Digimon Lancer
Chapter 12: Essence To Digivolve
By Screech04
AN: I don't own Digimon, Bandai and Toei do.
"Growlmon digivolve to…WarGrowlmon!" Nikki remembered on what happened just a few hours ago. Their Digimon all at the Champion level were facing an enemy stronger then they fought before; MetalGreymon. He was foe at the Ultimate level and had given their Digimon a good beating in the multiple encounters they had with him. In the last battle they had with him, MetalGreymon fired his trident claw at the three but Growlmon took the hit and saved the three. In his last moments Growlmon was slowly dissolving away and it was thanks to the love and companionship Daniel had for his Digimon that allowed Growlmon to digivolve to the Ultimate level as well and defeat MetalGreymon. She wondered if Veemon could reach the Ultimate level as well. She imagined ExVeemon covered in metaalic armor plating just as WarGrowlmon and MetalGreymon were, "Would he be called MetalExVeemon, I dunno." She muttered as her eyes closed and she fell into a nap.
-Daniel's House-
'Oh man seeing Growlmon almost get deleted perhaps had to be one of the worst moments of my life. I've only known Guilmon for a couple weeks and I feel like I've known him much longer. It was great seeing Guilmon digivolve to his Champion form, but even more amazing when he went to his Ultimate form.' Daniel thought to himself as he layed on his bed. Staring at Guilmon sleeping on the floor, he reached down and patted the Digimon on his head and scratched as well.
"I'm glad you could come at such short notice." Arkadimon greeted.
"Of course, your greatness I would have it no matter way." A voice said.
"Plus I'm sure your powerful methods of persuasion will be of use to you, afterall you've been a great influence in the Digital World."
"Yes I know, it will take me awhile to figure out how the human network works, but in time control of all digital information will be given to you."
"Good, then I will leave you to your work Etemon." Arkadimon vanished into dark mists.
-The next morning Bayside High School-
Nikki was busy at her locker when she heard a group of people talking.
"So you'd hear about that new night club that just opening up tonight, by the train yards in Long Island City?" One girl asked another.
"Yeah I heard of it, though its kinda strange opening up on a school night, especially in Long Island." The second agreed.
"Maybe its opening to gain a base, to see if it could attract an audience." A guy said. Nikki walked past them when one of the girls a redhead looked to her friends and smirked.
"Well well if it isn't little miss Nikki." She said which immediately made Nikki stop. "Look at her thinking she's better then us, wondering on why she lost Daniel to Amy." She continued, and noticed the look on Nikki's face, "Ah is little Nikki going to cry?" Her and her friends laughed, the redhead then turned to walk off with her friends following her. Nikki then immediately ran up to the redhead and knocked her down, She got onto the redhead's back and grabbed her arms pinning them behind her. Nikki then dug her knee into the redhead's back which made the girl whimper in pain. Nikki then lowered her head to speak
"Don't call me Nikki!" She said into her ear, "Its Nicole to you." Nikki got up and walked away.
-American History Class-
"Now who can list off five cultural influences of the 1979s off the top of their heads?" the teacher asked in a monotone voice as he wrote on the board. Nikki was tired, but also taking notes for the class, she quickly made a glance back towards where Daniel was sitting. He was too busy writing in his notebook taking notes to look up and give a smirk to her like he used to do when they were dating, she sighed and returned to her notebook, then a explosion rocked the school.
"Oh no, not again." Nikki said to herself, another teacher ran into the room, "There are these weird rabbit things attacking the faculty and students' cars." She said. All the students got up and left the classroom to see what exactly was happening.
-School's parking lot-
"Electric Stun Blast!" the rabbit creatures said as they fired electric balls from their hands at the cars in the parking lot. As soon as the balls hit them the cars would either explode instantly, go haywire then explode, or go haywire and drive off on their own. Nikki ran out to see the rabbits, she brought her D-Scanner.
"Gazimon huh? Well they're Rookie level, and the only attack they have is that Electric Stun Blast." She said as she read the data and looked at the 3D hologram of a Gazimon, "I just need Veemon here." Her answers were called as Veemon flew out of nowhere and headbutted one of the Gazimon.
"What was that?" One of the Gazimon turned around and the others did the same. They all saw Veemon, "Well well its only a Veemon, we'll make short work outta him. Electric Stun Blast!" Veemon jumped out of the way as the electric balls hit the pavement of where he was standing before.
