((A/N: I know you're all going to be pissed at me when I say this…
Untold is now on hiatus.
I'm sorry! I was going through the next chapters and realized I wanted to rewrite a lot of stuff so I left the USB drive I keep it on in my pocket so I could work on it when I went to my older sisters house for Thanksgiving and…
T.T!! I can't find that pair of pants!! I know I didn't leave it(because it's my favorite pair and I always make double triple sure I have it) and I think I packed it or wore it on the way home but can't find the duffel bag I left all my clothes in! I left it in the living room on top of the basket and then it was gone… GONE! I didn't panic until I realized I don't know where my pants are(and they're my favorite pants! They're nice and baggy and they have lotsa pockets! Now I have to wear jeans! JEANS!) WAAAAAAAH!
So… in closing… I'm going to cry now and ransack the house for my pants again… I'm so sorry guys! Gomen! Waaah! Knowing my luck mamma washed them and my USB was destroyed!! T.T!!
-Muse-chan distressed and depressed.))