Super Glue
Casey woke up at 9:30am on a Saturday Morning. It was Summer vacation now. Everyone was happy about it, but she took it another way. She almost even paid her teachers to give her summer work. But instead she thought maybe she should put her time and effort into practicing for her dance recital that would be later in the fall.
She slowly sat up in her bed, and yawned. She picked up a booklet beside her bed and opened it.
Today's To Do List
1. Take shower
2. Get dressed
3. Put makeup on
4. Call Lucy
5. Make tomorrow's to do list
6.Read Romeo and Juliet. Act II Scene II
She closed the book and slowly got out of bed. She grabbed clothes for the shower, and made her way out of her room and to the bathroom. She saw Derek run out of the bathroom as if he was hiding something. She shrugged it off and walked into the bathroom. She closed the door but forgot to lock it and set her clothes down.
She turned the shower on and got undressed. She jumped in and began washing herself. She didn't realize though, that someone had sneakily come in the bathroom and set something on the counter before leaving as quietly as they came.
15 minutes later Casey got out of the shower and dried off. She didn't need to wash her hair cause she had last night. She got dressed and grabbed her makeup case that was next to her. She put on the mascara, eye shadow, etc… She was missing something though…her lip gloss.
She double checked her makeup bag, the floor, her room, but she could not find it. She walked back into the bathroom and just noticed that it was on the counter. It was clear, and perfectly shiny lip gloss. She wasn't big on lip stick and stand out colors.
She span the lip gloss so the top would come off. It was the kind that was connected to a wand stick. She brought the wand to her lips and rubbed it on her bottom lip. She dipped it again, and brought it up to her top lip. She rubbed her lips together. But noticed they were sticky.
"What!??????" She thought
She broke her lips apart with a wince.
"Super glue!? Ugh Derek!" she thought.
She ran into his room with her lips apart. He just looked up at her and smirked. You couldn't really hear what she as saying, because when she talked her lips didn't touch each other.
"Er-ek oo id is!" she yelled
"Sorry Sis…I can't understand a word your saying he said still smirking and getting up.
"I??? I id oo do is?"
"Sorry, did you say why did you do this?"
She nodded and was repulsed when drool came came out of her mouth, from her hard to swallow faze.
"Because I thought it would be funny." he said laughing "And it is!" he said laughing harder.
She wiped her chin from the drool and just glared at him. She couldn't take it anymore and pushed him hard on the bed. She began hitting him with all the force she had. He covered himself with his arms as she continued hitting him.
She got tired easily because of the fact she still couldn't close her mouth all the way. (Not meant to sound dirty!) He took this opportunity to pull her down on the bed with him. He flipped her onto her back as he gained the position of being on top of her.
"You might not want to use your green shampoo bottle next time either," he said smirking as he pinned her down.
"Er-ek! Oo ar uh urst!" she yelled.
"That may be." he said coming down right next to her ear. "But at least my lips aren't super glued together."
"es eh ar." (translated to yes they are) she said before capturing his lips in a hot and steamy kiss. They were both into it, but something dawned on them. They both slowly opened their eyes but there lips were in the same place.
"Oh crap!" thought Casey
"Oh shit!" thought Derek.
The End
A/N-Muhahaha Super Glue! Lol I had to do it. Lol Hope you enjoyed please review.