"Veemon is going to need some help." Nikki brought out her D-Scanner and the Devidramon digi disc. "Digi Scan Initiate." She said to the gadget inserting the digi disc at the same time. "Devidramon's Dark Gale."
"Dark Gale!" Veemon jumped into the air, his eyes changed into a crimson red color and then two red beams shot out, wiping out a group of Gazimon who gathered in a row.
"Electric Stun Blast!" This time multiple of the Gazimon's attacks hit Veemon as he fell back onto the ground, electricity swirling around his body and paralyzing him. The Gazimon started to circle around Veemon ready to finish the Digimon off, but as if they wearing headsets they backed off and retreated.
"That was odd." Nikki said as she heard the sounds of police sirens in the distance, "Uh oh better get Veemon out of here." She ran forward and grabbed Veemon, before anyone saw her with the Digimon. She ran a couple blocks before stopping, "That was too close, hope no one saw me with Veemon." She then continued her way back to her home.
-Nikki's Home-
"Thank you Tom for the weather." The anchorman said as he read the teleprompter, "And in tonight's top story it seems Bayside High School has suffered from another monster attack. It is another in the long line of monster sightings that have been happening all over Queens and in Manhattan. Andrew Johnson, principal of Bayside would like to give a few words." The screen then switched to a video of an interview given earlier that day.
"We are terribly troubled by these monster attacks that have been happening within our city, and are afraid that harm may come to the students and community around the school if these attacks continue. It was decided along with the Board Of Education that Bayside High School will remain closed until repairs have been made." The principal explained.
"Bayside hasn't seen better days, just days ago an attack happened which left the school's gymnasium in rubble, hopefully this matter will be cleared and students can return to the school. And now to Bob for sports." Nikki sighed and turned off the television.
"What do all these Digimon want with our world?" she asked herself as she looked at Veemon who was sleeping on the couch.
"Nikki, dinner is ready." Her mother's voice rang from the dining room.
"Coming." Nikki walked into the dining room, Veemon smelled the aroma of food and followed her in, hiding under the dining table. Her mother had kicked bacon, scrambled eggs, hash brown patties, toast, and made orange juice. Basically it was breakfast for dinner.
"Yummy." Veemon had a piece of toast in his hand and was finishing it up."
"Quiet will ya!" Nikki hissed as she slipped a piece of bacon under the table for Veemon to grab.
"So Nikki, how are things going for you?" Her mother asked politely.
"Oh you know, same old things. School, dealing with inconsiderate pricks, and those mysterious monster attacks." Nikki replied, she then heard Veemon cough under the table, probably from eating the bacon too quickly and not taking time to chew it.
"What was that?" her mother asked.
"Oh I had something caught in my throat." Nikki chuckled as she faked a cough which only got a raised eyebrow from her mother.
"You're not hiding something are you?" her mother asked.
"Me hiding something, whatever gave you that idea?" Nikki joked.
"Nicole." Her mother said sternly.
"I swear mom I'm not hiding anything." Nikki argued back.
"Ok, I have a meeting at the office in thirty minutes, so do the dishes and take out the trash." Her mother got up and left the dining room.
"I really hate not telling mom the truth." Nikki sighed as she picked up the plates. Later she went up to her room to check her e-mail. Normally she got e-mails for scholarship opportunities, letters from colleges saying she should visit them, a friendly joke e-mail from Tyler, but no e-mails from Daniel. She almost cursed outloud, she walked to her bed of where a teddy bear was lying on the bed. It was a gift that Daniel gave to Nikki on one of their dates. She angrily grabbed the bear, threw it around the room a couple times, before slamming it down into her wastebasket. After doing the task she sat down on her bed, "I'm not going to cry, I'm not going to cry, I'm not going…to…" she told herself as she felt tears emanate from her eyes, she immediately ran to the wastebasket and grabbed the teddy bear out of it. She hugged it tightly as she let more tears fall. She fell back onto her bed and slipped into darkness.
-Arkadimon's Hideout-
"Etemon, how soon before you control the networks here?" Arkadimon asked as he watched Etemon work with a complex collection of computer consoles.
"Its still taking time baby, gaining control of the networks is like getting a blessing from an irate father with a shotgun training it on a boy who tried taking his daughter on a date." Etemon joked, but Arkadimon didn't find it funny as it involved humans.
