Authors notes:

Hello and welcome to our first chapter of Ten Crazy Nights with the Akatsuki. We the creators

M and C must put up our disclaimers now before you can enjoy the story.

We do not own naruto or any of the characters!!!! We do although own Mira and Aidan. Must warn you all. Itachi is completely out of character, only to fit the story. We do indeed realize that he would never act like that.

"Dammit Itachi! Quit Cheating!" Mira yelled shouted throwing her hands up in the air, "and you too Kisame!!!!"

Itachi sat in his seat cards in one hand, his other drumming on his lap as he glared at Kisame, "I'm not cheating...AND YOU think about her naked and I'll KILL you."

Mira tilted her head frustrated, "What?"

"Pervs," Aidan growled from her seat trying to cover up with one arm and hold the cards in the other, "I will NOT forgive you for taking my shirt."

"Having fun Aidan?" Deidara asked cheerfully.

"No," Aidan growled at Deidara.

"Aidan! If we don't win we're not going get out clothes back!" Mira roared.

"Or worse," Aidan muttered, "NOTHING."

"Well you both are down to your bras and your shorts," Deidara shrugged.

"Aidan you're closer! Slap him!"

Itachi nodded, "I agree with Deidara, you're going to lose you might as well just take off your clothes."

"Itachi! You little perv!" Mira shout and smacked Itachi on his cheek.

"Like I'd strip for all of you," Aidan growled at them and turned away.

"I agree!" Mira said and bowed her head.

Itachi raised an eyebrow at Mira, "Well you've done it for me twice."

Mira blushed and pointed at him, "You little liar!"

Aidan looked up at Mira and sighed, "stop it guys... Seriously, play fair."

"We're Akatsuki members, what do you expect?" Kisame said shrugging.

"We expect YOU to be nice to us because we're GIRLS," Mira yelled stomping her foot down on his head.

Itachi reached across and grabbed Mira around the waist pulling her back into his lap.

"Itachi let go of me!!!" Mira screamed wiggling out of his grip.

"I can't help it your hair smells good," Itachi said nonchalantly.

"Uh huh, that's why you're looking over her shoulder," Aidan said shaking her head and leaning back to examine her cards from a distance. She then grinned and spoke for Mira as well, "Me and Mira bet our bras to see your cards."

All the guys nodded and spoke in sync, "ok."

They put down their cards expecting to win again, but the girls grinned and slammed down their cards, "Royal flushes beat that!!"

"Awww man...un" Deidara said shaking his head.

Itachi's head snapped down, "Dammit."

"What?!" Tobi yelled, "But you were just losing"

"We were losing, but not anymore boys!" The two said hanging on each other's necks.

"Off with your cloaks!" Mira cheered while Aidan grinned.

"Don't be shy now" Aidan teased, "Be thankful you're not in you underwear...yet."

"Damn girls can't believe Itachi and Deidara brought you," said Zetsu.

"We weren't brought," Aidan started.

"We were kidnaped!!" Mira said glaring at Itachi, "But it's fine for now, we're having fun."

Mira took the cards and shuffled them marking each one unnoticed and handed them To Aidan who'd shoved Tobi out of his seat on the other side of Deidara next to Mira. She began passing them out mentally counting to who each card went with their markings and hiding her cheshire cat grin.

Mira smiled, "We bet all of our clothes to see your clothes to see your cards!!"

Aidan looked over at Mira, "We'd better win."

The boys agreed with uh huh and yeah and put their cards down.

Mira nodded, "Nice cards..."

"Awww man...Mira..." Aidan said pretending to be sad.

The boys grinned becoming excited, when Mira slammed her cards down and put down Aidan's as well, "Well look at that. Beat it!! Hah!"

"Are you serious?!" the boys yelled in unison.

"Yeah, yeah we are...come on Itachi take off your shirt and your pants...all except your underwear." Mira said waving her hands in the air.

"All of you guys too," Aidan said nodding, "Boy Mira good hand."

"I thought you had a bad hand, un" Deidara whined pulling off his shirt.

"I did, but with my cards SHE had a good hand and SHE bet my clothes, I had bet nothing," Aidan maneuvered.

"Well Aidan, we had a good game, lets go now. We'll just take your clothes and go. Oh have fun fitting into my size zero shirt Itachi," Mira called.

Itachi looked between the shirt and himself, "I really don't think it'll fit...but I'm sure I'll have fun with it."

"Maybe we should stay..." Mira said glancing back, "and win our shirts back all ten of them..."

"No," Aidan said stubbornly and struck her hand out pointing at all of them, "you put on any of our shirts and/or pants I will kill you! NOTHING IN THE WORLD WILL STOP ME!!"

The boys gulped and stared at the angry kuniochi.

"Glad we understand, c'mon Mira," Aidan said and pulled her off now not caring what they saw as she stole their clothes, "Lets see what fits."