Misty leaned forward as Becky was about to tell all about this 'Granpa' Francis character, but a phone broke the silence. With the sudden noise, Misty squeaked and almost fell out of her chair. Which earned a snicker from Bean, who had finished his meal and was downing his last drink. It was amazing how speedy Becky had picked up the phone. Though it was little surprise how fast she answered it, seeing as her whole business rode on her communication skills. Had it ever come to question, it's hard to say who would be faster. Rally drawing and firing off a shot from her CZ75, or Becky the Nose answering her phone.
"Why hello there Miss Rally."
Her eyes must have been as fast as her answering skills, since she automatically knew who was on the other line by the tone of her voice. That, or it could have been the ring tone Becky had put on the phone just for Rally's number... It's The End Of The World As We Know It, by REM. Misty wasn't really sure, but Rally did certainly have a certain End of the World feeling to her when some things where up and about with all the trouble she seemed to get herself into. The grin from Bean showed that he enjoyed the ring tone choice as well.
"What do you need now?"
It seemed Rally on the other line had wasted no time to let Becky in on what she needed. And apparently Becky was not enjoying the news. Her brows crunched together as her face contorted with her unhappiness.
"... Alright, I'll be right over."
Standing up abruptly, Becky closed her phone in one smooth motion and returned it to her pocket. She shouldered her purse she had with her and bowed curtly to Bean. He did just save her after all, so she just didn't want to get saved and run. Turning her back, she wasn't even able to take a step before Bean spoke up.
"Rally knows about Grampa, doesn't she?" He flicked the metal top that had come on his bottle into the air and caught it effortlessly. "Or more like she wants to know about Grampa."
Like a shock up her spine, Becky became straight as a board and frozen in her step. It seemed like no surprise to Bean, but Misty was baffled. Though why else was Becky all tempered when Rally was getting information faster then 'The Nose' could provide. Turning around with a snap, the look on her face said everything. Becky looked like she was going to burst, but Bean standing up seemed to confuse her enough to not get out her sentence. Not paying attention to her, Bean looked over at the nervous waiter and pointed to Mistys unfinished sandwich.
" To go." Was all he needed to say. Like an arrow let loose, the waiter flew across the room where he had been standing and scooped up the meal and had it in a ready box before the kitchen swinging door had settled from him running through it to get the box.
"We'll take my car."
Pushing his glasses up, his face was actually rather serious. Though Bean did seem to have a weakness for kids, so with what he had seen and heard most of that day, Bean had a bone to pick with this Grampa fellow as well. Shouldering up part of his jacket, he moved from behind his seat and cracked his neck once before heading to the entrance. Becky looked over at Misty who only shrugged and followed after the massive man. It seemed like the whole room parted to let Bean through, and did little to get in Becky and Mistys way as they trailed a bit behind. Bean headed to The Buff and unlocked the door. Nodding his head, he wanted them to enter. Misty moved to get in the front seat she had rode in before, but Becky had hesitated.
"But... My car..." She started, Bean leaned over and grasped her by the back of her jacket and lifted her to the back door.
"You can get it later." When Bean was serious, you really didn't want to say 'no' to one of his requests. It had to be a record time made from the parking lot to pulling up to the front of GunSmith Cats.
When Bean exited out of the car, the whole thing shook and settled without his massive weight in the front seat. Misty waited till it was steady and got out. She felt a bit dizzy from the zig zagging Bean had put his car through, but it was actually a bit smoother then some of her more hectic rides with Rally. He was the "Road Buster" after all. Looking to the back seat, Becky had fallen over the back seat having not gotten her seatbelt on well enough when Bean and peeled out of the Pizza Parking lot.
"Ooooooohhh my head." But she had little time to recover when Bean opened the door for her and gripped the back of her jacket again to pull her free of the car and move towards the front of the gun shop. Pushing open the door, Bean's serious face broke into a grin.
"Delivery for a Miss Vincent, On the house."
With the sudden ringing of her bell, Rally thought it was way to early for Becky to have shown up. She was fast with things, but not that fast. Pushing open the door that lead her from the back room where she had been to the front, she then heard the voice of someone she really didn't expect.
"Bean?" She was thrown off with him just standing, grinning in her shop. He looked out of place standing in the middle of the whole shop as he was offering something as it hung from his hand. A very annoyed looking Becky. "Becky!?"
Surprise faded into amusement as Rally leaned into the counter that separated her work section from the customers area. Twirling between her fingers a barrel cleaner, she pondered the situation that was taking place in the middle of her shop.
"Something tells me that this Delivery really isn't free┘ Is it Bean?" Her eyes glittered as she watched the refection of the light in his shades as his head turned while he shrugged.
"Can't I be nice once and a while and bring a gift?" He wiggled the scowling Becky towards Rally. Angry thoughts rolling through her mind but most would end up hurting her more then him. Her fist remembered very clearly the last few times it had connected with that smug grin and ended up the loser in the exchange. So she could do nothing till he let her down, well nothing but grumble. Peering out from behind Bean, Misty was not exactly sure where to put herself. So she skirted around the edge of the room and duck to hide behind the counters edge where she found May hiding there as well.
"Do I want to know?" May pointed to the grinning Bean and the hanging Becky.
"All I know is this has to do with some Grampa." Misty replied, happy to be at least feeling safe behind the counter top. May's eyes went wide as she had heard something about a Grampa as well. Probably the same one with how it looks.
Standing up, Rally effortlessly bound over the counter and sat upon it. In her work clothes, she crossed her legs to sit like a lady as she leaned upon them. She took a moment to look him over as she tried to judge his motives and reactions.
"What is it going to cost me?" Rally's one eyebrow raised in curious wonder. This was shaping up to be quite an adventure if the Great Bean wanted something from it.
"I want to help." Bean replied simply. May and Misty exchanged bewildered looks.
Sorry all for the long delay, short and kinda poor chapter. I feel like I was stumbling over myself trying to pick this up. I promise I'll do better with the next chapter. My apologies! : bows: And to give you a cliff hanger to hold on to till the next chapter. And this time I promise to let you guys in more about Michel 'Grampa' Francis. Promise! Thank you for reading! Toki