"Master Etemon." Etemon turned around from the consoles to see the Gazimon who attacked Bayside run up to him.
"What is it, what do you little big eared bunny rabbits want?" Etemon asked irritably.
"Well we do what you asked, but it didn't go as planned." One Gazimon started.
"What do you mean not as well as planned?"
"Well we wanted to get that girl just liked you asked us to, but then her partner Digimon came up and attacked us. We're well under the number of Gazimon you had before."
"I give you no brain dopes a simple task and you screw it up?" Etemon demanded.
"Well can we give it another go?" the Gazimon asked hopefully.
"How about I give you another go, Dark Network!" A green orb appeared in Etemon's hand and he threw it at the floor of where the Gazimon were standing.
"Augh!" The Gazimon screamed in pain as the orb exploded into a miniature vortex as the rabbit Digimon wered pulled in and the intense force of the vortex ripped their bodies apart, torn into red data particles.
"Good help is hard to find these days, I'll have to do this myself." He then typed more into the computer console until a confirmation sound rang. "Etemon the king has control, yeah baby!"
-The next morning, Nikki's place-
Nikki woke up to the sound of her alarm clock going off, she was about to go and take a shower and get ready for school. She then remembered that school was closed until repairs had been finished. Nikki sighed and got onto her computer to do the usuals, but then found something strange.
"What? Server not found. She then clicked on her wireless network application and found that all the available wireless networks in her area were locked, and were getting no signal, "What is going on?" she asked. She checked her cell phone and saw her phone was getting any signal.
"Come on, piece of junk." Veemon was sitting on the living room couch trying to watch his favorite morning tv shows, but all he got was static.
"Ahh the joys of digital television." Nikki joked as she walked into the living room and only got a glare from Veemon. She then walked out of her house.
"Hey where are you going?" Veemon followed her out.
"To check out this problem." Nikki made her way to the nearest subway station along with Veemon, they transferred trains and got on the one that headed straight into Times Square. In Times Square, she found that people were having trouble with their phones as well. Most of the screens showing commercials and ads were now just showing static.
"Hey is this thing on?" a voice rang.
"Nikki do you see what I see?" Veemon asked.
"A monkey wearing shades holding a microphone, yep I see him, I see that everyday." Nikki replied. Standing on a raised platform was Etemon.
"Hey how ya all doing, lovely morning for a stroll." Etemon said into the microphone.
"Was it you, you freaky monkey that caused all this?" one person asked threateningly.
"Course I did, you humans chumps have gotten so far into the digital age that I felt it's a need to send you back to the stone ages. I will do it by megabyte by megabyte. And plus to make the process go faster and not have you disrupt me, you should all take a nice long nap." Etemon then brought out an electric guitar, "Get ready for my number one solo, garnered top awards in the Digital World, big hit seller. YEAH!" Etemon shouted and strummed his guitar. All the people in Times Square immediately passed out. Nikki and Veemon had covered their ears to not faint.
"All too easy." Etemon said as he jumped down.
"Hey, you big jerk." Nikki shouted which Etemon turned to the girl.
"Ah so you didn't like my solo?" he taunted.
"I've heard better." She said back, she then turned to Veemon, "Ready buddy?" Veemon gave a nod. She brought her digivolution digi disc and scanned in her D-Scanner.
"Veemon digivolve to…ExVeemon!" ExVeemon took to the air, "Vee L..." ExVeemon was about to fire his Vee Laser, but Etemon jumped into the air and punched ExVeemon in the gut and did a downwards roundhouse kick which sent ExVeemon plummeting down onto a taxi cab.
"Is that the best you got?" Etemon taunted.
"I'm just getting started." ExVeemon got back onto his feet and charged forward. He feinted a punching motion which Etemon fell for, he moved behind the monkey Digimon and kicked him in the back. Etemon was knocked off his platform and fell onto the pavement.
"Argh you just got a lucky shot, Dark Network!" Etemon threw the green orb at ExVeemon who dived to avoid the attack, the orb impacted on a lamppost, and the vortex effect horribly twisted into a circular pattern.
"Vee Laser!" The X-shaped laser hit Etemon in the chest, but it didn't do much damage.
"Let's take this fight to somewhere less crowded." Etemon laughed as a black mist enveloped him, ExVeemon, and Nikki.
"Where am I?" Nikki asked as she looked around the place she was in.
