Well if it ain't chapter two folks! well, part 2 of chapter one... ...uh...I don't own Tales of the Abyss?

In the patterns made from the craters of the moon, the Europeans see a man, the Japanese see a rabbit, and the fangirls ahem... ...well, they see something much more interesting... ... ... ... ...

at least the one who don't mind yaoi. XD sorry folks...um...let's carry on shall we? this first part sounds...well...it's what inspired the quote in the first place...;p

Oh, and well, it seems it would be necessary to describe Irene's character so I'll just go ahead and do that real quick...(most likely not real quick 0x )

Uuuhh...Well, apparently she's close to a mary-sue ;.; Well, She basically has a Belldandy like character from Ah! My Goddess! only sexually aware and can at times have a jokingly cynical attitude. She likes food. But she's not a glutton. Oo; uuhh...She likes to let jerks look worse than they are, but that's only if given the chance. If she gets too relaxed she falls asleep. spoiler for fic: she sits in the suns rays too long in Lukes room and falls asleep drooling all over Luke's worksheets she made for him She is protective about her weight. (as any girl would be) and would probably shoot someone in the face if they mocked her about it, or rather not be jokingly cynical, just plain cynical in a creepy way and disappears at the mere mention of doing dishes. And she can have a strange sense of humor. Let's just say when she was smaller she had a run-into with a certain necromancer...mwahaha. And also, well, from the information I have given you it can only be natural that the dear man influenced her personality. (:cough: and also the fact that Jade, pwns :cough:) uh...well that's only a little info on Irene so yeah. Moving on. :shrugs: Oh, and I assure that if her flaws aren't made apparent now, when the story goes into the storyline things will get interesting. I just hope you folks like/love Jade. (geez, i'm getting ideas for this fic just telling you folks about this. :D)

... ... ... One more thing (God I sound like Uncle from jackie chan adventures Oo) No matter what I do I can't seem to space my paragraphs more. A good person was kind enough to let me know that it would be easier on the eyes if the paragraphs were more spaced but when I do enter twice and save changes it's like I never did it. (stupid fanfiction editing system...cough did I say that? I meant I love it!:D)

Outside in the courtyard a bird flew down and landed gracefully on the edge of one of the roof tops of house Fabre, seeking to rest. It began to make itself comfortable and started to relax. The sound of a glass cup dropping to the floor soon was heard. And then there was a yell, scaring off the bird. The cause of the ruckus came from within the room of the young master of the house. Inside, there lay a glass cup and spilt water on the floor. Luke clutched his head in pain. His eyes shut tight. He grew stiff in his chair. Guy hovered over him, placing his right hand on Luke's shoulder.

"Luke?! Luke, are you alright?! Is it another headache?" He asked demandingly of his master. Luke let out a groan of pain. It felt terrible. No, terrible didn't nearly describe how painful it was. And then there was that dumb voice. Although, he could never make out what it was saying because of the pain. He wished it would just go away and never come back. "Hold on, Luke! I'll go get help! " Guy said turning to leave. It was then that Luke grabbed his shirt. Guy looked at him alarmingly. Beads of sweat started to form on Luke's paling face. He shook his head slowly at Guy.

"D...Don't..." He said weakly. Guy grew frustrated at this, but stayed. Luke let go of his friend, a look of stress placed upon his young face. By the time the spilt water on the floor sank into the carpet completely, the headache disappeared. Luke sighed tiredly as he leaned back in his chair.

" Is it gone? " Guy asked sternly. Luke nodded lazily as he sat back up. It was then Guy's turn to sigh, only in relief. It was just a month ago, where he finally let go of his desire for revenge. Seeing Luke helpless and innocent in the last two months did a number on Guy. He hadn't the heart to slay someone who had nothing to do with the killing of his family. And because he had put that behind him, the two had grown much closer than they were in a months time. They had become good friends.

"Ugh...I hate these stupid headaches. If they happened everyday, I'd go insane, not that I'm not already going insane from being in this stupid manor all the time." He complained with a pout. Guy bent over and picked the glass cup up and set it upon Luke's work area.

"Well, at least you get to walk around the manor, unlike the first few weeks you were here. You had to stay in your room the whole time. " Guy reasoned.

"Yeah...I guess so...Hey, Guy?" Luke asked tilting his head at Guy. His friend raised an eyebrow at him.

