee and a mini skirt.

"Geez. Case. Didn't know you shopped at slut barn." I smirked in disgust. "Meaning I didn't know they sold your size."

Her face froze in horror she looked down at her outfit, and then frowned. I'd won. Like I always do. "Mom, I'm gunna go change my outfit!" She yelled as she began up the stairs.

Does she take what I say that seriously? I was about to tell her no to go change.

"No time Casey! Come on kids. Let's load up." Nora said as she was rushing around with bags and heading out the door.

It took another forty-minute to get loaded up and ready. "We are going on a cruise?" Marti asked confused.

"Yeah!" Lizzie said obviously more excited then me.

"As long as there are hot girls there I am totally fine." I said as I popped my collar up.

"Ew." Casey said. "Let's just hope we don't sink like in the Titanic.

Everyone froze and looked uneasy. "I don't wanna die!" Marti said with tears.

"Nice going Casey." I said laughing as everyone was calming Marti down.

We reached the loading dock and walked aboard it was nice, a five start cruise line. I saw dozens of hot chicks in bikini's walking around, most giggling and eyeing me. This is definitely how I want to spend my summer. I smiled to myself. "Derek and Edwin. You're in room 331. Casey and Lizzie you're in room 332. Me, your mother, and Marti are in room….433?! Wait that isn't right lemme go check this out." George said as he walked back to the check in counter. I grabbed my key and began to unpack. My dad came and found me and Edwin the room.

"Hey guys. Uhm me and Nora are a floor above you guys. Derek no girls in the room, at all." I frowned. "We are meeting up for dinner at six." He smiled.

"Uhm Dad, there is only one bed." I said confused.

"I know Derek; you're going to have to share." He said as he closed the door.

"Screw that. Ed, you sleeping on the floor. I'm gunna go get a girl." I said as I slipped the room key into my pocket and left to go look at the pencil then babes swimming.

Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Casey's POV xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

I was re-organizing my outfits in my dresser when George came bursting in.

"Hey girls, okay me and your mom our one floor above you." He said with an uneasy smile. "Casey please keep an eye on your Derek. I already told him no girls."

"Yeah, I'll keep on top of that." I said disgusted as I turned around and started putting away my make-up.

"Don't forget Dinner at the main dinning room at six." He said as he slammed the door. I glanced at the clock; I had around half an hour.

"Hey where are you going?" Lizzie asked me as I grabbed the room key.

"Tan?" I said.

"Oh. Well I'll be at the pool." She said in disappoint.

"You wanna come with?" I offered.

"Nah. I'm gunna go hang with Edwin." She said as she walked out. Lizzie never usually hangs out with Edwin, but I guess she's that bored. I changed into my sailor bikini and left for the second floor pool to avoid 'it', meaning Derek.

I was tanning a total of five minutes before I saw him and a blonde stick talking and flirting, it made me want to gag. I devised a plan; I walked sexily towards him, then put on a sad face and placed my hands on his bare back.

"Derek, we have the crabs." I said with a sob. The girl's eyes shot out, she looked at Derek wide-eyed and terrified, then slowly walked up and ran away.

He turned around and glared at me, I started laughing like there was no tomorrow.

"Casey, now I know it's hard seeing me with women more attractive than you, but that doesn't mean you have to get all jealous." He said with a disappointed look.

I laughed and scoffed, "First off she is no women, she's a twig. Second, jealous? In your dreams and third, EW." I turned around and strutted back to my chair. Derek losing a battle, I wish. He stormed over her wanting the get the last word.

"Isn't that bikini a little 'small'?" He said with a smirk.

"Isn't your brain?" I said snappy. Okay, I'm pushing it.

"I mean if ya want to be easy, ya should at least be less subtle." He said in a fake caring way.

"Thanks but if I need tips on how to be 'easy' I'll be sure to ask you." I smiled and pulled my shades down.

"It's six-fifteen how on earth are you going to get a tan?" Derek asked as if I were stupid. WAIT. Six Fifteen?!

"Derek, we have to get the dinner?!" I said as I grabbed my cover-up dress. We ran into the great hall and spotted our family.

"Hey you guys, I thought I told you six?!" George said as we both sat down.

"Sorry." We both said in Unison.

"Hey is that Lobster?!" Derek said longingly.

"Yup, Lizzie and me had the last of it." Edwin pronounced as he took the last bite.

"I guess I'll have salad bar." I said with disgust as I eyed the 'buffet.'

"Psh, me I am all over that rack." Everyone looked at him. "Of lamb. Wow, thanks family.

After another forty-minutes of eating, we all decided to take a walk. Well except Derek, he went to go find some new leggy bimbo to 'do'.

"Hey I'm not feeling too well." Lizzie said as we were walking.

"Neither am I." Edwin said as they both, in unison, puked over the edge of the boat.

Twenty-minutes and a doctor later, they were both in my room asleep.

"They have a mild case of food poisoning, can be from shellfish?" The doctor said.

"They had lobster." Marti spoke up.

"Ah, well. It should clear up in a day or so. Keep them in quarantine, in case it's contagious." He said as he left.

"Casey, here." Nora handed me a room key. "Your gunna be sleeping in Derek's room.

"MOM!" I yelled.

"Be quiet!" She seemed really upset.

"I'm going to go up stairs and sleep. I already have George, Marti and myself in my room. Every room is full. Unless you want to sleep on the floor in this room and get sick, your only other option is with Derek, now go!" I didn't argue, I gathered my things and entered Derek's room.

"Ohhhhh Derek." A girl moaned.

"Oh God!" I squeaked as I turned on a light to find Derek and a girl making out on the bed.

"Casey!" Derek said as he was buttoning up his shirt and the girl re attaching her bra, I turned around.


"Omg. You have a girlfriend?" The brunette spat. "I am soooo sorry I had no idea." She turned to him and slapped him and stormed out the room.

He looked at me red faced and angry.

"CASEY!" He yelled.

"This is going to be a long night." I said as I sunk down the back of the door onto the floor.

(A/n: Heyy sorry for such a long chapter but this is like the setting. Hope you enjoyed, Please review so I'll update.)