"Cepheid Knight, I've summoned you here today due to the dire circumstances that have befallen the great Kingdom of Zephilia." the Eternal Queen stated bluntly.

"Two members of my royal council have been slain and this is UNACCEPTABLE. In the entire history of this Kingdom, no assassin or spy has managed to infiltrate these royal gates until now and I require ANSWERS." she exclaimed obviously flustered and struggling to maintain her composure.

"I understand your highness, but I'm already leading an investigation of my own at this time for another matter completely. Rumors of a dangerous ancient relic from the Resurrection War have been spreading, and Cepheid is troubled. I apologize, but if the rumors turn out to be true, then the entire world may be in danger. This possible threat has top priority, and investigating the matter you have brought to my attention as well would stretch me much too thinly to handle something of this importance properly."

"Well what do you propose I do about this situation then?" the Eternal Queen asked, visibly strained. "This matter is too important to assign the task to anyone with lesser ability than yours. And on top of that, I would prefer not to bring a non-Zephilian in on this case. Word of this breach in security must be kept from potential enemies of this Kingdom at all costs, you do understand."

"Yes, of course your highness." "I already have a suitable replacement in mind." the warrior said with a wry smile. "My dear sister is Zephilian through and through."

"I was afraid you'd say that." the Eternal Queen moaned, lowering her head and placing her fingers on her temples to massage them.

The servant closest to her re-doubled his fanning efforts worriedly.