" Yeah, what...? " He responded reluctantly. He had an idea where this was going. He shifted his feet uncomfortably.

" Well...Can we take the rest of the day off? " Luke asked. His sentence had ruined Guy's good posture for he slouched over and sighed heavily when he finished. Yet again, the magnificient psychic, the amazing Guy, was correct in his prediction. How doooooeess he do it, folks? Luke hands balled into fists as he grew frustrated. "Oh, come on! I just had a major head attack! " He whined. Guy sweatdropped at this.

"...Head...attack?" Guy questioned, crossing his arms. This made Luke feel embarrased. He pouted at Guy.

"W-well...Yeah! A head attack! You have a problem with me calling it that!? " He said defensively. Guy placed his right hand on his forehead.

" No...Not particularly, I guess. Just don't go using it in front of the Duke and Madamn. " He responded.

" Well, come on, can we please stop for the day? I feel like my head's going to explode! " Luke asked once again. Guy removed his hand from his head and looked at Luke. His face formed into a thoughtful expression and then changed back to normal.


"Yeeesss! Score!"

" On second thought, not. "


Luke slammed his hands down on his desk, knocking down the cup. He glared angerily at Guy, who just smiled slyly at him.

"Just kidding! " He said, ruffling his hair. Luke rolled his eyes at him as he set his cup upstraight again.Guy shook his head and sighed.The kid certainly didn't act like a noble.

"Luke, I have work to do now. I need to run some errands for the Duke. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." He said as the fact came to mind. He took the cup up off the desk and began to leave the room, his mind going over a mental list of things he had to do.

"Guy!" Luke called lightly. The blonde turned his head at his ten year-old friend and master. " You better get your work done quickly! Your the only one I have fun playing with. And Master Van isn't coming today." He commanded. Guy smiled, nodded and then left the room. He didn't have too much to do, and Pere should be just about done with his duties as well.

Irene quietly yawned as she sat up. Sleep still plagued her eyes. She rubbed her eyes with her cold hands and the sleepiness in her eyes disappeared. She shivered slightly and scolded herself for not using the covers. She always felt cold after she woke up, then again it happened with most people. The temperature of their bodies dropped. She rubbed her arms trying to gain warmth and looked out the window. She sweatdropped as she saw it was late in the afternoon. She had slept more than half the day away. It seemed that she was more exhausted then she thought. She placed her left hand on her hair and felt it. It didn't feel messy, but it still would've payed to be brushed. She yawned once more, this time bringing tears to her eyes and stood up. She walked over to the vanity and saw that only a few hairs were out of place. She quickly brushed them into line and then walked over to her door. She paused to look around the room. Her bed sheets were slightly ruffled. She quickly went and fixed them and then walked out the door. She looked around and saw to her right that there was another door. She wondered who's room that was, and quickly remembered being told that it housed the caretaker of the young master. She then remembered what Claire had said to her when she asked about the 'mystery condition' that he had and was surprised hearing about his gynophobia. She questioned herself on what someone like that would be like. Apparently, the maids loved him. A playboy, perhaps? No, that would be impossible for two reasons. One, he's afraid of girls. Two, Duke Fabre would rather give himself to his enemies to do as they will then have someone like that taking care of his kid. When she reached for the door leading to the hallway she paused in hesitation. Would is really be alright for a servant to wander around the manor?
"Again? That's the seventh time this month where he'd have those headaches. " Pere said in dismay.

"Head attacks." Guy corrected. This made Pere give him an odd look. "It's what Luke calls them." He said not wanting to be given credit for the foreign term. Pere nodded slowly at this, the odd look still in place.

"...We should get a doctor to look at him." The old coot said getting back on the main subject. This then streamed into how the doctors couldn't find anything wrong with Luke nor did Luke want the nuisance.

"Anyway, I'm beat, let's head to our room and rest a bit." Guy said stretching his arms. Pere nodded at this and rubbed his right shoulder.

" Yes I do admit, I am a bit sore. " He said as they started walking. Guy gave him a worried look.

" Hey now, don't you go pushing yourself. " the noble in disguise said firmly. The old servant just looked contently at him.

" Oh, I wouldn't worry, Master Gailardia, it comes with the old age. " He said as a matter of factly. The fourteen year-old gave him a stern look. He looked around. No one heard him.

" Pere, how many times do I have to tell you? It's just Guy, now. If someone finds out who I am, it'll be big trouble. They already know you're from Malkuth." Guy said quietly. His old friend smiled sheepishly.

