Gomennasai for the long wait! The thing with me is, at first, I really get into a project and then after a while, my interest kinda fades, and I move on to something else. But you don't have to worry about that anymore cuz this is my very last chapter of The Game Of Love!! Enjoy!

"You looking for me, dope?" The raven had crept up right behind Naruto.

"Argh! Sasuke teme! Quit sneaking up on me! How did you find the Secret Garden?!"

"'Secret'? Everybody knows about this place. It's right in the middle of the park, dope!" Before Naruto could say a word, Sasuke sat down next to him. The boys glared at each other for a minute or two and then started to look out at the romantic scenery in front of them.

"So…" Sasuke finally broke the peaceful silence. "H-How are things going between you and Sakura?"

"Argh! Terrible! I can't stand her!"

"Really? But you two are always on top of each other!"

"Yah. Only when she wants to but whenever I want to, she says 'Not right now! Quit being such a baka!' It's weird. She almost seems kind of grossed out. I though I would like having a girlfriend, but it's not worth feeling this miserable. I should probably just break up with her and maybe even move on to somebody else…"

"R-Really?" Sasuke said, trying not to sound interested.

"Yah. She's just not the girl that I thought she might be." Naruto said with a sigh. A warm breeze blew through both of the boys hair. "You know Sasuke," Naruto practically mumbled. "I'I've been thinking a lot about you lately."

"What?" The Uchiha was taken back.


"No, it's OK. I've been thinking a lot about you too."






"Yaaaahh." The boys were inching closer and closer together with every word, until their forehead protectors were touching and they could feel each others breath. Sasuke leaned in a little more, heading right toward Naruto's soft lips. Naruto instantly pulled back.

"No, this isn't right. I shouldn't do this until I break up with Sakura."

"Oh." Sasuke sighed. "Just promise me you'll break up with her."

"I promise." Naruto said with a thumbs up as he walked through the pathway of vines and disappeared into the darkness.

The next day, Sasuke was the first one waiting for Kakashi Sensei to show up. He had just woken up and felt like crawling back under his soft warm comfy blankets. Suddenly he saw something in the distance that made him perk up, well, as perky as an Uchiha can get. It was an annoying, loud, but kawaii orange blob. "SAASUUUKEEEE !!!" The hyperactive noisy ninja gave the slightly embarrassed boy a big Uzumaki hug!

"So, how did Sakura take the break-up?"

"Umm, well, about that…"

"You know you're going to have to eventually if you ever want us to be together."

"I know but-"

"NARUTO!!" A screeching voice pierced the morning sky and made all the birds fly away in fear.

"Good morni-"

"OK, listen up! We're going on a date at the fanciest restaurant in Konahana! It's going to be a romantic evening and and - OK! I can't do this anymore! The truth is, I never gave up on Sasuke-kun!"

"What?!" said Sakura's very confused "boyfriend."

"Yah that's right! I just used Naruto to get Sasuke-kun jealous, but that didn't work at all!"

"I was jealous."

"R-really??" said the pinkett with hope sparkling in her eyes.


Meanwhile, Inner Sakura danced around screaming, "Yes! I knew my plan was working all along! Sasuke-kun is mine!"

"You going out with that dope made me realize how much I really want him." Now, there's no way that Haruno Sakura is going except the fact that Sasuke would flat-out reject her for Naruto.

"Noo!! This can't be happening!!"

"Oh, yah Sakura! I forgot to tell you, I've been meaning to break up with you!" Smirked the goofy ninja.

"Great timing, dope!"

"Shut-up teme!" Naruto beamed at Sasuke and leaned in. Sasuke leaned in closer and closer to finally do what he had wanted to for so long now. Sasuke and Naruto were finally about to get their second kiss when Sakura roared,

"Naruto! This is all your fault!! I'm gonna kill you!!!"

"Don't you dare hurt him!!"

Team 7 stopped what they were doing and all started looking around to see where that voice had come from.

Out of the bushes popped the blue-haired lady, cleaned up, but mad as hell! She limped closer and closer to Sakura as she said in a raspy voice, "You may have broken my foot and thrown me into a sewer, but I'm not going to let you hurt anyone else!! I've been lookin' for you! You pink haired freak! Now," she said as she cracked her knuckles, "I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to me!!"

"C-c-common now!" Trembled Sakura as she tried to back away. "Can't we just work things out, hehe?"

"It's too late for that, Pinky!" Even though the blue-haired lady wasn't a ninja she still had some fighting skills that Sakura poorly lacked. Sasuke and Naruto nonchalantly watched their teammate get her butt kicked.

"Wow. I can't believe that Sakura is getting her ass kicked by a non-ninja with a broken leg! That's pretty sad." Remarked Naruto. The blue-haired lady gave Sakura one last kick with her good foot and then disappeared into the thick forest. Sakura slowly started to stand as she walked over to her crush and said,

"Sasuke-kun, tell me you're lying! There's no way you would ever go out with him of all people! You want me,right??"

"Humph! When did you ever get that stupid idea?" And with that said, Sasuke finally had his second kiss with Naruto. When they finally came up for air, Konohana's #1 unpredictable ninja remarked,

"Wow Sasuke! I was right! You are a better kissed than Sakura!"

Meanwhile, unknowing above their heads, Kakashi Sensei was in tree, looking down on everything that was happening. "Oh! You can't make up Genin drama like this! I should totally make this into a fan fic and publish this on the internet!"

There ya have it folks! Feel free to give me a review on all the good points, bad points and anything else that caught your attention on The Game Of Love!