Get off of my back

Chapter 1

Naruto disclaimer; I do not own Naruto


As she sat waiting in the shadow's her cat mask hid her features. She had waist length pink hair, and emotionless dull emerald eyes, but behind those emotionless eyes were sadness and pain. Her name is Sakura Haruno. She watches as a raven haired man on the forest floor gives order's for some nin to scan the area.

It was night fall and the only things you could see was what the moonlight shined on. She sat in the tree using the shadows to her advantage. The raven haired boy turned and it was seen his eyes were blaring red.

"Come out I know that your there." He said plainly. "So you finally noticed my prescence Sasuke?" she said stoicly. "Who are you ?" he asked. Sakura rolled her eyes behind the mask and her hood covered her pink hair.

Then a male Anbu came and attacked Sasuke from behind. He wore an Anbu mask that ressembled a fox. His name is Naruto Uzumaki. Sasuke easily side stepped his attack easily causing his attacker to hit the tree.

He turned around and Sasuke appeared behind him and immeadiatly hit his pressure point. "Sorry Naruto I have no time for quarrel right now." Sasuke said turning when a senbone cut the side of his face landing in front of him.

"Your forgetting someone." her cold voice whistled through the wind. Out of no where he was behind her with a kunai to her neck. "I will ask you one last time who are you?" he pressed the cold metal more into her skin drawing a small trickle of blood down her neck.

She chuckled as she took her own kunai out and threw it behind her. He easily side stepped the attempt of her attack. Then she turned around and punched the ground causing it to break beneath them.

He got caught in the rocks but freed himself effortlessly. She had done a backflip into the trees. She took out a katana, it gleeamed and revealed her position. She cursed as the Uchiha unsheathed his own katana.

She jumped outof the shadows and there swords met. When the swords clashed Sasuke used his technique known as Chidori Nagashi. An electrical shock was sent through her whole body. She screamed in pain.

Sasuke felt something in his heart as he heard a familiar scream. The Anbu fell her knees. She got up and stumbled back. She used her katana for stability as she got into her fighting position.

"I dont really want to kill you." Sakura stated in a worried tone. "But if I have to I will." Her voice almost almost cracked. "What makes you think you can kill me." He said as his hot breath tickled her neck. "How did you .." she started but was harshly cut off as his katana went through her back and out her stomach.

The blood dripped off of the blade slowly and trickled the floor like raindrops. He pulled the blade from her back slowly as she slid off of the blade and collapsed to her knees.

Naruto opened his eyes and saw his teammate on the ground with blood surrounding her. "No.. no... Sakura !!!!!!" Naruto yelled as he got up and ran to her side. He laid her against his chest and put his hand over her wound in attempt to stop the bleeding. He had tears streaking down his face as he removed his mask.

Sasuke felt his heart stop when he heard Naruto called her name. He immiediatly turned his head to see Naruto remove her mask and hood. "Sa..sak..Sakura?" Sasuke felt like the world had stopped turning as he saw her with long pink hair and her beautiful emerald eyes.

He slowly walked over and saw her taking slow shallow breathes. She was smiling and had tears going down her face. "Sakura no stay awake come on stay with me.. Skura no dont leave me." Her eyes opened slowly as she looked up she saw Sasuke.

"Sakura I..." he started but he was cut off. "I know and I just need you to know that I forgive you and I will always lov..." Sakura's eyes closed as she said her last words were "you sasuke... thank you..." Naruto held her close then and said "Goodbye." then he set Sakura's body aside as he stood up.

"Why. Sasuke?" Naruto asked through grit teeth. " I didn't know it was." "Shut up!" Naruto yelled. "You know something Sasuke she was in so much pain when you left her. Her parents were murdered the night you left." Naruto had angry tears spilling from his eyes.

Sasuke looked at Sakura's form that laid there he felt tears in his eyes for the first time in years. He blinked them back trying desperetly not to show his emotion. Naruto punched Sasuke at the jaw line sending him to the tree where she was watching him moments ago.

He let his bangs cover his eyes. When he looked up he looked past Naruto's form to look at Sakura. She was gone. "Naruto where's Sakura?" he asked as Naruto turned they saw the blood was gone along with her body.

"Where is she?" they both said as they looked at the spot where she once laid.


"Where...where am I? am I dead?" Sakura asked as she looked around. Her pink hair flowed in the breeze. She looked into the river and saw her reflection. "Oh my god what happened to me!!!" She cried.

The water reflected her image she had long pink mane, she was a black mustang with pink markings on all fours and pink around her muzzle. She had black hooves accept her right back hoof was white.

"What the hell has happened to me?!" she screamed. She was a talking horse great now thats bound to draw aattention.

Just then over the hil top she saw men on horses with ropes coming towards her. She bolted the other way.

"Oh great now I have to run fom horse wrangler's this can't get any worse!" she yelled in frustration.

A/N What o you think of the story??? Should I continue or not???? But yeah she was killed but it wasn't her time to die so this happens. There is something about her though and what will happen in the next chapter will be great if I get some reviews. Please review my story it will be highly appreciated. Thanx an I hope you like the story!!!!!