" I apologize. I've been in your family's service so long that I've gotten used to it. " He said bowing his head. Guy sighed. It was true, he had been in his family's service long before he was born. He jumped slightly as a young maid who came to say hello, came a little too close for his comfort. Apparently, he had gotten to be the heartthrob among the servants of the Fabre household. The female portion. He was always polite to the girls, though. Even though he feared them. They then stopped suddenly as Pere greeted some other servants. It was then that he was reminded of something and turned to Guy. " Did you know, Guy? Duke Fabre has hired another pair of hands. I heard about it from one of the maids, late this morning while you and the young master were studying. " He said eagerly. Guy looked at him confused.

"What? Are you serious? They haven't hired anyone since I came along. I thought they had enough staff here. Guess not. It's kind of sudden, don't you think?" He said scratching his head. The old man smiled and shook his head lightly.

" No. Apparently, the Duke and Madamn had been planning this for a while now. From what I've heard, this servant is from Daath. " Pere said. Guy crossed his arms and wore a thoughtful expression.

" That's a little far to come from to work here isn't it? Then again I shouldn't be talking...Come to think of it... I do remember the madamn saying something about getting more help for Luke..." He said closing his eyes in thought. He let out a deep breath and shrugged. Hopefully, it wouldn't be anyone who was an arrogant paranoid jerk that would put even more restrictions on his poor friend. If so, he'd complain to the duke himself, even if it meant risking his job. He'd met someone like that before that acted very rudely to Old Pere, and he seriously had to hold himself back from choking the poor fellow at the time. He had a bit of a temper after the Hod War. Of course, in the end the man was set straight and all it took was a good right hook to the jaw and one mean death glare that made him cower in fear. After the ordeal, Guy admitted to himself that a part of the anger sent into his fist also came from his hatred of the duke. Not that he cared then, mind you.

" I'm pretty sure the madamn wouldn't allow anyone...'callous' to take care of Luke. " Pere said reading Guy's thoughts. Guy straightened up and nodded. That was true, the duke may have been dike enough, but not the Madamn. That was certain. The Madamn was a very kind woman. She'd even convinced the Duke of the two having their own nice comfortable room. The blonde wonder was confident knowing that Luke would be well taken care of. It would only be a matter of him warming up to the new helper. "Oh...uh...Guy. There is a bit of a catch, however...you see your new helper is...female." That statement seemed to stab Guy through the heart. His head hung low as clouds of gloom seemed to form over him. Pere grew uneasy. Perhaps it would've been best if he hadn't told him...? Guy soon after recovered from this spiritual stabbing and lifted his head.

" Well, what difference is one more female going to make...? " He said being positive. It's not that he didn't like women. Oh, he loved women, with all their slick curves. And especially the hot ones in the maid unifo--stop. stop. Guy shook his head and mentally slapped himself. No, it wasn't that he hated them, he was just afraid of physical contact with one. But seriously, some of those maids did look--

"...Master Gailardia...?"

" H-huh? What is it...?"

" Your...drooling..."

" Gyaah! Shit! "

Irene shuddered. To go, or not to go? She wanted to go outside. But she didn't want the duke getting angry. Her hand was on the door knob leading to the hallway where she was talking with Claire earlier. She closed her eyes and sighed. She opened the door and walked through it. She saw a few others walking the hallway and sighed in relief. While she was out she was going to try and get a good look at the young master, perhaps even meet him. She walked quietly through the hall. She headed towards the door that led to the courtyard. Her gaze was half-way looking at the floor. She sighed. Why did the hallway have to be so long? She heard two pairs of footsteps not to far ahead and looked straight forward. It was an old man and a boy that looked like he was about her age. She freezed when she looked at him. The young blonde seemed to do the same. They stood there for a bit, just looking at each other without saying a word while the old man looked at the two in confusion. The two seemed to be trapped in each others gaze... After a few moments they broke out of their trance.

"Oh-uhh... ..." was all that came out of her mouth. The same went for the blonde's reaction when he broke out of his trance. The saphire eyed girl struggled for what to say. She'd never been in this kind of situation. Irene shook her head and let out a deep breath and smiled sheepishly. "Hehheh...I'm sorry. My mind went blank for a second." was what the young lady let out next. Irene got a better look at the two now that she wasn't spaced out. The old man wore a blue shirt with pale red overalls. The blonde wore a white buttoned down shirt with long sleeves and a green vest. The first button of his shirt was undone, making the collar of his shirt loose. He wore black pants with slightly worn looking leather boots. Meanwhile, on the mens side, Guy just looked off to his right to the wall opposite of the one with the door leading to the courtyard. He scratched his head.

