Notes : It's a Itachi/Usagi, Sasuke/Usagi triangle one-shot, this group I'm doing is dedicated to Sesshomaru's Mistress. It's her favorite guys with Usagi.
Itachi was ten when it first started, when he first saw her, as she had stumbled ungracefully in the park close to where he was training. Now his captain always stated that being kind to females was correct etiquette, and his clan was firm on protocol which led him to walk over. Looking her over as he walked, she stood and brushed off her knees. She resembled a child's doll, short, cute, and had a face heart-shaped like the nauseating cherubs he saw on every card he ever got from girls. Her hair was an unusual color, beyond the simple blond he had seen in the Yamanaka clan, assuming that is where she was from. The hair was twisted into elegant buns with small ringlets hanging from them, and eyes so blue he couldn't match a tint to them. His studying ended just as he reached her, and she looked up to face him.
"Are you all right?" He inquired, trying to force concern into his tone.
"I'm fine thanks." She said and skipped off, leaving Uchiha Itachi to his own devices. This shocked him, as he was well-known as the prodigy from the Uchiha clan. However, his curiosity would have to wait, as his clan wanted him to master a certain move before he returned for supper.
The second time he saw the blond girl, she was actually in the Uchiha compound playing with his younger brother. Their mother watching over them with a dreamy smile, one that they get when they're picturing grandchildren and it was directed toward the tussling pair. This was the first time he felt truly envious of his innocent young brother, and he stalked by the pair. At least he attempted to as the blond chuckled, and Sasuke, for that was his younger brother's name, pecked her cheek in play. Immediately he stopped and Sasuke saw him then, grinning while the girl hid her blush.
"Aniki, will you train us today?" Sasuke asked, and Itachi flinched. He didn't think he could stand to have the pair play before him.
"Maybe some other time." Itachi answered, and walked off.
From then on he kept encountering the girl, as Sasuke kept bringing her over from the academy. The girl's name was Usagi, and she was eight, two years older then his brother, and two years younger then himself. Surprisingly, his father did not oust the girl, for she was a no-name, not coming from a famous clan, but then again his father never cared much for Sasuke.
The time he actually interacted with the girl was during his eleventh birthday, and Sasuke invited her over. He was expecting nothing from her, as Sasuke only invited her over to train and play. Yet, she skipped right passed the congregation of Uchiha's and stood before him offering a brightly colored package. Itachi was quite surprised, though he didn't show it, as he had received gifts from girls before, but this one wasn't drenched in countless perfumes. She didn't stick around to see him open it, though she pecked him on the cheek for good luck and the chased after Sasuke who was scowling at him.
Itachi opened the many gifts of weapons his clan gave him, and the jutsu scrolls as well. However, he waited until he was alone to open the package from Usagi, wanting to be the only one to see it. Like any other eight year old girl, she got him something fluffy, but he couldn't help the small smile. It was a small stuffed weasel holding a paper red and white fan with a sword through it. However, it was sitting on a black cover of a journal, and there was a personal message inscribed. "For all the moments you just want to scream, cry, or fight." In cursive gold he read it and tapped it once. His name was sprawled on the front in bleeding red letters, and he gently placed in his bedside table.
However, with all the gentle memories he had with the girl, and the strange feelings she invoked, his standing with the clan was decreasing. When Sasuke turned seven, he tumbled into his room anxiously, but not asking to be trained. "Aniki, what do you do when you like a girl?" Sasuke had asked him then, the information not truly sinking in.
"My otouto likes a girl, who is it?" He asked like a good elder brother should.
"Usagi-chan." Sasuke answered, and Itachi recoiled in his mind. For once he actually hated his brother, and turned his attention to his paperwork.
"I cannot talk now, I have to get this paperwork done, go ask father." Itachi ordered and Sasuke flinched sadly while leaving his room. This time Itachi was not willing to play the big brother role. Though he should have seen it coming, of course the younger boy would like the sunshine girl.
The emotions he locked down grew greater especially when he slain his best friend. Subconsciously his feet brought him to Usagi's house who gasped when she saw him, ushering him in. Gently she doctored his wounds, cleaning his cuts and wiping clean his ANBU blade. She was a bit of a prodigy when it came to medic-nin abilities and she gave him some of her chakra. It was soothing, and gave him a heady rush, and then she led him to her bed to rest. Silently she made up the couch for herself while taking his bloody clothes and turning away to give him privacy as he was rather bare. She was gone a few seconds and then she walked in with a beautiful male kimono, still keeping her head bowed. "Where did you get that?" He asked and she smiled though he could barely see it.
"I made it for your thirteenth birthday, even though it's a little early." She said. Itachi was pleased, and slipped into it while she crept away. She was ten; he was twelve then, mere days away from his thirteenth birthday.
