Jessica: Well? Why am I the bad guy in this story? I mean they're the criminals!!!! I should get something for almost killing one of them!

Me: Um… Jessica, you live with them. That's different.

Jessica: No it isn't! They're still criminals!!!

Me: True but-

Jessica: See? You agree with me!

Me: What? You're going to betray your father?

Jessica: Yes!

Me: Have you no shame?

Jessica: Hey! I didn't ask to be brought there.

Me: Just…give the disclaimer before you make a bigger fool of yourself. OK?

Jessica: Fine. OK! Here's the disclaimer! The author does not own Naruto or any of the characters! That is all. Enjoy!

Jessica started to fidget a lot in the presence of her father, Deidara, and the person she tried to kill, Uchiha Itachi. Her father was still holding her but she could care less about personal space right now seeing as this was very awkward. Sasori put her on her feet and she still kept fidgeting and looking at the ground. She wouldn't budge. Sasori was looking at her with sympathy even though she did almost kill somebody.

"Jessica," Sasori said and she turned her gaze to him. "Why'd you try to kill Itachi?"

"Um…I…Um…I can't tell you," Jessica said putting her head down in shame.

"Jessica, tell us and you won't get in that much trouble," Sasori said not saying that she wouldn't get in trouble.

"Um… Itachi-sama, do you know a Shisui?" Jessica asked for the first time looking at Itachi.

"He was my best friend before I killed him," Itachi informed.

"Um… well…you see…this is hard to explain but ever since the surgery because I almost died…I went to this small part of Heaven…I think….and he well started to contact me while I'm asleep or unconscious or just meditating and he told me to kill you or suffer the consequences…hehe," Jessica explained as she rubbed the back of her head sheepishly.

"Wow, yeah," Deidara said with wide eyes.

"Jessica, why are you listening to voices in your head?" Sasori asked rubbing his temples.

"It's not like I have a choice! He's scary! And…and…make the voices stop!!!" Jessica whimpered while Itachi smirked at how afraid she was of one of his old dead friends.

"Maybe we should send you to a shrink, yeah," Deidara said earning a glare from her.

"And become the laughing stock of my whole school? I don't think so!" Jessica said defiantly.

"Your health is more important than your reputation besides you had brain surgery! Did you forget?" Sasori asked with a twitching eye.

Jessica just stormed off and walked angrily to her room and he flinched at the sound of her door slamming. She was really in a bad mood. If the voices in her head didn't drive her to insanity then she'd end up trying to kill Itachi until the voices stopped and Leader-sama wouldn't want Itachi dead so she'd probably be tortured to death or worse and he didn't want to think of worse because with Leader-sama you never knew. So Sasori did the only thing he could think of. He went to her room and knocked on the door. The only response he got was a soft sobbing noise. He sighed. She was going insane. She's broken down and cried so many times since the surgery. He opened her door and walked inside. He sat on the end of her bed but she knew he was there because of the sudden weight.

"What do you want?" Jessica asked sharply.

"Can you ever let your guard down?" Sasori asked chuckling at how tense Jessica was.

"Shut up. Can't you see I want to be alone?" Jessica asked getting annoyed.

"Jess, I'm trying to help you. Don't push me away," Sasori said.

"Well give me some space!" Jessica yelled in her defense.

"(sigh) Sorry, Jessica. Can't do that. I'll be right back," Sasori said as he got up and left her room.

Jessica's POV

My father left my room and I had no clue where he was going but I didn't care. I was glaring at the wall in front of me thinking how soft and weak I had become. I've been crying a lot and couldn't kill Itachi. Stupid, stupid, stupid me! I hate hearing all these voices in my head. Most of them don't bother me as much as Shisui-san. Wait! When'd I start calling him by his name? Oh well. Most of them are telling me to kill somebody. I sometimes have heard of the person. Oh great. I'm going to be used for revenge for every one of the voices in my head or they wouldn't go away and people die everyday. Joy. My dad came back a few minutes later with Sakura. I raised a brow in confusion. Sakura did a few hand signs I knew all too well. Oh hell no! After the hand signs we both were in a world of black. She was staring back at me and I was right now not really happy with her so I glared at her. She went inside of my mind! Then I turned around because I felt a presence and her eyes got wide and saw the one who called himself Shisui behind me harboring a smirk. I couldn't handle any of this!!!! I clicked my tongue in annoyance and tried to look away but his sharingan kept my eyes glued to his. Stupid Shisui. Stupid sharingan. Stupid Itachi. Stupid Sasuke. Stupid Uchiha clan! Gah! I'm gonna give myself a headache calling everything stupid.

"What do you want?" I asked Shisui coldly.

"Who's the girl," Shisui more like stated instead of a question.

"Haruno Sakura," Sakura answered. I glared at her. I was trying to be defiant and she was ruining it!!!

"What do you want now? I tried to kill Itachi and my father and Deidara interfered," I told him in a cold tone that would make Itachi proud. I was getting annoyed. Sakura was just standing there looking at us and Shisui was looking at me. I was glaring at him but he seemed unphased by it. God, this is so annoying! I am helpless. Don't you hate that feeling? A feeling that you can do nothing and are being stared down and I'm just rambling on about it.

"Kunoichi you seem unnerved," Shisui said to me. I gawked at him. I didn't care that he didn't use my name. In fact, I didn't want him to. It was him having the nerve to call me unnerved?!!? He made me this way and he knows it!!!!!