"N-no, it's okay..." He said still looking in the other direction. Pere nudged him making Guy look at him confused.

"Is that any way to address a lady?" He said for both him and Irene to hear. This made Irene giggle. Pere could see that hormones had gotten the better of the two of them. He smiled heartfully. Irene went and spoke once more.

" It's alright. Oh, where are my manners? I'm Irene De Flore. I am a newly hired servant here. " She said bowing her head politely. This got Guy's attention. Of course she's new, it was plainly obvious that she was new here. He mentally slapped himself for being so out of it. She's was the one who was going to help look after Luke? He supposed it was natural that she would be young, like him. Luke wouldn't be that comfortable being with someone so much older than him.

" I figured. So you're the one Duke Fabre hired as another caretaker for Master Luke?" Pere questioned.

" Yes, I am. " She confirmed. Pere nodded at this approvingly.

" Good good. My name is Pere. I'm the gardener for the courtyard outside. And this here is the person you'll be working with when taking care of Master Luke. " He said politely. Guy took this as his cue to speak up when Irene looked at him in realization.

" I'm Guy Cecile. I'm the one who's been looking after Luke. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said bowing his head. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise but then went back to normal.

" Indeed it is a pleasure. " Pere said heartily. Guy looked at him strangely. Irene smiled at this amused. She stepped forward and held up her hand in order to shake hands with the two but remembered what she had been told about Guy when he moved back uncomfortably.

"Oh- I'm sorry. How silly of me to forget. I've already been told about your...uneasiness when getting too close to girls..." She said apologetically, putting her hand down. Uneasiness. Probably not the right word but, okay, that'll work. Guy raised his hands defensively.

" It's alright. I... ... just can't handle it when... ... girls get too close or touch me. " He said embarrassed. "It's not a big deal really. I just need to keep my distance that's all. Don't worry about it." He added. Pere nodded in agreement.

"Alright. But you shouldn't have to do that. I'll be the one making sure I'm at a good distance. I promise I'll try to not get to close on purpose." She said. And she meant it. She really meant it. " Anyways, what...is L--I mean Master Luke like? I'm also aware that he's gotten amnesia but I'd like to know how he's doing, relearning all that he's forgotten." She said changing the subject.

"Uh...Well, I've managed to reteach him how to talk, read, write, and walk. He's still not used to his parents or anyone else but Pere,Van and myself though. I still have to teach him a lot of other things as well. But at least he was able to repickup those things quickly. He must've subconciously remembered, seeing as how he was able to pick it all up in less than two months." Guy said thinking about it. Irene nodded in understanding.

"That's right, I forgot Commandant Grants teaches him how to use a sword. Duke Fabre did mention that. That would come in handy if he decides to go traveling when he's finally free to roam outside the manor." Irene said thoughtfully. She would know, her parents and herself always used to travel around, and her father would always protect her mother and herself from monsters and bandits. Her father taught her how to fight, at her request, so that when she was bigger, she could help him. However, her parents died before she was fully taught and had to partially teach herself and learn from the dojo owner here at Baticul, as well as some other folks who were great friends of her parents when they were young. After her parents died, or were killed actually, she was sent around the place on her own including Baticul. But she never really went near the area with the castle. After a couple of years, she settled down in Daath. Though she found it uncomfortable the way the people were so dependent on the Score. Her parents never really cared for the score nor did they ever have it read. In fact, it wasn't until she went living in Daath that she actually learned what the Score really was. Not only that, but, Daath was just where all her parent's friends seemed to gather to avoid being hit by war and such, they weren't devoted followers at all (which often got them lectured on how the score is very important by their neighbors).

" Yeah, but I highly doubt he'll be able to do that very much. After all, he is going to rule Kimlasca, someday. " Guy said folding his arms. "It's more or less a way to keep him from getting bored being here in the mansion all the time." He added. Irene concurred at this.

" I see. Is there anything else I should know? " She asked tilting her head. Guy thought a moment and remembered about his headaches.

