Author's note: Here we are the last chapter of my story. Can't believe this whole adventure is already finished! For what was supposed to be a oneshot lasted a little bit longer lolll!

Thanks to all of you who stick up with me, hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it!

Thanks for all the reviews; I really appreciated every single one of them!

Disclaimer: Still don't own anything, except the idea.

Description: Sam will finally get his chance to celebrate Father's day with his family.


Chapter 8

Dean had to put up with the IV a little more then his liking but it helped reassure his worried family. John even let Sam sleep in the same bed as his brother, surprising the both of them. Pastor Jim stay over the weekend and only left on Wednesday night, when he was sure Dean was going to be alright.

At the end of the week, Dean was back to normal. Back to school (yeah school, berk) and to his job at the garage. They had explained that he had pneumonia, that's why he wasn't back at 100 yet. Even if Dean kept repeating to Sam that he was fine, the twelve year old couldn't convince himself to stop watching over his brother. The whole ordeal had scared him more then he had told his family. He just couldn't believe how far his brother was willing to jeopardize his life for him! John and Caleb had both reprimand the teen for his self-sacrifice act that night. Voluntary deciding not to put salt around his bed! Nuts. Sam still has chills remembering their argument.

"I couldn't believe you could be so stupid Deuce!" Throw Caleb at the younger hunter; who was trap in a small chair in a corner of the small kitchen, his dad and Caleb surrounding him. Sam was hiding behind the wall separating the kitchen from the living room, willing to run at his big brother's defense if it got out of hands. He was angry at Dean but kind of understood his actions.

"I was protecting Sammy!" Counteracted Dean; shooting a defiant look at Caleb.

"By putting your own life at risk?" Outrageously added Caleb surprised to find no regret in Dean's expression.

"It worked didn't it?"

"Oh yes it worked dumb ass, you almost die!"

"Hey! I thought the creature would change its mind when it couldn't get to Sammy! I'm not the picture perfect of innocence here!"

"You got that right!"

"Caleb!" John shouted, finally adding himself into the heated conversation.

"What it's true! I can't believe you're not reprimanding him John!" Screamed Caleb at his mentor.

"I will don't you worried but I wanted to learn his side of the story first." A strangely calm John explained to a puzzled Caleb.

"Well?" Impatiently asked the twenty six years old hunter when John didn't continue.

"It was stupid yes but with good intentions to start with."

"But…" Started arguing Caleb; not understanding the older hunter's reaction to this whole mess, but he was stopped by John's raising hand.

"Let me finish. It was still too dangerous Dean. You got us very worried kiddo." Explained John, turning back to his sixteen years old teenager, who was watching the argument, not knowing if he should intervene or not.

"I know dad, I'm sorry. I screw up. It won't happen again." Promised Dean, surprised by both his father rare expression of concern and comprehension.

"Why do I don't believe that for a second?" Shouted Caleb, exasperated by the two hunters standing beside him. "What the hell is going on here? Am I the only one who taught Dean's actions were reckless?" Thought Caleb; at loss in all this weird conversation.

"Caleb Reeves! That's enough!" Now John was really mad! What Caleb was thinking? He was the teenager hunter's father; he knows what is best for him!

"What? You don't think I see clearly in the little head of his?" Suddenly screamed out Caleb!

John wanted to talk to the "out of his mind" hunter alone, so he turned to his son and touching Dean's shoulders he calmly ask him to leave the room.

"Dean, you can go now. We talk later about your punishment."

"Ok." Shyly responded Dean; before quickly leaving the kitchen, joining his baby brother in his hiding place. He smiled at Sam, wanting to reassure him that everything was fine. "I think."

Watching Dean go, waiting until he left the room, John turned back to Caleb and tried to resonate with him.

"Caleb, you have to calm down."

"Why? You gonna tell me how proud you are that you manage to raise a hunter as self-sacrificing as yourself?!

"What?" Exclaimed John, totally taken by surprise by Caleb's reaction.

"Don't tell me you're surprised! I could see it just now; you had a lot of difficulties hiding the proud from your eyes John. Dean as become an amazing protector for Sam yes but at the price of his own life! Which is very bad John!"