"Screw you! Can't you get out of my head?" I asked him with angry tears coming out of my eyes.

"Aren't you angry today? I'm not the one who tried to kill Itachi, am I?" He asked me. Can you believe him? He asked me that?!!? He threatened me to kill Itachi!

"You told me to!" I yelled at him.

"You could've said no," He said trying to outsmart me. Heh. I'm not an A+ student for nothing.

"You threatened my life," I said angrily.

"I did? If I asked you to kill Itachi because I couldn't how could I kill you?" He asked me again. Damn him. He was probably smart too when he was alive too.

"You're in my mind!!!!! There's no comparison to that! You can't hurt him because you're a ghost but you're inside my mind you can push me to suicide if you wanted!" I yelled at him and tears not just of anger came out. Fear. Worry. Confusion. He smirked at me and that told me that he knew I was right and wouldn't push that fact anymore. I wished it would all go away. And as if on queue we were back in my room. I glared at Sakura for a moment and then focused my glare on my father and it was 10 times more powerful than the one focused on Sakura.

"He's going to kill her," Sakura said in shock more to herself than to my father who I knew she was telling…err…somewhat. I saw my father's eyes get big for a second and even after they went back to their normal size but I still saw fear in his eyes. My eyes softened a bit. He was scared of loosing me. I should stop being such a prick and try to make it easier for him. I mean hell yeah I'm scared too but he's more afraid because he has to live with the fact I'm dead and I could kill myself in front of him since Shisui couldn't touch me physically. "Actually," I heard Sakura begin so I listened even though I knew what she was going to say and then she continued. "He's going to push her to suicide."

"Jessica, are you alright?" My father asked me. Is he serious? Of course I'm not alright!!!

"I'm fine. Really but if I had to say so he's already pushed me to suicide," I stated in a sad sort of help me I'm defenseless and I need you tone. I saw my father's eyes get really soft like he wanted to help me but didn't know how to. I curled my legs up to my chin, wrapped my arms around them, and rested my chin on them. I sighed and looked back up at my father and Sakura. I really did need my father since I was so damn scared but I didn't want to admit it. And no! I don't have a big ego!!!!!

Normal POV

A single tear slid down Jessica's face as she closed her eyes willing all of this to go away. Sasori was next to her as fast as the tear came out of her eye. He enveloped her in a tight hug sh-ing her and trying to get her to relax. Jessica eventually fell asleep and Sasori tucked her in and left the room with Sakura. Then Jessica's eyes shot open. She faked sleep for one purpose and one purpose only. She's going to kill herself. Jessica took a knife out from under her pillow, her hands slightly trembling. She couldn't take any of this anymore. She put the knife right above her heart and remembered her conversation with her deceased mother. She slowly started to drop the knife. She told her mom she didn't want to die and leave her father alone and she's trying to kill herself now?!!? She got a second chance at life and somehow knew there wouldn't be a third. She grabbed the knife and ran out of her room trying to go somewhere. Where? She didn't know...she stopped at a door. It was Leader-sama's office and she heard voices in side. She knocked a few times and heard a muffled 'Come in' and went inside to see Dediara and Sakura along with the Leader. They looked to her silently telling her to speak.

'Um...Leader-sama?" Jessica asked unsurely. He raised a brow silently telling her to speak what was on her mind even if it was completely rediculous. Which it was. "I need your help. You see I just had surgery and I'm sure my father told you about the 'incident' and these stupid voices and I was wondering if you could somehow help loose my sanity and be able to get rid of the voices because I was too afraid to ask my father for help and I just now tried to kill myself!" Jessica finished in hysteria.

"Sure. Now, Deidara. Sakura, what'd you come here for?" Leader asked and all attention was on them.

"Um...Deidara and I fell in love. we've been spending a lot of time together and he's helped me get over a few tragedies and my fiance would want me to be happy so I was wondering if you would allow us to be together and maybe bless us?" Sakura asked her father who smiled in return.

"Of course, but you both have to stay here and Deidara don't sleep with my daughter until she's atleast 18," Leader said as he glared at Deidara who turned his gaze to the floor. Jessica had her mouth touching the ground at what just happened.

And so Leader and the rest of the Akatsuki helped Jessica and once found her kissing a girl in her bedroom which after that she kept a sign on her door that said 'Knock first you imbeciles!.' She was slowly getting better and changed the colors of her room and the posters. She had a red wall with Hilary Duff, Skye sweetnam, Jesse McGay...(cough) sorry Jesse Mccartney and other popstars on her walls. She kept some of the black stuff and they liked the improvement of her room even if it was a little. she still hun out with her same friends and limited her fight at school to 2 fights a month instead of 2 a day.

Sakrua on the other hand was going steady with Deidara and they shared their first kiss on her seventeenth birthday when he also asked her hand in marriage and she said yes. Funny how their first kiss was also the day he proposed. Leader even said he'd fund the whole wedding and allow them to do things on their honeymoon which he was sending her and Deidara to Hawaii for. They had their first child when she was 21 and it was a boy. They were in love and they both killed Sasuke while she was 3 months pregnant...I wonder how she protected the child. As for me I have no life writing about other peoples happy endings and guess what! They're not real even though I wish they were!

Last chapter!!! No sequal!!!!! Like it? I had writers block so it took me 2 days to finish!!!! I can't update until Satuday because I'm at my grandparents with my sister and cousin!!!!