Disclaimer: I own very little.
"You stopped me from returning the ball."
Eiji didn't seem surprised at the comment, not even glancing at his friend. "According to Fuji, yes," he replied. "I don't really remember much of it."
"Me neither." Oishi took the teddy bear on Eiji's bed into his hands, inspecting it as though expecting to notice something he had missed all the countless times he had seen it before. "…That Synchro was really something."
"I agree." Eiji grinned. "I guess we've finally reached our full connection, eh? Fuji said we moved as one during the Synchro! Pity I can't remember…"
"Why would you want to remember?" Oishi put the teddy bear down again and looked at his partner. "It might be interesting, yes, but why is it such a pity that you don't remember anything?"
"Well…" Eiji took the teddy bear instead, tossing it into the air as he lay on his bed. "If Fuji was right, I stopped you from returning the ball because I felt your wrist was at its limit."
"Yes, I heard that too. What of it?" Not for the first time, Oishi couldn't help but think of a cat as he looked at Eiji – a cat playing with a ball of yarn.
"I just wonder, if I could feel how your wrist was… could I sense other things as well?" As Oishi's gaze remained puzzled, Eiji clarified, "During the Synchro, I wonder if I could sense Oishi's feelings too."
"Eiji." Grapping the teddy bear from the air before Eiji could snatch it again and tossing it aside, Oishi leant over the other boy, one knee on the bed beside Eiji. "I'd like to think you know my feelings better than well."
"Yes, but..." The red-haired boy pouted a bit. "How can I be sure? Oishi's so patient and mature, while I'm insensitive and thoughtless and hyperactive. How could you like me as much as you claim to?"
"Because you are also nice and smart and funny and just plain adorable." Oishi smiled. "Rather I should ask why you would like somebody as boring and uninteresting as me. Don't you ever get bored of me?"
"Of course not!" Eiji grinned. "You're not boring, Oishi. You're the sole reason I haven't bounced into the clouds yet. Who knows what I'd be without you?"
"So let's just decide we complement each other." With another smile, Oishi leant further down to place a light kiss on Eiji's nose. "Synchro is just a final proof of that."
"Yeah." Eiji smiled happily, drawing Oishi further down and nuzzling the side of his face before kissing his cheek.
Oishi chuckled. "If you want to take a hopelessly romantic approach at it, I suppose you could say our hearts became one," he said with a slightly teasing tone. "But neither of are into such things, don't you agree?"
"For a non-romantic person, Oishi sure comes up with romantic expressions," Eiji replied, equally teasing. He then wrapped his arms around Oishi's neck. "Say, Oishi… Isn't that position a bit uncomfortable?"
"Hm?" was the only response Oishi had time to give before Eiji pulled him down to the bed, half on top of the other boy.
"Much better," Eiji said, grinning. "Mm, Oishi blanket. It would be nice to fall asleep like this every night."
"Being close to me in a bed makes you think of sleeping?" Oishi raised an eyebrow. "I must be doing something grievously wrong…"
"Ooh, naughty, Oishi." Eiji smirked. "Weren't you supposed to be the calm and nice one?" Then, before Oishi could reply even as little as he had to the last question, Eiji kissed him.
Oishi realized he wasn't about to get a chance to answer properly for quite a while. Therefore, he decided to demonstrate just how nice he could be, instead.
Hopefully he could also make his feelings for Eiji clear once again.