Get off of my back

Chapter 6

Naruto disclaimer; I do not own Naruto

A speacial thanx to:



LunaGoddessOf Foxes

xxMisunderstood Kunoichi ox



Thankyou for your reviews they mean alot to me and I will update soon. I truly appreciate them.



Sasuke looked to the left and saw Rock Lee, Tenten, and Neji appear and then appear behind the rookie nine/ seven. "So you think you can take me back?" Sasuke said as he unsheathed his katana.


Sakura watched from a distance as he pulled out the shinning blade. The memory of him stabbing her flooded into her memory. "Naruto.." Sakura whispered. She closed her eyes and put her back against the tree.

'Sasuke if you kill any of them I will never forgive you.' Sakura thought sadly as she starred down at the Cherry Blossoms falling. 'Wait if I pull of a Genjutsu we can escape.' Sakura got the idea and was now raking her mind for a genjutsu.

Then out of nowhere Sai appeared on the opposite branch of the Cherry Tree. Sasuke glarred at him from the corner of his eye. Sakura froze and started to turn and noticed he had a Konoha head band.

Then her memories flooded back to her when Naruto, Yamato, and Sai found Sasuke for the first time in years.( Episode 223 I think when Sasuke like stabs Naruto) 'Sai!' the artist of team Kakashi. 'That means that he was under cover and he found out exactly where we were because he posed as a hores wrangler or what ever.'

Sasuke brought his attention back to all of the other Ninja whom attacked him. 'He is out numbered I have to do something.' Sakura silently stood up and appeared behind Sai whom was drawing one of his beasts on paper and hit his pressure point.

He slumped over and Sakura caught him before he could fall. She crouched down behind him and watched as Tenten pull out two scrolls. ' I know this jutsu!' "Twin Rising Dragons!" Tenten shouted as she went in the air with her two scrolls. She threw various weapons at Sasuke as rapid speed.

Sasuke smirked as his Sharingan flarred red and he whispered " Doton: Doroku Gaeshi!"(Earth release Earth shore return) A giant wall of stone rose up blocking all of her weapons. Sakura watched as Hinata started her 'eight trigrams technique' Sakura put her hands together quickly and whispered "Feather Ilussion jutsu." Naruto heard her and his head whipped up.

Feathers began to fall and Sasuke jumped back releasing the jutsu while the rest of them passed out. " sa.. sa..kura." Naruto mumbled before falling into a deep sleep. Sasuke turned to see Sakura jumping out of the tree.

"We have to go now before they wake up." Sakura stated while she began walking hastily towards the forest. Sasuke followed. "I told you to hide." Sasuke stated walking ahead of her. "Well guess what Sasuke those are my friends and I would prefer them alive!" Sakura shouted.

Sasuke didn't reply and kept walking. Sakura looked around and remembered the old womans words. ""You were killed by the one you love and you left with no regrets or grudge of him killing you." Sakura nodded as she neared the old woman who appeared to be blind. "He has to realize he loves you and when he truly admits it to you then you will change back forever."

'What is that suppose to mean?' she thought. "An act of love." Sakura heard the old womens voice in the wind breaking her concentration. "Sasuke did you hear that?" Sakura asked in confusion.

He shrugged his shoulders and 'Hned'. "Aparently not." Sakura grumbled. They traveled through the forest until night fall. A clearing came into view and Sakura saw that there was a cave and walked over to it.

"Can we rest here tonight?" Sakura asked curiously. Sasuke nodded and sat down on a rock inside the cave. Sakura huffed and gathered some fire wood outside of the cave. When she got in she dropped the fire wood and plopped down beside Sasuke. He did a fire jutsu and lit the fire. Sakura looked at the cloudy sky.

"I wonder you think it's gonna rain?" she asked while watching the clouds cover the starry sky in a gloomy manner. Sasuke looked outside. "Probably you should get some rest I would like to get to rain country tomorrow."

Sakura starred at him for a moment and laughed. "Sorry but you can't just boss me around Sasuke I am not sleeping any time soon." Sakura retorted as she starred off into the dark forest with a dull expression.

"Just get some sleep." Sasuke stated as he layed back and closed his eyes. Sakura huffed and layed back and starred out once again into the lifeless forest. Sakura looked at Sasuke then at the fire.

"Naruto.." Sakura whispered silently to herself as she watched the flame in the fire blaze. Flash backs of all the times she spent with Sasuke, Naruto, and Sai were flooding through her mind. Everything was passing through as she remembered Tsunade, Hinata, Ino, eating ramen after a succesful mission.