"This is the Dark Network, this is where I control all digital information." Etemon appeared out of thin air. They were on a grey plastic floor, a black writing mass of cables,cords, and wires was lying in the middle of the floor. The world around them was covered in a dense black smoke that seemed to go on forever, strands of electricity emanating through the smoke.
"You won't control it for much longer." ExVeemon charged Etemon. Etemon only laughed as he raised a hand and wires popped out of the floor and tried to entangle ExVeemon, "Critical Crunch!" ExVeemon chomped down on the wires, he repeated the process as more wires popped out, but soon they entangled him. Electricity traveled through the wires and were shocking ExVeemon.
"ExVeemon no!" Nikki shouted as she saw her partner crumple to his knees from the excruciating pain of being electrocuted to death. The process seemed to stop as ExVeemon crumpled over, not moving. "ExVeemon." Nikki ran over to ExVeemon, she touched his head, and felt coldness, coldness such as death. "ExVeemon you can't go, I can't lose you. I've already lost two people I deeply loved, I don't want to lose you too." Two golden streams of light shined through the black smoke, one of them went straight into her D-Scanner and the other onto ExVeemon. She then saw that the Stingmon digi disc she acquired came out of her pocket on its own and scanned itself. ExVeemon then glowed brighter from the light…
"ExVeemon Essence Digivolve To…Paildramon!" The golden light disappeared from where ExVeemon was. Nikki saw that much of ExVeemon had changed. She noted that he had Stingmon's hands and body and ExVeemon's wings, lower legs, and tail.
"What's going on?" Etemon asked, "Who are you?"
"I am Paildramon, I am an Ultimate level Digimon. I digivolved from ExVeemon using the essence of Stingmon. My Desperado Blasters are a force to be reckoned with." Paildramon said to the monkey Digimon.
"Ultimate level or not, you can't beat me Dark Network!" Etemon threw his attack at Paildramon. Paildramon only swung his hand and the green orb reflected off of it and flew off into the distance.
"Nice try, but its my turn. Cable Catcher!" ExVeemon fired off the claws on his hands, they were attached by cables. The cables wrapped themselves around Etemon. "Here have a ride." Paildramon started to spin around in a circle, swinging Etemon around in a circle as well.
"Hey let go!" Etemon yelled as he was being swung.
"Ok." Paildramon released his hold on Etemon the cabled claws returned to his hands while Etemon was sent flying colliding on the ground, "Time to finish this, Sting Strike!" Paildramon brought out a glowing silver on his right hand and flew towards Etemon.
"No stop!" Etemon then screamed as Paildramon impaled him in the gut with the spike and lifted him into the air.
"Desperado Blasters!" The weapons on his hips pointed upwards at Etemon and released a full barrage of blue energy bullets into the monkey Digimon.
"Noooo!" Etemon screamed as his body was torn apart into red data particles by Paildramon's attacks.
"Now that is cool." Nikki exclaimed.
"Now to return things to how they were." Paildramon turned and face the growing mass of black cables and cords, "Desperado Blasters!" He fired off the energy bullets at the mass. Electricity sparked from it before explosions came and giant transparent zeros and ones flew out of it.
"What's that?" Nikki asked as Paildramon came and picked her up as the floor she was on was starting to dissolve.
"All the data and digital information that Etemon stole and stored into his dark network is going back to where it originally belongs to." Paildramon explained as he flew through a glowing white gate that led back to the normal world.
-Nikki's house-
Nikki watched as Veemon slept on her bed, it had been a long day for him. She then looked at the Etemon digi disc she acquired and now she saw her Stingmon digi disc had been modified. Behind the Stingmon icon there was a black emblazoned D for digivolution. "Paildramon, huh?" She smiled as she thought of a sinister thought of making Daniel dance while Paildramon shot at his feet which reminded her of old cartoons and movies that did that, "I'm not that evil." She smirked to herself.
-Arkadimon's Hideout-
"So Etemon and his Dark Network have been destroyed. No matter, I have gotten enough information on the human world to intiate my ultimate plan." Arkadimon chuckled to himself then laughed out loud.
End Of Chapter 12Hey guys sorry if this chapter seems a bit weak, I just wanted to get it done. Also sorry on why I took so long, I found something called a Dazzle DVD Recorder and been recording and posting footage of my favorite video games on YouTube. So blame the dazzle o.o