A/N: I've never written a fic for the Suit Life of Zach and Cody so I'm not sure how well this is going to turn out.

Disclaimer: don't own it.

He sat in the silence of room. It was dark outside and inside his bedroom, the lights were off. Why did his dad have to go and do this? Now all his hopes were crushed.

He looked down at the baseball that he had been holding. He fingered the stitching. That one ball held so many memories. He remembered the game that his dad had caught that ball for him. Why her? Why did his dad have to pick her? He continued to gaze at the ball. He felt anger enter his body as he slowly raised the ball. He threw it at the window. The glass shattered and her looked out at the city.

"Zach Martin!" He heard a voice yell from the other side of the door.

He was silent for a few seconds before replying. "It wasn't Zach!" He answered, just barely loud enough for his mother to her.

The door to his room swung open and light came flooding in.

"Cody!" His mother exclaimed when she saw the broken glass and her son sitting on his bed staring at what he had done. "What in the world happened?" She asked.

"You wouldn't understand." He replied and turned away from her.

"Is this about your father?" She asked him.

He was silent, he only glared at his reflection in the mirror on the wall. "Cody, you have to understand that this is for the best." His mother tried to reason.

"Whatever." He replied. He just didn't seem like Cody since he and his brother had received the call. All of his hopes of his family being together again where dashed upon the rocks of fate that day.

"Cody, you can't just keep sitting here not doing anything." She whispered to her son.

"Mom," He started. "It's just that before he started seeing her things seemed-" He didn't finish the sentence.

"You where hoping that one day your father and I would get back together." She finished. "Aw, Cody, this is how things are going to happen, and you just have to accept it." She told him tenderly while lying on his bed with him.

"I know I need to, I just don't want to." He replied. "I'm going to take a walk." He said. He got up from his bed and left his room to take his walk.

A/N: I know it's short, but it's just a one shot and I actually like how it turned out. Please review!