"You're wrong Caleb! I'm not proud of Dean's latest actions! It was too dangerous!"

"Whatever!" Angrily answered Caleb; before storming outside the house, slamming the back door behind him.

From their hiding place, at the bottom of the second story stairs, both brothers jumped at the violent reaction from the older hunter. It wasn't rare to see Caleb that angry but loosing his temper like this was.


Caleb came back later that night and was, thankfully, a lot calmer. He visited the boy's bedroom to explain his behavior and reassure them that he wasn't angry anymore.

"I was just so worried about you Deuce. I don't want to feel like that ever again. I hope you understand." Explained the older hunter to the sixteen years old; while entering the room and sitting down at the corner of Dean's bed.

"I do, and I'm sorry Damien. I'll be more careful in my last minute planning next time." Dean answered with one of his trademark smirk.

Which made Caleb burst into a joyful laugh and the whole thing was put behind them.


The boys were doing a little detour after school today; it was time to buy their gifts. Father's day was this weekend after all! They chose the perfect hunting knife for their father together then Dean went to find Caleb the perfect book while Sam convinced his older brother that he wanted to stay in the hunting store to snoop around. But in reality, he wanted to choose his big brother's gift in secret. The sell man was in the secret too, he even have reserve Sam's idea aside for him. After his secret purchase done, he joined Dean in the other store to buy Jim's new journal.

They managed to return home before their father, so they didn't raise his suspicions this time around. He was gone with Caleb to check out some new hunting possibilities, nothing major, just snooping around, out of curiosity.

There were going to Pastor Jim's farm this weekend so Sam's plan was working perfectly. He was so happy to finally be back on track. It was nice to relax, not worrying if his brother was going to survive or not. He still was a little bit worried but it was manageable.

The brothers wrapped their gifts and hide them in the Impala's trunk so their dad couldn't suspect a thing. Dean was driving the black beauty to his job before going directly to Pastor Jim afterward. Sam will get there with Caleb in his car. John will follow them in his truck later that day. Sam preferred traveling with the older hunter when he couldn't join his brother. Caleb was a much more good driver then his father, sorry to say. After hours spend in the uncomfortable truck, Sam was very happy to travel with Caleb or his brother.

Caleb and Sam made it to Pastor Jim first, greet by the older man and his dogs, who was sitting on his porch, looking forward for the weekend's visit. John arrived half an hour later, trying to convince the others his truck gave him trouble.

While the older hunters gathered in the kitchen around some good coffee, the twelve years old waited impatiently outside for the arrival of the black beauty and his brother. He hated being separated too long from him, especially after last week's event. He didn't like the idea of his brother alone for the two hours drive either. He wasn't completely recovered, so he could fall asleep behind the wheel, crashing the Impala in the middle of nowhere!

Sensing Sam's distress, the twenty six years old joined him on the porch to keep him company.

"Don't worry so much Runt. I'm sure Deuce's loud choices of music will keep him awake for the whole ride!"

"Ha ha ha! Very funny Caleb!" Answered back an annoyed Sam but happy for Caleb's idea of reassurance.

An hour later, Sam heard the magnificent roar of the Impala holding the promises of his brother arrival at the entrance of the farm's gates! He runs toward the black car, surprising his older brother with a hug.

"Whoa there Sammy! What's wrong buddy?" Immediately ask a concerned Dean.

"Nothing, I'm just happy you're finally here that's all." Exclaim Sam, reluctantly letting go of the teen. He then asks him in a very low voice his plans for the evening.

"Father's day is Sunday Sammy, can you wait until then?"

"Sure, but it's too long! I'm tired of waiting! We're been planning this for so long!"

"I know, kiddo, just a little bit more ok."

"Ok." Quietly answered Sam; following his brother inside the farm.


To Sam excitement, Sunday morning arrived very quickly and the boys gathered their gifts from the Impala's trunk into Jim's living room. It almost felt like Christmas!

Pastor Jim was the first to come out of his bedroom and was very surprised to find the boys already up and preparing something in his living room.

