Sasori sat on the floor of his and Deidara's room, fingers fiddling with a very delicate hidden weapon in one of his new puppets, teeth see-sawing his bottom lip in concentration.
A kunai whooshed strait past Sasori's ear from the weapon in his hands, rebounded off one of the walls, off the other one, and landed strait into Sasori's pillow on his bed, feathers exploding from the abused pillow to flutter back onto the bed like white rain.
"What?!" barked Sasori, turning to glare at his partner in the doorway, but he stopped short.
Deidara stood in the doorway, wearing nothing but a pink miniskirt, his hair up in pigtails, and two flowery earrings hanging from his ears.
"I lotht a bet." Deidara stated.
Sasori blinked in answering, his mouth agape.
"Kithame thead that Itachi'th 'got' more than four women in a day on average, and I thead leth than four. I lotht."
Sasori blinked again.
"I hate it when Kisame maketh croth-drething joketh! Now it'th true! And I have to talk in a lithp too! That'th jutht THTOOPID! Can I hide in here until I can thtop wearing thith and thpeaking like thith?"
Because of the pleading look on Deidara's tanned face, and what Sasori could've sworn was lipgloss on his pouting lips, for the first time he had been a puppet, Sasori exploded into a fit of uncontrollable giggles, rolling about on his wooden back and laughing like he had not a care in the world, and if he had real tear-ducts, he would've been crying too.
When Deidara stamped his foot and shouted "Thtoppit, Thathori-danna!" it only made it worse.
((END. I do not doubt I have raped and destroyed your images and respect for these characters, and, i am sorry for that. Have a good day, and I do hope you can understand Deidara's lisp!))