Chapter Three

Gabriella was in her dark blue convertible on her way over to Albuquerque, God, she hadn't been there since months… And now she was going back, to go see her best friend, who's father had just died, what was she gonna say to him? She had absolutely no idea; she loved him to death, more than just a friend, but this… She wasn't sure how to handle this situation.

She went back to the road, she had to focus on the cars around her, she would think of Troy when she was there, of course he would be in the back of her mind constantly, but still… She sighed deeply, ah there it was. She went of the highway and drove through the small roads to get to her destination.

Troy was in front of the window, watching for her car to come by, jumping up at every single car that drove by. What car does she have, why hadn't he asked, STUPID! He groaned, but then he saw a dark blue car stopping in front of his house. Would that be her? He wondered, did she really have the convertible she had dreamed of having when she grew up? He smiled, seems like it.

Gabriella stepped out of the car and took a deep breath, walking up the steps to his front door. She hesitated before knocking on the door and waited. Would he open? Was he even home, she hadn't called that she was on her way, but she had hoped he would be home.

Troy opened the door for her, smiling, happy to see her. 'Hey Gabi…' He whispered. Gabriella went up to him, hugging him tight. 'I'm so sorry to hear about you father Troy…' Troy nodded; taking in her scent, the scent he had missed for six long months, belonging to the girl he had needed more than anything the last weeks.

A few hours later they were catching up, trying to tell everything that had happened during the months they hadn't been together, putting that together in a three hour story, was pretty hard though…

Gabriella couldn't believe that there were actually people making fun of Troy, Jack Bolton was highly appreciated in Albuquerque, he was the best basketball coach East High had had in years and now people were making fun of Troy? That was unacceptable, how could anyone do that?

Troy sighed, he couldn't keep his eyes off of Gabriella, she was even more beautiful than the beauty he remembers of her, and she was just full out amazing. 'Gabi? Will you come with me to my father's grave?' Gabriella nodded. 'Of course Troy…' She smiled a little, she really wanted to see the grave, since she hadn't been there on the funeral and she kind of owned it to Jack. He had always been so good to her, treating her like the daughter he never had. Secretly hoping Troy and Gabriella would get together.


Troy was in his seat in the church, supporting his mother who was crying without end. His father had died two days ago, without explainable reason, he had, as the doctors had said, just dropped dead on the floor. He had tears streaming over his face; he couldn't believe his father was actually dead… The hero in his life was dead, just dead and not coming back.

The service began, a few friends were up first, then it was Lucille Bolton's turn, but she could barely bring out a word, her tears stopped her from doing so. Troy walked up and lead her off the little step up, sitting her back down in her seat, then walked back up front, taking place behind the altar.

'Jack Bolton was my hero, I looked up to him ever since I could walk. My father taught me how to play basketball when I was little, was behind me with every move that I made. Even when I decided that basketball wasn't all that my life existed off. When I met Gabriella Montez, almost three years ago during Christmas break, she changed my life. We were at a ski-lodge in Salt Lake and the two of us got chosen to sing in a karaoke contest.'

Troy smiled at the memory. 'We were both really shy and to be serious I didn't even know I could sing, seriously, but we tried and we were really really good. We won the contest, but she was gone before I could say another word to her, we had exchanged phone numbers though.'

He sighed. 'Anyway, when we got back to school, a new girl walked into my homeroom, and you will never believe it, but yes it was Gabriella, her mother had been transferred over to Albuquerque, was it fate? My father didn't like it that the new girl took my attention away from basketball, not with the championship's game so close. He has tried so many time to break me and Gabriella apart from each other, but all his attempts failed, simply because of the fact that Gabi and I weren't in love, we were the best of friends and we just got closer and closer to each other whenever dad tried.'

Troy looked around. 'But dad gave up, he saw the great girl Gabi really was and started getting used to have her around the house all the time. By the time a year had past, my dad had grown so fond of Gabriella that she was the daughter he had never had. How many times hasn't he told me that he was still waiting for the day me and Gabriella would finally get together, act on our feelings. I had to remind him time after time that we were just friends...'

Troy looked around the church again, he wished she was there, he needed her so much at this time, he loved her. 'But now I realize he was right all along, I did love Gabriella, for crying out loud, I still do and always will but she's not here anymore…' He looked at his feet. 'Her mother got transferred to San Francisco and Gabi had no choice but to follow her. I did love her, dad, and I was afraid to tell her and now it's too late, maybe I'll see her again someday, God I hope I will…' He took a deep breath. 'It's time to say goodbye dad, I will never forget you and you will stay my hero for the rest of my life, my children will hear your stories as will my grandchildren.'

He looked at the coffin where his father was placed in. 'Goodbye dad, I will miss you…' He placed his single white rose on his father's chest and walked back to his seat.

End of Flashback