Me: Mwaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahaa!!! Hello everyone. For some reason, after swimming for nearly 4 hours in my pool, I had an inspiration to write the new story! How weird…sigh. Sky will be kinda mad… Oh well. Enjoy the new story! Don't own Yugioh.

Violet Sign

"Marik? Mariku-kun? Wake up."

Marik snorted as his eyes slowly opened to find that his face was in his pillow. He yawned, turning his head over and looking dimly at Anzu, who was sitting up patting her pregnant stomach. She was already eight months in and the previous months were so tiring and hard working for Marik he was almost always sleeping. He had almost forgotten how it was to be the husband of a pregnant woman…

"Oh. You're awake? Good." Anzu smiled smugly. "Seeing as you're awake, how about you fix something up for me? I'm really hungry."

Marik blinked slowly. "Can't you get it yourself," he slurred. Anzu gave him puppy eyes, sniffing.

"B-But Marik…I'm sooooo huuuuunnnggggrrryyyyy!! And the baby's really heavy, you know. It's not easy carrying something that's living and breathing."

Groaning, Marik moved his sleep-lazy body and began walking out of the room. "Oh!" He heard her shout. "Make it big! The baby could use the extra energy!"

"Extra energy my butt…" Marik snorted. He slowly made his way downstairs, nearly falling down on the last step. Giving a big yawn, he opened the fridge. "Mmmm…let's see…what to get…" A sandwich. She'd like a sandwich. Marik reached in the fridge, taking out cheese, turkey, ham, mayo, mustard, and white bread. He slapped it all together and groaned. "Walla… a sandwich." Rubbing his eyes, he reached over to the coffee maker and proceeded with making coffee. He drank it gratefully, blinking then taking the food upstairs.

Anzu had turned on the lamp beside her and she smiled as Marik gave her the sandwich. "Oooohhh! Thank you Marik!" She cuddled him close, laughing. She turned over and dug into the food as Marik got back into bed, snuggling into the covers and slowly began drifting off.

Not even ten minutes later, Anzu woke Marik up again. "Pssst! Marik!"

Marik curled in a ball. "What noooowww….?"

"I'm thirsty. Can you get me a glass of water? Oh, and you might want to take the plate back down too." Marik urged his heavy feeling body out of bed…again. He took the plate from Anzu and walked down the stairs. Taking a clear glass, he filled it with water and slowly made his way up. Anzu received the water from Marik and drank it thankfully. "Aaaahhh. Thank you Marik-kuun!"

Marik grunted, then snuggled back into bed. But sure enough, a few minutes later, Anzu shook him again. "Maaarriiikkk."


"I gotta go potty. REALLY bad. I need help getting out of bed. Pleaaase? I REALLY REALLY gotta go!"

Marik grumbled, walking to the other side of the bed and slowly helped Anzu to the bathroom. When she was finished, Marik helped her back into bed. Finally, Marik once again snuggled into bed, falling asleep. He thought he was dreaming, but he felt someone grab his hand, shaking it.


Marik jolted upward, looking over at Anzu. She gave a goofy, happy smile, placing Marik's hand to her stomach. "Look look! Can you feel it!?! The baby's kicking!!!"

And sure enough, after a few seconds, Marik felt a small kick. He smiled warmly, laughing. "Ok, Anzu. I think you've had enough excitement for the night. Get some sleep."

Anzu sulked, crossing her arms and pouting. "Humph. I can't sleep. Can't we go do something? Like, you know, have some fun?"

As Anzu looked over, she saw Marik fast asleep, snoring peacefully. She crossed her arms again, huffing. "Lazy bastard."


Marik awoke to a crushing weight on his back. He tried shifting, but couldn't even budge. Finally, he panicked, crying out and struggling.

"Haha! So I see you're awake. You left me bored aaaaaaaaalll night long, you know. That's mean."

Marik growled, coughing. "Anzu…get off. You're really heavy."

Huffing, Anzu slid off of Marik, jumping slightly. "Oh! The baby kicked again! Hehehee!" She shook with glee, bouncing on her bed. Marik rolled his eyes. It must be that joyous for her. He smiled warmly. Pretty soon he would have another child… What surprises would come next?


Me: First chapter. Next chapter will have more action in it I promise!