Well, here it is, the end of this story…T.T anyway, thanks ever so much for sticking with me through my little fantasy, and hope to see you next time!

…If I owned Host Club, then… I would own Host Club! (grin) -.- But I don't.


Closer still.


Centimeters away.


Tamaki's eyelids flickered.

"…HAD BETTER GET A GOOD EXPLANATION!!!" Tamaki, awake at last, was literally levitated by the force of Haruhi's yelling. The twins moaned and smacked their foreheads. So close!!!

"Haruhi? You-" Tamaki looked around. "Wait. Weren't we just in the park? What happened to the storm?" Haruhi sighed.

"Kyouya-senpai, YOU explain it to him." She grabbed each twin by an ear and hauled them into the hall.

And thus the Get-Tamaki-to-woo-Haruhi-and-vice-versa game was discovered.

Chapter Six: All's Well That Ends Well

"Ah, ah, Haruhi…" "Ow, ow, Haruhi…"

She glowered at both of them. "An explanation, if you please?" She inquired sweetly. They cringed.

"Er…" "Well…"

They glanced at each other. "We were bored." They said together. Haruhi fumed.

"So the fact that you were bored gave you two the right to feed me some cock-and-bull story and try to make me kiss Tamaki-senpai??!!" The twins glanced at each other.

"Well," Hikaru started, glum.

"You haven't been all that cheerful lately and…"

"…We thought if you and Tono got together maybe you'd be happier…"

"…So we thought we'd give it a shot." Kaoru finished. At this point Haruhi was no longer glaring and was staring blankly at them. They dropped their head in shame.

"Sorry." "Sorry." Haruhi blinked.

"You were doing all this because you thought it would make me happier?" They nodded, cheeks red. Unexpectedly she pulled them both into a big hug. "Thanks for the good intentions, but I'm fine. Really." She smiled brightly. "But if you ever do something like this again…" She left the threat dangling and Kaoru and Hikaru sweatdropped.

"Yeah, yeah." They said, grinning. "Does this mean we're forgiven?" Haruhi sighed in mock frustration and nodded. The twins flashed victory signs. "Yes!"

Haruhi tapped her chin thoughtfully. "How the blazes did you guys get Honey-senpai to go along with it?" They grinned.

"You see," Kaoru drawled, leaning against the wall. "In order to make sure someone had to go into the old storage room, we had to make sure there was a shortage of trays." Hikaru draped his arms around Haruhi.

"But we ran into a problem, because while we were liberating trays, Honey-senpai happened to come in and he saw us. So, we told him what we were up to and for whatever reason, he decided to help us."

"He was bored." Kaoru commented dryly. "We haven't had any new type of sweet for some time now." He pouted. "Our plan was perfect! If Tono had been just a few seconds later…" Haruhi turned bright red. Smirking, the twins walked back into the music room.

"You, you doppelgangers, what have you done to Haruhi?!" She heard Tamaki shout. She turned, but wavered in the doorway. It should have been easy to brush this whole thing off as just another one of the twins' pranks, but…

Truthfully, she had almost kissed Tamaki. If… She stopped and shook her head. No use thinking about ifs, she told herself. Smiling, she returned to her friends.

"HARUHI!!!" Tamaki glomped her enthusiastically. "Daddy was sooo worried those nasty look-alikes had done something to you…" She couldn't help but laugh as Hikaru stuck his tongue out at Tamaki. Still being forcefully restrained, Haruhi struggled.

"Senpai, I'm fine, you can let go!" Tamaki's only response was to hold her closer, effectively cutting off her air supply.

"Daddy'll protect you, Haruhi, don't you worry!" She stopped struggling, focusing instead on just getting air. What was the use, anyway? You know what they say, you can't fight idiots… She smiled, and acting on impulse, hugged Tamaki back for once. The effect was instantaneous. Tamaki turned crimson and let go, allowing her to breathe once more.

"H-Haruhi?" She patted him on the head.

"You were suffocating me, Senpai! I do need to breathe, ya know." She added dryly. Tamaki retreated to his Corner of Woe again, and Haruhi heaved a sigh. She walked over to him again as the rest of the group watched, pretending to clean up. "Senpai… I…" She looked away, face coloring. "Thanks." Tamaki looked up at her from the floor. Haruhi blushed and stammered. "I- I mean, y- you're always looking out for me, and helping me and… you're just so good to me, Tamaki-senpai." She finished, not quite looking at him.

Tamaki smiled, not his usual Prince smile for the Host Club, but one that was a softer, somehow sweeter smile that made Haruhi's heart beat erratically. He stood in a fluid motion, and leaned in and lightly placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You're welcome." He turned and walked out of the room. Everyone stood in shock, Haruhi most of all. The silence was broken by a snort, then a chuckle, and finally full laughter as Hikaru gave in to mirth. Kaoru blinked, and a smirk spread slowly across his face.

"Well, Hikaru, looks like we succeeded after all." Hikaru regained his composure and nodded as they watched Haruhi slowly, in a daze, raise her hand to touch her forehead.

Kyouya smiled. "By the way, Hikaru, thank you for the email explanation. I must admit I was becoming confused." Hikaru gave him a thumbs up, and Kyouya readjusted his glasses. "Now, though… Now things get really interesting…" The twins, Honey, and Mori nodded, and the Hikaru and Kaoru grinned at each other. Success was sweet, and they planned to sink their teeth into it.

And thus the Get-Tamaki-to-woo-Haruhi-and-vice-versa game was a success.
