A/N: Transformers isn't mine--- oh what the hell! ;; This is the last chapter you guys! I've loved writing this despite the huge gaps in between chapters! I wish I could hug you all. There may be a sequel, but I'm really not going to have much time to write until about May, I think, but you never know! I'd just like to thank you all for reading :
In other news, Happy Holidays everyone! I know my Christmas was happy- Masterpiece Starscream, anyone? Anyway, on with the fic!
"There's nothing more
that I can do
This maniac's in love with you!" – Alice Cooper
"I can't believe it's taking this long!" huffed Starscream. "I refuse to wait any longer!"
"You fool- what else can you do except wait?" Megatron narrowed his optics. For the week Data had been gone, he hadn't been silent for one moment, and it was really getting on his nerves.
"I hope you know there'll be no more of this… fraternizing."
"Why, I'd hardly call it that. I see no issue- it hasn't interrupted either of our duties."
"I'm more concerned of your influence, Starscream." Starscream only laughed.
"You are telling me, basically, that you spent all of that time and energy upgrading a soldier whose judgment you don't even trust? Ha!"
"Silence!" The Space Bridge had begun to light up and a few off-duty Decepticons watched curiously along with the leader and whining seeker.
The lights died down, and she emerged from the Space Bridge, but there was only one thing that revealed just who she was- those silly pigtails, but they were no longer too large for her head. In fact, she wasn't as childish as she had been- no longer stout and blocky, but not really elegant by any means, at the same time.
She had also been painted a bright sky blue, with orange stripes running down her sides. Her cannons were also larger and now retractable. Glancing upward, she caught a glimpse of Starscream, and, grinning, she dashed over to him, and promptly lost her nerve.
"Interesting," smirked Starscream, "It's quite the change."
"W-Well, I like it…" giggled Data quietly.
"See, Megatron? I'm a perfectly good influence," grinned Starscream as he pointed out the jet wings on Data's back, causing her to get all flustered and refuse to look at either of them.
"And who do you suppose will do your job then?" growled Megatron.
"Lord Megatron, I assure you, I still have all my information- as well as some new assistants!" She put on a brave smile, and opened a compartment in her hip. Two miniature screens, similar to Data's old alt-mode, flew out and transformed into tiny bots, not unlike the cassettes, both almost like miniature versions of the old Data, one pink, one yellow.
"Wonderful," grumbled Megatron, less than pleased at the idea of having more of the little bots underfoot. He gave Data a look of disapproval, but she was too busy scolding her new assistants to notice.
"I can't believe you two," she sighed, "We went over everything before we left!"
"We…" The pink one trailed off and looked at her twin.
"…Forgot!" Data gave them both a stern look.
"You two don't forget. Now, go ahead." The twins grinned at each other, and then marched up to Megatron in perfect synchronization. They both gave an energetic salute.
"Jumpkick," chirped the yellow twin,
"And Starpunch!" added the pink one.
"Reporting for duty!" they chimed in unison. "Hail Lord Megatron!"
Starscream scoffed. "I hate them already." Data pouted jokingly at him.
"Lord Megatron, may I please speak to Starscream in private?" she questioned, her voice still the same as it had been before, but with a different air… more confident.
Megatron scowled at the two seekers.
"Don't take long." He snarled before stomping off back to the base, the twins cartwheeling after him.
"Assistants?" Starscream queried in annoyance.
"They're just taking over my old job, don't worry. You won't have to deal with them much." Data giggled.
"Good. I do like the idea of you being around. Though I'll have to enforce some rules with those other barbarians…"
"S-So you're really okay with it?" squeaked Data, smiling. He smirked.
"It's a bit late to be asking that, isn't it? It's an honor, you fool." He grinned. "You should have seen those brutes after the battle- they celebrate anything, but you know that. You would've liked it. Knowing them, there'll be another. Fools…" Data laughed.
"It'd be nice to be the centre of attention, but I don't want to, really…"
"So much for 'not knowing if you could do it'…"
"W-Well," Data stammered, "I knew everyone would be disappointed, a-and I thought…"
"I-I thought Megatron might just send me back, y-you know? I w-wouldn't… be able to see you." Starscream smirked again.
"You know," he began, "I wanted to—well, steal you from the Autobots a bit later, but Megatron refused. He said you'd be able to defend yourself if we did."
"It was probably for the better anyway," she reminded, "Because if you'd waited, I would have had my memory erased."
"That's true," he remarked, though he wasn't very happy at the idea of being wrong, "But I really did think you were lying at first..."
"…When really, you did the lying? Saying I was just an Autobot?" She smiled.
"No more lies," promised Starscream, clutching Data's hand with a mischievous smile. "Let me take you flying- properly. It's not fun without wings."
"B-But Megatron said--" Starscream took off into the sky, grinning down at Data. She scrunched up her lips and shot upward to chase him.
"We're not going back until you can catch me," he sneered.
"Fine!" Data sped after Starscream, laughing as she failed miserably- he wouldn't go easy on her, or anyone for that matter.
Heaving a heavy sigh of exhaustion, Data kept going, until Starscream suddenly stopped.
"I got you!" cried Data, pouncing on him, but he only looked puzzled.
"Data," he stated, "Is not a very… fitting name anymore."
"I was actually thinking about that while I was on Cybertron! I… I still like Comet. It's short, and it's what I'm supposed to be named…"
"It's good," shrugged Starscream as the two lowered to the ground, "But I've got a better idea."
"What's that?"
"When I become the leader of the Decepticons…" Comet resisted the urge to roll her optics, "May I have you at my side as my queen?" Clapping her hands over her mouth, Comet stood silently in shock for a moment. Suddenly, she threw her arms around him, her amber optics almost sparkling before she kissed him.
"So," she grinned, "Do you have any plans for this… coup d'état, Lord Starscream?"
"More than you know, my dear."
"I remember the time
I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again" – CATS
Thank you all for reading. This is the first fanfic I've ever actually completed. I love you all. :D