Itachi tended then to go to her when he was injured instead of the hospital, though some of his grievous wounds still forced him there. Though on the cusp of Sasuke's eight birthday it all went wrong. He was thirteen, and he watched as Sasuke stole a kiss from the sleeping blond and then woke her to train. His father had called him into question though he heard little of it, but revealed his Mangekyo Sharingan. They had pushed him too far, and so he drew his fated blade, killing his clan.
When Sasuke arrived late home, he was just finishing, the boy crumbled in disbelief. Itachi then raised his blade to finish off the last of his family when a set of blue eyes flashed in his mind. She would never forgive him if he killed Sasuke, so instead he summon the Mangekyo and forced him to watch the slaughter. Itachi knew then that Sasuke would push Usagi away and maybe then he could have her. "Hate me." He urged and left his bloody message when his brother asked why. "To test my ability." Then he vanished, leaving the boy to the whims of the Tskuyomi.
Itachi had one more stop to make before leaving his home town. His soft steps soundless as he bounded into her window and approached her bed. She turned only once in her sleep, to face him, and for once Itachi leaned down to touch the lips of another. Her lips were as soft as he could imagine, but he had to draw back. For a second he pondered on taking her as well, but she had many she would not want to leave behind. "Uchiha-kun." She whispered in her sleep, and Itachi stilled. A thought of wanting to wake her, to know which one she dreamed of curled within him, but he turned to the moonlight. He smiled then, for her name meant of the moon, as he was of the sun, she belonged to him…
Sasuke awoke three days later from a jutsu induced coma to find Usagi waiting for him. He allowed only one tear to spill, before yanking the blond into his embrace. She was the only one Itachi had not taken from him, and he would be damned if he ever allowed him to do so. She had graduated, and her team was currently chunin, she was waiting for him before becoming a jounin. He appreciated that, and when the time came to slay his brother, he would return to her with his head.
Sasuke graduated at the top of his class, eager and willing to hurry along his path. Vengeance would be his, his brother would pay and then, only then could he fully love the blond. His team was useless, though the jounin trained him well, but they dragged on his progress. Then the chunin exams came up and soon, soon he would take the jounin exams with Usagi.
That's where his plan went wrong, as he was bitten by one of the leaf's greatest enemies. The seal darken his mind, focusing only on revenge, pushing all thoughts of love away. He followed pushing Usagi away, and she seemed to understand though she never said anything. Then he saw the power the dead-last had achieved and that pushed him over the edge….
Itachi stood before the door that the kyuubi boy was currently resting in. His partner was practically salivating, and he was in a contemplative mood. Sasuke had pushed away the girl, even though he had a chance to turn from the path he followed blindly. Itachi knew then, that Sasuke would never deserve the heart of the blond and he slightly wondered what she thought of him now. Knocking on the door, he was greeted by the Kyuubi boy who stared at him in shock. For a second he thought he heard the shower running but dismissed it.
Turning his attention to the boy, he demanded that he come with them while his partner threatened him. Though whatever he thought of next was cut off by a loud cry of anger. Turning he faced his younger brother who was charging with the copy-nin's move. He glared then, raising his sheathed blade, the boy had harmed the girl's heart he had saw it on one of his secret visits. Willing he charged toward Sasuke who was running toward him as well and raised his blade for impact…
The whole world went red as twin Sharingan stared surprised. Usagi was caught in between them, his blade through the left ventricle of her heart, and Sasuke's Chidori through her right ventricle. She coughed up an enormous amount of blood and then gently smiled. Urgently but slowly she raised one hand to each of their faces, she stroked them once and her hands fell away. "Please, no more fighting, no more killing." Usagi pleaded, and began to fall taking them to their knees.
Her eyes slid close even though three cries of denial were heard. "Uchiha-kun." Were her last words, and he withdrew his blade while Sasuke withdrew his hand. Sasuke enfolded her into his embrace even as he stared blankly ahead.
"No, no." Sasuke whispered into her hair. "You can't leave me; you're not allowed to leave me." He stated, rocking her cooling body in his lap. Itachi saw the Kyuubi boy dash over, trying desperately to believe it was all a dream.
"Usa-nee?" The Kyuubi boy cried, shaking her shoulder. Her body stay unresponsive, and Itachi stood throwing the two away. Itachi pinned Sasuke to the wall, breaking his bloodied hand and capturing him once more in the slaughter. Then he turned, kicked the Kyuubi boy away and picked up Usagi's body. Easily he manipulated the black flame of Amaterasu burning through the toad hermit's jutsu and walking away.
Kisame, his partner stayed silent as he continued moving, her blood staining his black coat. Using a small bit of chakra he moved the earth, and placed her body down. Then ever so gently, he stole one last kiss from her lips, and let one tear dye her cheek. Kneeling, he reached into his cloak and pulled out a familiar stuffed animal that was a bit worn with age. He placed it beside her and then moved the earth back. "Rest well, pure angel." Itachi whispered and then turned back to the base of his group.
Sasuke was thirteen, Itachi was eighteen, and Usagi was a beautiful sixteen.