"Lilly! Come downstairs! It's time to go shopping for new clothes!" My mom yelled from the Kitchen. It was time to go shopping for my summer clothes. My mom has been telling me that we had to go shopping soon, and I guess today was the day. I was finally going away to camp this year! My mom was always afraid that I would get homesick, so I couldn't go to sleep away camp. She needed to relies that I was 13 years old, not 2.

"Okay mom, but couldn't I just go with Miley? I don't think she's doing anything today." I said as I was walking down the stairs. The reason that I didn't want to go with my mom, is because she had a horrible style. She always picked out the weirdest things for me.

"I guess, go call her now before she makes any other plans with another friend today." My mom suggested.

"Okay, thanks mom!" I was about to dial Miley's cell phone number when I heard the phone ring. I, of course, answered it. "Hello?" I said into the phone.

"Hey Lils! It's me, Miley."

"Oh hey! What's up?"

"Nothin' much, I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out today. I have like, no plans. So what do you say?"

"Oh my gosh Miley! I was just about to call you to ask if you wanted to go shopping with me! Haha! I have to get some new clothes for camp, do you want to come with me to the mall?"

"Of course! I'll come to your house right now. Okay?"

"Ukkay! Bye!"


I hung up the phone and started to laugh my head off. "What's so funny Lilly?" my mom questioned.

"Oh nothing, that was just Miley. She was actually asking if I wanted to hang out today! Isn't that funny?" I had the strangest sense of humor out of everyone in my family.

"Oh, okay. So get ready, and I'll give you some money for you to pay for your clothes. Also, remember, if you see anyone that looks suspicious, run to the police, and if someone tries to kidnap you, just hurt that person in some way, and run! Miley has a cell phone, right?" My mom said. She got to be so protective when it came to me going places alone with a friend. And the worst part is, is that I don't have a cell phone! She always asks me if the friend that I'm going with has a cell phone, and all of them do, except for me.

"Yes mom! She has a cell phone, and don't worry about a thing! I know what to do if something bad happens!" I got really paranoid when it came to my mom's famous speeches on what to do when something happens.

The doorbell rang. "I'll get it!" I shouted. I opened the door, and there was Miley!

"Hey Miley!" I said happily.

"Hey Lils! Are you ready to get a whole bunch of new outfits? I know I am!" She said as she held up all of her gist cards to all of the best places to go shop.

"Of course I am! But I know I wont be getting a lot of things, because my mom just gave me enough money to get 2 outfits. But it looks like your going to be getting a lot of new clothes!" I said as I smiled.

"What are you talking about? All of these gist cards are for your new clothes! What kind of friend would I be if I brought a whole lot of money, and spent it all for me!? I got all of these as gifts from my big 'turning 13' party that Tracy threw for Hannah, and I want to spend them on clothes for you! It'll be fun picking out outfits for you!" She said as she danced excitingly

"Wow! Really? That's really nice of you Miles! I'm so glad I have a friend like you!" I ran up and hugged her. It was so nice of her to do that for me! I know I wouldn't do that for her. Maybe if I was really rich I would, but I don't have that kind of money.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now lets get a move on so we can hit all of these stores before dinner!" She was saying as she pushed me away. Sometimes she was just such a character!

Summary of the shopping day:

The whole day was so much fun! We went to all of my favorite stores, and some stores we went to that I never even heard of before! We got back around 5:00 and then we decided to have a sleepover at my house.

"Miley, I had so much fun today! Thank you so much for doing this for me!" I said as I turned of the movie. We were just watching the most scary movie that I have ever seen, and I could watch it any more.

"No problem Lilly! You're my best friend, and it will stay like that forever. Now can you turn the movie back on? I want to see what happens next!" She said as she grabbed the remote from my hands.

"NO! It's to scary for me. How about I let you borrow it until your done with it." I quickly recommended. I didn't want to watch another second of that terrifying movie.

"Okay, thanks!"

"Hey, It's the least I could do after today!" We both laughed, then we started to talk about things.

"So Lilly, what is your wish for this summer? What do you want to happen during this summer that you would remember forever?" Miley never asked me those kinds of questions, and she was never this serious about things like this.

I had to think about the question that she had just asked me for a little bit, then I finally said, "I want to get a boyfriend during the summer. I mean, I've always wanted to know what it was like to have a boyfriend. You know?"

Miley smiled and then nodded. "Yeah, I know what you mean. The only time I've ever had a boyfriend… was probably when I was at a restaurant as Hannah Montana, and some guy came up to me and we started to talk… and then we talked some more, and then he asked me out, and I said yeah… and then he realized how busy I was with all the Hannah things, so he broke up with me." Miley looked like she was thinking really hard.

"Oh I remember him! His name was Rick, right?" I thought outloud.

"Haha! Yeah… So who would you want to be your boyfriend? I mean, do you have a crush on anyone in particular?" She asked. It seemed like she knew something I didn't know. I wanted to find out what she was up to. I mean, she never asked me these questions before.

"I don't know…what are you up to? You never ask these kinds of questions."

"I know, but…I'm just curious."

"Oh, well… I don't have a crush on anyone… I think…" I really didn't know who I liked. There are some people that I think are cute, like Matt Marshall from Science class, or Justin Hawing from Math. But I didn't have a crush on anyone in particular.

"Okay. I'm tired, can we go to bed?"

"Yeah…. I'm getting tired too. Goodnight!"

"Goodnight." Miley said in a muffled voice.

I really wanted to know what Miley was up to… she usually didn't act like this… I had to

find this out.

Yes, my first story, and it's a working process. So what do you think? Should I keep going? Tell your friends about me:)