Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach despite my many wishes
WARNING: this story will contine scenes of violence and theme that some readers find desterbing. The story also deals with Femslash, Het and Slash apearing in that order. If you don't like any of those three just ignore those bits and read the story anyway.
Timeling: This is set after Ichigo saves Rukia in the Soul Society, Aizen has been caught and life is as normal as it can get in the Bleach world. Atleast until the zombies attack anyway.
A/N: I welcome both flames and reviews...I'm actually lying I only welcome reviews :)
Omaeda Marechiyo could barley stand he had gashes all over his body and his once neat shinigimi uniform was torn and blood stained. He lent heavily on his right side and looked like he could barley swing his zanpacto. The hollow he had just fought had been tough so tough that his last shot had nearly decapitated him.
He finally gave up the fight with gravity and fell to his knees. The once clean pavement now seemed to be stained red. His vision was bleary to bleary to be a good sign. He knew he wasn't long for this world.
He didn't want to die!
He wanted to live!
There had to be a way! no, no he couldn't do what he was thinking. The spell could get him into a lot of trouble if anyone found out he had used it...but he might die...
Omaeda Marechiyo lent dangerously to the right before he toppled on to his side. He fell onto his back and his zanpakto fell form his useless fingers. He stared blankly at the sky.
He didn't want to die...
"Phoenix, wasted time repent..."
Tatsuki yawned and closed the door behind her. Why couldn't school be on in the afternoon when sane civilised people were waking up? No instead it has to be on in the god forsaken early hours of the morning.
Absently she waved to Orihime who was just exiting her apartment across the street. The gesture she had been doing every school morning for it seemed as long as she lived. So it was surprising that instead of receiving the huge enthusiastic wave she had become accustomed to Orihime looked at her awkwardly before turning and heading of to school on her own leaving Tatsuki behind.
Oh yea that's right they weren't friends anymore.
Not since she stupidly confessed her feelings to the girl two weeks ago. She didn't expect a bunch of flowers and a declaration of undying love but the cold shoulder that she was given by the other girl was not only unexpected but hurt like hell to.
She accepted Chizuru so why couldn't she do the same for her? She had never even tired to molest the other girl!
Tatsuki threw her band over her shoulder and resolutely continued on as if nothing had happed.
Nope it wasn't her heart that was lying bleeding on the floor of Orihime's apartment.
Omaeda Marechiyo couldn't believe that he was alive!
That stupid incantation had worked even without the gestures that was supposed to go with it! finally it was his turn to be lucky.
He raised his glass in high spirits and toasted the room. It was good to be alive!
Though he seemed to have come back a little differently. Humans could see him for one thing, he put this down to the fact his spirit level was so weak. This ravishing hunger was another. He sat in a standard three star sushi bar. the food was good enough to keep him here for awhile.
He was to engrossed to notice the presence sitting beside him. The woman in a red evening dress that look far to up scale for this low establishment had curly brown hair that fell down her back in waves. The toyed idly with a cock tail despite the fact the bar didn't serve any alcohol.
"I've waited a long time for an idiot like you to come along" she drawled. It seemed as if Marechiyo didn't hear her "oh yes, you should be real hungry by now."
It didn't seem to make a difference how much he ate he still felt the distant pangs of hunger gnawing at his insides.
The waiter scowled at the weirdly dressed man at the end of the counter. He had been in here sine ten eating like a pig it was now three. He better have enough money to pay for this.
"lets speed this up a little shall we?" the woman's husky voice fell on deaf ears as no one seemed to pay her any attention. She placed her hand on Marechiyo's arm.
He suddenly felt sick. Maybe it was all the food he ate. The rice ball fell from his hand as he bent over the counter. Oh god it seemed as if his insides were on fire.
The waiter noticed right away when the greedy bastard bent over the counter as if in pain. Served him right. He approached the man almost gleeful.
"Sir? sir I'm going to have to ask you to lea-ah what the hell?!" he recoiled as the man lunged at him trying to bite him.
The entire restaurant was suddenly in an uproar first people tried to help the waiter who was being mauled but at the first sign of blood the crowd scattered like gazelle at the scent of a lion. Those that tried the front doors found them mysteriously locked. Frantic, some of the men tried to use the seats to break the windows but they had become like steel refusing to even shudder.
They were all trapped.
The scarlet woman picked up her cocktail and settled in to watch the show.
This was stupid. They were both walking the same way towards home. Yet with Orihime a few feet in front she might as well have been a different country away with the way she was obviously not looking back at her.
Why couldn't she have karate class this after school today? It would have saved her the awful walk home.
Orihime rounded a corner taking her temporarily out of view. If she wanted to be mean about the other girls awkwardness at her feelings she could have made some lascivious comment about preferring to walk behind her for the 'scenery' she wasn't that bitter yet.
She just had to open her mouth didn't she? She had repressed those feelings for the last three years a little longer wouldn't have hurt. But three years ago Orihime wasn't hanging out with Ichigo and his friends, three years ago she didn't feel as if she was loosing her best friend and crush. She had told her her feelings in an effort to stay close to the other girl.
That worked out just great, she thought sarcastically.
Tatsuki the rounded the corner and instead of finding orihime at the end of the alley like she thought she found her near the centre slowly backing up.
"I-I cant understand you..." Orihime nervously put her hands out in front of her to ward of the man that was slowly lurching towards her. there was something about him that just didn't feel right.
The man wore a name tag saying Jin. His cloths were caked in mud making trying to discern what he was wearing almost impossible. Tatsuki didn't like the way he was lurching. He grabbed Orihime by the shoulders and tatski hurled her bookbag at the man before he could blink.
It seemed that her instinct to protecting Orihime hadn't dulled in the two week separation.
The man lurched back and fell down. Tatsuki grabbed the stunned Orihime's hand and dragged her away from the man as he tried to stumble into a standing position. His movements were robotic and jerky like he had forgotten how to get up.
"Stupid drunks! its the middle of the day for crying out loud!" she pulled Orihime onto the safety of the main street "what have I told you about going in alleyways alone?"
"You said never to do it at night! its still day so you can't blame me!" she tuck her tongue out at the spiky haired girl.
"Yeah...well" she had no come back and the orange haired girl grinned at her victory.
Then they both remembered. Orihime snatched her hand back like it was on fire and Tatsuki stepped back slightly hurt at the reaction. It wasn't like she was infectious.
"A-arigato Tatski-san" orihime made a hasty bow before hurrying of home.
Tatsuki sighed looking up at the sky for answers. The almighty didn't seem to be in a talkative mood so she continued on home.