Blah... I had this done for quite a while. I kept forgetting to post it! I'm so sorry everyone!! Can you find some place in your hearts to forgive this worthless lifeform?

I also appologize for making another short-ish chapter. I fear i am not able to write good juicy chapters like you people prefer...

I'll get he next chapter up asap to make it up to you guys k? (if i can. i'm pretty busy with school work adn finals are coming soon)

((DISCLAIMER: Me? I don't own pokemon. pssh.))

Chapter 5:

Her eyes gleamed as the stage began to light up, making her surroundings clearer. Across the portentous stage was him, Haruka's ultimate opponent. He flicked his finger out towards the stage and the yellow mouse hopped off his shoulder. He was ready to battle and eager to do his best. But there she was, standing hopelessly on her side of the stage searching his eyes for a weakness. To her surprise, there was a small glimmer of remorse within those amber whirlpools. What was that stranger across the stage thinking? Haruka pondered and shot thoughts across her mind like bullets trying desperately to hit its target. Remorse did not suit him… something was different.

Reality rushed in as Satoshi yelled across the stage. The raven-haired boy's voice ringed threw her ears and she smiled half-heartedly.

"GO," she shouted, "CUMBUSKIN!"

About a minute was left on the clock, Haruka and Satoshi's points were just about tied. The atmosphere was tense since neither side would give in. Panting, the pokemon stood there for a nanosecond to regain their strength, and then got back into their fierce battle. There was a cut from Pikachu's iron tail and a fiery kick flying threw the air from Cumbuskin.

"Pikachu! Thunderbolt!"

"Now, sky uppercut!"



Both rattled out commands, each attack hitting its mark and throwing the opposing pokemon further backward. However, every time they just got right back up. They were evenly matched and there was only one way to end it.

The buzzer rang and the time ran out. Not a second left for battle, they withdrew their starter pokemon. Satoshi looked at Haruka and smiled, hoping with all his heart that she would be fine with the outcome no matter what. Alas, Haruka stood still in the solemn spotlight staring at the results. Her gentle lips stay slightly open in awe and those beautiful blue eyes widened as large as dinner plates. A fragile tear slipped down her face, splashing onto the ground. Without another moment of hesitation, Haruka spun around and headed for the stage's exit. The lonely winner looked in her direction, standing frozen and broken, while the crowd ignorantly cheered.

"He won. How could he have won?" Haruka sprinted across the practice fields. She couldn't stand it. Why couldn't she stand him winning? Satoshi was her friend and she should be giving him a handshake along with a pat on the back for continuing into the last round. Instead, she ran away, crying like a baby. A sore loser.

She tripped and landed face first on the hard dirt. Haruka didn't even bother getting up because she figured that she deserved it. She was a horrible coordinator and an even worse friend.

"Harukaaaaaaa," she heard in the distance. Someone was looking for her. "Haruka! There you are! A-are you okay!? Here let me help you up."

He held his hand out to her, hoping she would take it and pick herself up off the ground, but instead she slapped Satoshi's hand away. He was so nice…

"…Well if you won't get up…" he laid belly down in front of her. "…..Why did you run away?"

She buried her head in her arms, trying to hide her weeping face. She couldn't stand it. Why? Why is she being like this? "I'm sorry… I am so sorry… I'm horrible…"

He looked at her puzzled. "What's horrible? Nothing about you is horrible Haruka," he patted her head gently and then sat up. "Come on you get up too! Everything's fine…"

She sniffled and sat up trying to rub the dirt from her face and clothes. The girl looked at the trainer in front of her and asked stupidly, "What's fine?"

There was a long awkward pause between them. Satoshi smiled and got to his feet, looking at the bustling stadium. The audience was raving to see the next battle, and the announcers called out his name repeatedly. He turned his head and started walking towards it.

"I'm going to forfeit the match. That way we can both go as losers and friends… I don't want to see you like this."

Haruka shot up and marched over to him. She viciously slapped her hand on his shoulder and spun him around. She was still crying but a with new glimmer in her eye, she yelled in his face, "A-are you KIDDING me!? You're going out there and winning this thing!!" Her sudden change of heart scared Satoshi as well as herself. What is the point of him forfeiting the match when he could win! Haruka lost herself with rage, forgetting about her loss.

Grabbing his hand, she stomped toward the contest arena, dragging him along behind. He stiffly tripped forward, his face turning as red as a pomegranate. Satoshi continuously urged her to slow down, but it was no use. Haruka had to get him there before they assumed he was forfeiting,

"Come on! Just slow down enough so I can actually walk!" Satoshi whined. He let out a large breath in realization that she wouldn't listen. He clenched her hand and stood firmly, causing her to fly backwards. Luckily, Satoshi had caught her before she was lying on the dirt once more.

"F-fine," she wedged her way out of his arms, the shade of her face matching his, and realized they had gotten themselves into yet another awkward position. With a deep breath to calm herself, she trudged back towards the arena. Waving him on she said, "J-Just make sure you k-keep up the pace a bit."