A/U: I have been gone from fanfics for months now. But today I was led to write this short story. It's either a two-shot or three-shot. Depends if I can fit the rest into another chapter. But nothing more than that. Just short and directly to the point. I love writing mysterious/angry/psychotic types of stories as well as the dramatic ones. So this is my first real attempt away from my norm. I hope everyone likes this!
Part One
"Did you see the rock on her finger?!"
"It is so insanely gorgeous and totally sweet," G Major staff employees gossiped without a care to his presence looming behind them. "I heard he gave it to her the night they got back."
Sighs lifted into the room. Piercing into his fast building hatred for everyone. Especially the two who no one seemed to stop talking about. "Well I heard he gave it to her half way through their trip while they were gazing up at the stars. He supposedly pulled out the ring and confessed his undying love to her!"
"What?!" Giggles erupted from around the corner as he tried to keep his anger in check. "I never heard that! Now I don't know what to believe!"
"I don't think anyone will ever know the whole truth. Both of them are remaining tight lipped about their trip and all the sexy details."
At the mention of what most likely transpired between the two persons of topic his hands balled into fists. Nails dug into his drying skin. Cracking the surface enough to draw a tiny amount of blood. Without realizing the pain he was causing himself he tried hard to erase the images of his nightmare from continuing its sick and haunting play in his head.
His thoughts ran wild as the giggling staffers continued to gossip without a care as to who over heard them. Rude beyond moral. Painful to those who needed an escape from the happy couple. He wanted nothing more than to march into the room and slap the silly giddiness out of each and every one of them. He hated that they sat around all damn day and compared notes on how two staff members finally made their long going love known to the world. To say he was mad was an understatement. He was livid. He was vengeful. He was hurt. He was breaking down on the inside.
"Look there she is…" Before another word was spoken his eyes darted across the studio. There she was. His girl. Standing by the kitchen area toying with the wrapper on a full water bottle. His gaze worshiped the strength of her long fingers as she continued the sensual movements up and down the paper covering. His breath caught when she laughed. He always loved her laugh. He dreamed of her laugh. He dreamed of her all the time. Always laughing and smiling at him. She was not only his everything. She was his sun and moon. His undoing.
"She is the luckiest girl in the world." Another round of dreamy sighs filled the small office space as all gazes seemed to be glued on the girl across the studio. "I would give anything to be her… or to be able to do the things she does to that gorgeous hunk-a-man."
Disgust rolled in crashing waves inside of him as the staffers kept talking their damn mouths off. Every word that slipped from their over glossed lips pissed him off the more. He was half tempted to stomp over to them and slap them all until they learned how to shut the fuck up. Enough was enough. If he had to hear one more word about how his girl was so in love with that dream boat asshole he would not be accountable for his actions.
"Oh hush up!" One of the gossipers jokingly ordered. "The thought of seeing him without a shirt on is enough to send me into hyperventilation. I can't even begin to imagine what picturing the rest of him would do to me."
Another round of giggles broke out. "Oh my god I bet he is faint worthy to look at. He already is, but without a stitch of clothing! I'd have to be peeled off the floor every time he flashed me a smile…. Him naked…and smiling!"
Before he did something he would later regret he pushed away from behind the door and snuck out of the room. His mind reeling in a dozen directions. All of them involving his girl. All of them eliminating the problem.
Speak of the problem.
Every emotion any dictionary could think up passed through him the instant that bastard walked into the room. A quiet hush followed him as he made his way towards the girl with the sexy hands. She must have sensed the quiet because she turned and her gaze locked on to her lovers. Her beautiful eyes. The same ones that used to stare up into his eyes with every dream he always wanted….now looked into those of that mans. And he knew he had lost her for good.
She would never again look at him that way. She would never smile secretively as they whispered silly words back and forth. Only words and jokes that they would understand. From the moment he had met her, they had an instant connection. She became his life. And he became her ultimate stomping ground.
As his mind raced with growing hatred towards the ogling couple he silently pushed angrily passed the other studio workers. None of them suspected his thoughts. None of them knew what he was capable of. None of them knew what he wanted so desperately to do.
There was only one option. Only one way to let those two know how much they hurt him. Only one way to show his girl he would never again let her rule his heart. Take over his mind. Possess his very being. He was sick of being her dog… so tired of always falling to her knees whenever she walked by, begging for another chance. Another shot at their always fucked up relationship. No more. He was done with all of them. He was done with his girl.
Done watching her eyes light up when she looked at him. Done watching the way he easily held her hand as if just the smallest touch gave him the strength he needed to get through the next five minutes.
The secret kisses in the kitchen. The accidental touches as they passed by one another. The looks they sent with their love filled eyes. The songs she wrote about him. Songs so full of happiness he knew had nothing to do with the long ago friendship she used to share with the boy who's heart was bleeding… her life now revolved around that monster. That pig-headed loser who stole his girl.
Shaking with anger he stormed past the happy couple with thoughts of revenge plaguing his battered mind and broken heart.
Today he realized was the day he had had it. Today was the day he became unhinged.