16-year-old Lily Truscott walked along the beach, the salty yet calming sea glistening under the sunlight that was softly illuminating the sky into a spectacular orange and pink landscape. With the effulgent, dainty waves caressing her feet, Lily walked with her slippers in hand.

"Give it up, Lily," the heartbroken teenager tells herself under her breath. "He's never going to like you. He likes Stacy," she continues, making reference to her crush of 2 years, Oliver Oscar Oken. She continues her way down, her lustrous blonde hair blowing in her tear-stained face.

16-year-old Oliver Oken runs towards the beach, knowing that his best friend since pre-school, Lily Truscott, would be there. Seeing a roughly 5'4'' silhouette walking by the sea, he immediately recognizes that as Lily, and sprints towards the skater, all the while shouting her name out.

Upon hearing her name, Lily realizes that Oliver was calling her and hastily wipes her tears away with the back of her hand. Painting a fake smile on her flawless porcelain skin, she turns to face her best friend, greeting him with a casual "Hey, what's up?" But in truth, she was far from okay. Her heart was shattered. Shattered into a million fragments. A million unreconstructible pieces .

"Oh my gosh Lily, you'll never believe this!" the excited boy squealed, like a little girl, oblivious to his best friend's heart break.

"What?" Lily asked, pretending to be interested, though given a chance, she would rather run away, knowing that it had something to do with Stacy, Oliver's crush. Ignorance was indeed bliss.

"Stacy and I are going out!" Oliver declared, his voice bursting with animation.

Lily felt tears well up, threatening to fall. But she wouldn't let them. Pride, sometimes, will do you in.

"That's…" she said, thinking of what to say. She wanted more than anything for him to be happy, but couldn't he be happy with her?

"What's wrong, Lily?" Oliver questioned with concern. Lily was his best friend in the whole entire world, apart from Miley, and her opinion meant the world to him.

"Nothing, nothing," Lily continues. "I'm so happy for you!" she lies through her teeth and bobs up and down, pretending to be happy for her friend. But it was all a pretence.

"Thanks, Lily!" Oliver said, pulling Lily into a tight hug. "You're really my best friend!" Patting Oliver's back, Lily mutters "That's what I am alright. The best friend." "What?" Oliver questions, his face folding into a frown.

"Never mind," she says. "Go and get her, tiger!" she croaked out, sniffling back the heavy tears that would drop if Oliver didn't leave soon. Oliver's face stretched into a grin and shook Lily's hand and bit his lip. Wishing for luck from his friend, he then took to his heels and dashed out of the beach.

Her lips trembling, Lily's vision soon became a blur. She sank into the sand, placing her head in between her knees, her tears plopping into the sand. The salty tears that flowed into her mouth tasted horrible, and she was a mess with snot gushing out. But she didn't care. She just wanted to brawl her heart out. Oliver's words rang in her head. "You're really my best friend!" She was nothing in his life, except for the stupid blonde best friend. She was only the best friend.

A/N: Ollie you doughnut! Lol. Anyways, hope you enjoyed it. I know it sucked, so cut me some slack! Yours truly, Bernice.

Disclaimer: HM is not mine, sadly.