When it came to love Hinamori knew she had bad luck with it. Even when she was going out with Kira she knew it wasn't going to last long. And when she had broken up with him the only thing she could say to herself was I told you so. She really wished she could find the guy she was waiting for. The type of guy that would show that he was different from all the rest.
"Hey Momo you want to come over my house & do the math homework together," Nemu said as they were walking to lunch from there elective class.
"Well I guess so I really do need some help with the whole pie thing, man no matter how much I try I can never figure it out,"Hinamori said with a frustrated look on her face.
"Cool what about you Orihime do you want to come over too," Nemu replied.
"Sure I always love spending time with you guys," Orihime said with total joy.
Hinamori turned her gaze from Orihime to the front of her and that's when she saw him. To her he was the cutest boy she had ever seen. He had a unique hair color of white and was short for his age. To Hinamori he had the face of an angel. She had never seen anyone like him.
"Ok we'll all meet in front of the school so my mom can pick all of us to go to my house … ummm Hinamori are you even listening to me Hinamori watch out your ganna hit a pole," Nemu said before she pulled Hinamori from meeting face first into a pole.
"What the hell do you think you were thinking," Nemu said with a hint of concern & surprise.
"Sorry I guess I wasn't paying attention I was starring at him," Hinamori said as she pointed to the white haired boy not to far away.
"Oh does Momo have a crush on that little boy," Orihime said playfully
"Well," Hinamori started to say with a blush painted on her face.
"OH MY GOSH," Nemu and Orihime said in union
"You don't even know him Momo," Nemu said as they continued they're walk.
"Well sometimes you don't even know them to like them," Hinamori said as her blush started to die down.
"Well make sure you don't go and get yourself hurt ok Momo," Nemu said worried
"Ok I promise," Hinamori said still in a daze from the sight of the boy.
"Hey Momo," Rukia said as she trotted towards Hinamori.
"Oh hey Rukia," HInamori said still in deep thought thinking about that boy.
"Hey Momo is there something the matter," Rukia said worried.
"No why would you think that heheheh," Hinamori said as if she was just caught from committing a crime.
"Oh come on Momo I've known you to long to know when theres something the matter with you," Rukia said with an all knowing attitude.
Momo sighed,"Ok look today when I was coming over here I saw the most cutest boy ever and now I can't get him out of my head.
"Really show me who he is," Rukia said happy knowing that her friend had finally found some one new to take her mind off Kira.
"Ok come with me," and with that Hinamori grabbed Rukia by the wrist and went searching for the boy that now lingers in her mind.
She had searched every where and still couldn't find him. But right when she was about to give up all hope she saw him coming out of the boys bathroom.
"There, there he is the one with the white hair coming out of the bathroom,"Momo said while pointing her finger.
Rukia's eyes went wide at the sight of the boy she couldn't believe that Hinamori liked...
"You like Toshiro," she said with total shock.
"His name is Toshiro that's a nice name." Hianmori said not noticing Rukia's reaction.
"Momo that is Rangiku's ex boyfriend," Rukia blurted out.
"What who's Rangiku," Hinamori said with shock a curiosity.
"Shes a real close friend of mine, they were dating for a while but I guess Rangiku found herself someone else and decided to brake up with him," Rukia said she had finally calmed down.
"So, what so bad about that, they're not going out now," Hinamori said not knowing what else to say.
"Just because Rangiku broke up with him doesn't mean she doesn't feel possessive over him. She may not like him anymore but once your Rangiku' your always her's," Rukia said
"Well I don't know why but I really like him, I never felt this way about Kira before its on a totally different plane," Hinamori said with confidence.
"Well I'm just saying Momo watch out, I say this because you're my best friend and I only want the best for you," Rukia said with concern.
"Don't worry about me I know what I'm doing," Hinamori said and with that the bell rang and everyone left to their 6th period.
(A/N) So what do you guys think I kind of based this on an experience I had and its still going. I want to make this story a long one so expect a lot I guess. I suppose it all depends on the reviews I get.
So please review!:)