"What you boys are doing up this early? And what are you preparing in such secrecy?"

"It's a surprise Pastor Jim, you'll see." Answered a nervous Sam, finding it very difficult to hide is excitement.

A few minutes later, Caleb made his slow entrance in the kitchen, going straight for the coffee machine, not looking around him. He realized he was watched when he turn toward the kitchen table and three sets of eyes was looking at him.


"Morning Caleb." Simply tells him Sam, looking nervous but in a good way.

"Morning. What going on here?"



Twenty minutes later, John made his grumpy entrance in the kitchen and was greeted by a fuming cup of coffee from Sam.

"Uh hello there. You guys are up early."

"Wow! He can talk before his first sip, didn't know that!" Stated Dean, laughing at his father's sleepy expression.

"Very funny Dean! What's going on?"

"Been asking the same question John but they won't tell me." Answered a frustrated Caleb.

Sam then decided that he waited long enough. He got up from his chair and pointing to the living room he invited his family to join him.

"Would you gentlemen please step into the living room?"

"Why?" Both asked John and Caleb simultaneously.

"Just do it guys. It will make Sammy happy." Stated Dean; already disappearing from the kitchen.

"It Sam and I politely ask."

"Ok, we're going." Grunted back John; bringing a reluctant Caleb with him.

Once the whole family gathered there, Sam recovered the hidden gifts and handles them to their rightful owners.

"Happy Father's day!"

John was surprised that his sons remembered the holiday but also took the time to buy him a gift. He didn't think he deserved one at all. He quietly started to open his box, shocked to find a majestic hunting knife inside. He's been looking for that thing for weeks now!

Sam looked at his father with joyful eyes, he looked so happy; it was so worth the wait.

"Do you like it dad? Is it the one you wanted?"

"Yes Sammy, it's exactly the one I've been missing. Thank you!" Proudly answered John, looking at both his sons, seeing the love they had for him.

Jim and Caleb were equally stunned to receive a gift; they were not the boy's father after all.

Seeing their puzzled looks, Sam quickly explained.

"You guys are amazing father figures in our lives, Dean and I. We wanted to thank you for that. Hope you like your gifts."

"I already do Samuel." Responded Jim, slowly unwrapping the paper carefully. He was very happy when he discovered the black journal inside the gift box.

"Thank you very much; I actually finished my latest journal yesterday evening."

"Cool!" Happily exclaimed Sam, joyful his gift was appreciated.

"How did you know I wanted to read this particular book Runt?" Curiously ask Caleb, uncovering a classic book he was looking forward to buy inside his wrapping.

"It's Dean who personally choose your gift Caleb." Proudly explained Sam; looking at his brother who hadn't said a single word for the longest time.

Dean was still in shock after Sam gave him a package with his name on it. Hearing his name, he turned over to his younger brother with a question written all over his face.

"What is this Sammy?"

"A gift, what else?" Simply answered Sam; looking amused by his brother's reaction.

"But why? I'm not your father!"

"No but you're the most important father figure in my life Dean." Proudly answered Sam, tears threaten to wash over his eyes.

Not knowing what to answer to this incredible expression of love, Dean started to unwrapped his gift, desperately looking for a diversion. Inside the little box was a pocket knife, a beautiful black pocket knife. He lost his in the previous hunt; in a big hurry to get away after cutting off his restrains, he forgot it on the cave's floor. There was a cave in after their escapes so Dean couldn't go back to get it.

"Thanks Sammy! That's exactly what I needed!"

"You're welcome brother, you're welcome." Simply answered Sam, happy his older brother was in one piece and repaid for risking his life to save his.

Sam then turn back to look at his little family, happy that they were all safe and rewarded for all the good they were bringing into his life.


The end

Hope you like this last chapter. I have to tell you guys I had a lot of fun writing this whole story.

Thanks to all the followers, I dare hope to see some of you back with my other stories.

I will get back to "Haunted", poor her, I completely forgot about her while writing this story.

I also have some new ideas so see you guys around.

Take care,

Evelyne XX