Disclaimer: The Naruto characters arn't mine, though the other characters are.

Twin Opposites

The Beginning of the End

"Yes Koori-Kage-sama"

An ice shinobi replied to her leader before she and her team vanished.

"Kaji, do you want some more rice?"

"No thank you, "He told his wife. "You know it's just too quiet at dinner when the girls are gone"

"I know, I hope they return soon" Mizu, the mother of some unfortunate twins, replied.

Five shinobi landed outside the door of a small simple house. The couple was heard inside conversing over dinner.

The leader turned to her team, "Remember we're supposed to capture those two, and bring them to the Koori-Kage." she whispered. With four nods she turned back to the front door of the house and kicked it off its hinges.

At the sound of the door parting from its hinges the couple stood. "Who's there?!" Yelled Kaji as he was standing protectively in front of his wife.

The shinobi rushed in and surrounded the couple.

"What do you want with us?!" Kaji roared at them as he and his wife backed up towards the wall. All the while the shinobi in front of them matched each step. When the pair reached the wall and stopped the leader of the team spoke.

"I think you know why we're here."

"And that reason would be?"

At those words she lunged at him and placed a kunai at his neck, "Don't try to play dumb with me!" she ground out. "You have been watched from the very beginning.

"How could that be?" Mizu muttered more to herself then to the surrounding ANBU. She looked at the kunoichi, "Who are you?"

"Oh, you should know that answer as well."

"What are you talking about?" Mizu exclaimed.

"Well your daughters and I were the best of friends."

"What? . . . Mei!" Kaji stated in disbelief.

"So you finally got it huh?" Mei smirked as she removed the ANBU mask, reveling her hazel eyes and brown hair. At a snap of her fingers her team dove at them rope in hand.

"Mei what are you doing!?" Kaji bellowed as the shinobi bound them.

"Betraying you." Mei smirked once more as she replied, and in a flash the shinobi carried the Hoshi couple off to their Koori-Kage.

"Heeeeey! Itachi wait up!" Kisame yelled to his departing teammate.

Itachi slowed down slightly as the shark-like man caught up, glaring at him accusingly.

"What? You know I always have to feed Mr.Bubbles before a mission!" Kisame defended himself . . . and his fish.

"Come on Yue, we're almost home." A blue-eyed girl with white hair shouted back to her twin sister.

"Tsuki, you just have too much energy, calm down!" The other twin shouted back.

"But Yueeeee." Tsuki whined to the green-eyed black-haired look alike.

"Shut-up, there's the gate now" Yue snapped at her twin.

As the two landed in front of their village gate a team of five ANBU surrounded them.

"What do you want now?" Tsuki expressed boredly.

"Tsuki Hoshi, Yue Hoshi, the Koori-Kage wishes to speak with you." Was heard from behind the mask of the team leader.

A/N: Ha Ha, cliffhanger . . . I think?

So this is the first chapter of the story that me and my friend are writing together. Aaaand here's the address to the page for the doujinshi, without the spaces, please take a look at it,

http:// tsukiokamiproduction .deviantart .com/

Tell us what you think, and if the naruto characters are ooc at all.