" Yeah, he gets really bad headaches from time to time. While he has those headaches, he says he hears someone's voice. Of course, the doctors say they can't find anything wrong with him. " Guy informed.

" I see. How peculiar. That must get very annoying for him. Poor thing." She said thinking again. Guy nodded but then shook his head wildly out of the blue. Pere looked at him strangely for it.

"Yeah, he's says that all the time. But how would you know? " He asked. Irene blinked at him for a bit.

"Well, it would be like that for anyone, would it not...? If I couldn't tell that much from your new bit of information, I don't think I'd be suited to be a caretaker for him." She responded. The first part she said casually, the other she said while sweatdropping. Guy agreed by nodding.

"Yeah, you're right. It was a stupid question. Sorry." He said letting his head sling low. Irene waved it off. Pere looked at the two and beamed.

"Well, you two go ahead and talk, I'm going on ahead to our room, Guy." He said as he started walking towards the other side of the hall. Guy felt somewhat guilty letting his friend go on alone.

"You sure Pere?" He said raising his hand as though he was going to reach out. Pere looked at him cheerfully and nodded.

"Of course. You two should get to know each other since you both will be taking care of Master Luke now. Besides, these old bones of mine can take care of themselves." he said as he kept on walking further away, leaving the two by themselves.

When they went outside and spoke, Guy was surprised that he didn't see Luke playing outside by himself. It's what he usually did when Guy wasn't able to play with him. The alternatives would have been wandering around the manor, watching the staff work, and seeing if he could get some of the more serious White Knights to move from their position, breaking their statue-like appearence. However, if the young princess were here, he would either be doing whatever it took to lose her in the giant manor, tuning out when she gave him lectures of how nobles and royalty should act more proper, arguing, playing, or in the case that Van came to train him, he'd show her what he'd learned that day. (Which was the most peaceful outcome)

" The clouds look so nice today. " Irene said marveling at the sky. Guy turned to her and the glanced at the sky.

"Yeah, I guess so. " He said shading his eyes from the sun. Irene gave him a sheepish look.

" I'm sorry. To my friends, they say I'm notorious for appreciating and enjoying these kind of things, but they say it's not a bad or anything." She said. It was true. Her friends from Daath were amazed at these kind of things. They said that those traits were apparent in both her father and mother. Her friends were her parent's friends to begin with. Their offspring were her friends as well, be them older or younger or about the same age.

" They're right, it isn't. So, in Daath, how exactly did things work out for you there? " He asked putting his hands in his pockets. Irene looked back at the sky again and thought.

" Very well. Everyone is very kind. Though, in my opinion,the people are little too attached to the Score. Every so often neighbors would lecture me on how important the Score is. As strange as it is, I'm not a very loyal follower of the Score at all. Of course that might be thanks to the fact that I was not raised in Daath's religous atmosphere. Not only that, but the company I'm around doesn't really follow the Score loyally either. " She said. The one particular cloud she was watching engulfed one of the fonstones in the sky.

" Really? Heh, that's interesting, considering that almost everyone's a loyal follower of the Score. How come you don't care for the Score that much? " He asked, watching a fonstone float by in the sky.

" Well... It is my belief, that one should not have to rely on something such as the Score. It is true, that not knowing what lies in store for us can be frightening at times, but if we people are not alone and don't stray from the strength of our hearts, I believe we can pull through. Besides, I think it's more exciting that way. " She said thoughtfully.

He turned his head so that he could look over the entire courtyard. He didn't say anything for a few minutes, making Irene think she said something she shouldn't have. She tilted her head at him worriedly.

"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong...?" She said uncomfortably. Guy shook his head.

"No...no...You're right, the strength of someone's heart can be a powerful thing. " He replied. He thought about it some more, and it reminded him of how strong his hatred was of the Duke but in the end he let it go, thanks to Luke. But it wasn't just Luke, it was also thanks to the strength of his heart as well. He mentally thanked his sister Mary for raising him to be strong. The opening of a door broke him out of his thoughts and even more so when he looked to see a scowling Luke come out from the left side of the courtyard.

Irene looked out at the red-haired boy. He wore a red short sleeved shirt that had gold buttons going down the length of his shirt and short black pants. He wore red boots that went half-way up to his knees and wore brown socks underneath. His black shoe laces were neatly tied.