Sakura's eyes began to become tear filled. She remembered her mom and dad whom died shortly after Sasuke left. She sat up as her tears streamed down her face. 'Sasuke you might not want to go back to Konoha but I do.' she was becoming confused with to many emotions at once.

Sakura couldn't take it anymore without a word she stood up. It began to pour outside as she let her tears fall freely. She walked to the edge of the cave and did some hand signs "I'm sorry." was the last thing she whispered before poofing away in a mist of Cherry Blossoms.


Naruto was the first to awake from the genjutsu as he began to feel the rain drip on his bright yellow head. He sat up as the memories of the battle came flooding back to him. 'Sakura I remember seeing her.' he thought as he sat up and looked around at his sleeping comrades.

"Hinata." Naruto stated as he gently shook thee Huyga hieress'es arm. She stirred as her pearly pupiless eyes starred into his ocean blue ones. "Naruto what happened we were fighting against Sasuke and then out of no where we all must have passed out?"

Hinata looked around seeing everyone on the ground breathing evenly. "We were all put under a genjutsu." Naruto replied smiling down at the blue haired girl. She had grown her hair out and it now reaches her mid back.

"Hinata I know this sounds wierd but I think I saw Sakura." Naruto mumbled with his head down and his normally cheerful eyes were full of sorrow and sadness. "Naruto.." Hinata started as she cupped his cheek with her hand.

He looked her in the eyes and smiled a sad smile. "She's still alive Hinata I can feel it." Naruto stated as he put his forhead against hers. Hinata looked him in the eyes. "You think so?" Naruto nodded. "Well then I guess while we search for Sasuke we could try and find her if it will make you feel better." Hinata said.

Naruto nodded and pecked he on the cheek and walked over to everyone else and they released the genjutsu.


Sasuke felt something on his cheek and put his hand there taking what ever it was off. The object was soft and he opened his eyes to see that it was a cherry blossom's petal. "What the.." Sasuke stopped as he sat up.

The pink haired kunoichi was missing. He sat up and looked into the rain and sensed her chakra near by. He got up and ran towards it. 'When I catch up to this girl!!!!" Sasuke yelled in his mind.


Sakura was at the lake where she first woke up to find out she truly wasn't dead and she was a horse. She sat down in the exact same spot and brought her knee's to her chest. "What do I do." Sakura cried as she shook.

She sensed Sasuke's chakra but she didn't care she had to much going on inside of her. She just stayed the way she was and continued to cry. The rain had become alot lighter. Sasuke aproached her.

"Sakura." he stated rather annoyed and angry. "What!" she shot back not bothering to pick her head up to face him. "Why did you runaway?" He said "Because I want to be alone!" Sakura yelled still in the same position.

"What ever let's go." Sakura shot her head up and retorted. "No I am not going anywhere with anyone." "Stop acting childish and let's go." Sasuke said angrily. "Me childish pft what about you, tsch you don't even understand why I left you!" She yelled back getting slightly angry.

"Stop being annoying and let's go." he ordered. Sakura's world stopped. "Excuse me! thats all I am to you isn't it." Sakura whispered allowing more tears to fall, she snapped. "You want to know something UCHIHA IF I AM SO DAMN ANNOYING LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!! SERIOUSLY!" Sakura screamed.

Sasuke looked taken aback by her outburst. The sun began to shine and a blinding light appeared. Sakura was once again a horse. Sasuke walked past her and threw a rope around her neck and walked back to the cave. (yeah i guess he was already carrying one.)

Sakura didn't say one word as they traveled all in silence. Sasuke reached the rain country with her trailing behind and completed the mission. Now it was night fall and Sakura had changed back. They stopped at another cave.

Sasuke slept inside while Sakura slept in a tree.


Naruto and the rest of them had reported back to Konoha. They spent the night there and the next morning once again they were off on there mission.

They traveled to rain and got word that Sasuke had been there. They were about an hour away from where both Sasuke and Sakura were staying.


Sakura was up and fiddling with her kunai, in ten minutes the sun would be up. Sakura began to sense Naruto's chakra. A smirk made its way to her features. She carved a message into the tree and left the kunai there jumping down.

Sasuke was already awake and Sakura had changed back into a horse. Sasuke sensed Naruto coming closer and they fled.


A/N Okay this chapter was very very very long!!!!!! The longest chapter I have ever written for this story!!!!!!! It is really really late and now I would like to sleep so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!!!! It is currently 3:02 am and if there are spelling mistakes look at the time I just wrote!!! So hope you like it and please R&R!!!!