Luke muttered angerly to himself. He stared at the ground and stomped around slightly. " If they want me to go away they can just say so...Stupid adults...always having to say something different..." He complained quietly to himself. He obviously was not having a good time. He looked up and saw Guy. Paying no notice at all to Irene (who was three feet away from Guy), he ran up to him and stomped his foot on the ground.Guy smiled wearily. He knew how this would turn out. " What the heck have you been doing Guy?! I've been waiting forever! And everyone's being boring around here, as usual. They're such wimps that they can't even tell me to get outta their faces. I thought I told you to come play with as soon as you were done with your work!" He said annoyed. Guy sweat dropped. Technically, he only said to finish his work quickly.

"Nice to see you too, Luke." He replied dryly. That made Luke cross his arms and pout at him. Irene lightly giggled.

" Come on, Guy, he's been waiting eagerly to play with you for a long time. For a child of his age it's even more agonizing to wait a long time. " She said kneeling to Luke's height. It was then that Luke noticed her for the first time, she sounded much older the way she talked. He pointed at her.

"And just who the heck are you? " He asked impatiently. Guy sighed at the young master.

"Don't be rude, Luke. She's going to help me look after you. It would be easier on all of us if you'd stop with the attitude." He answered. He felt slightly embarrassed at the impression he was making to Irene. Not that she was bothered in the least bit.

" Yeah, yeah, whatever. " Luke huffed waving off Guy. He looked back at Irene, the demand for an answer still in his eyes. She smiled kindly at him.

" Hello, Luke. It's great to finally meet you. I am Irene De Flore. I hope we can have lot's of fun together. " She said gently. For some reason, she somehow managed to calm him down with just talking to him. Perhaps it was the sincerity in her voice? One would not know. Or perhaps it was the kind and gentle tone she normally spoke in. Yes, perhaps it was that and the fact that she really meant it. He was still frustrated though. He looked down at the ground.

" Yeah, right. I doubt you really care at all... None of the adults seem to want me around. They think I'm just annoying." He said in a low tone. It wasn't an angry tone but a somewhat troubled tone. This made Irene smile fade.

" Luke! Stop that! " Guy crossly said.

" Well, it's true! Whenever I ask Dad or anyone who's off work, they always say they can't and that I should play with someone else. And I can't ask Mom cuz she's always sick and weak! They just think I'm in the way! They just think I'm annoying...! And I bet she does too!" Luke snapped. It wouldn't surprise Guy if she thought that, given his attitude. Irene didn't say anything for a minute and then sighed. Her facial expression covered by her bangs. When she pushed them aside, to their surprise, she began to giggle and placed her right hand on Luke's hair and ruffled it slightly.

"You know, I used to think the same thing when I was your age! At least for a little while anyway. And seeing that I wasn't the only one, than that must not be completely untrue. There are a few people who think that about kids, huh? Though, not all adults act the way you say simply because they think you're annoying. " She said cheerfully. She smiled just as cheerfully. This seemed to perk up Luke. His eyes widened slightly, and raised his head slowly to look up at her. It really sounded like she understood. She knows, or for better word, knew, what it felt like to be in his shoes--and still remembered too. Guy was somewhat in awe at how she was handling him so well. She really knew exactly what to say to Luke.

"But...then why?" He asked after a long pause. His frustration and anger disappeared mysteriously. Somehow, she managed to reach him easily, and drain all those stressful emotions away. If it were someone else, surely he would have just blown that person off...? She untangled her fingers from his short red locks and placed it down on her kneeled legs, her smile still in place.

" Well, I could tell you why...but I'm afraid I'll just have to say one of the most common quotes that kids hate hearing." She replied. Luke was somewhat confused for a moment but replied instantly.

" What's that? "

It was then that she went on and said," That you'll understand...when you're older. " When he heard this, he pouted slightly but was apparently satisfied with her answer. Guy just stood there quietly just looking at Irene as the scene unfolded. She was able to calm Luke? Well, it wasn't impossible...but still. It was now apparent why the Duke had hired her, someone who lived all the way from Daath, to come to Baticul while he could have easily gotten some other person from here. He could tell that it wasn't just from experiance that she could handle kids so well. At this moment she really did seem to understand Luke completely.

And thus we finish what I wrote for chapter one. Review. Give me critiqing. This is my first fic that I put my blood sweat and tears into and I don't want to 'f' it up. pardon my french. But seriously. The critiques I got in the first 'chapter' I submitted helped me greatly. It helped me get more of an idea on how I should tweak things. Thank you.