I love to claim that I am the real Kagome, and that the only reason you people get the pivilege of viewing the anime, Inuyasha, is because the Kate-cam follows me around. I absolutely worship Inuyasha (anime, manga, character, ect.), and I always write my stories from my (Kagome's) point of view. So if you see "me" or "I" written in the story, it means it's Kagome. I do not own any of the original Inuyasha cast, but I do own the OCs you'll see in this fanfic. I hope you enjoy it and...REVIEW!


Me: I wrote this story because I'm tired of Inuyasha ignoring me, so I wanted him to read how much he hurts me.

Inuyasha: Quit your whinin'! I'm readin' it, ain't I!?

Me: (squee) Yes you are! And I'm so glad you finally know how much you mean to me. So when I tell you to S-I-T, it's only to show you how much I care.

Inuyasha: (snore)

Me: INUYASHA! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! (gasps for breath)

Inuyasha: (now face first in the ground) What the hell, woman?! I can't help it that your voice bored me to sleep.

Me: Inuyasha, you can be such a jerk! I pour my heart and soul out to you and you don't even care. HMPH!

Inuyasha: Let them read this damn sappy love tale, I don't wanna! I don't care!

Me: SIT! Anyway, here's my story and I hope you all like it.


I was walking through Inuyasha's Forest, searching for Shippou. Shippou thought it would be fun if we played hide and seek and didn't tell me about the game. I sighed a deep and exasperated sigh. I love Shippou, but I'm just too young to play mom, but I'm the only one he has right now so I'm going to make it work. "SHIPPOU!" I called out to the little fox kitsune. "Shippou, I brought little octopi with me today." I figured I'd try to coax him out with hotdogs, but he wasn't fooling for anything today.

"Well hello, Kagome," a deep growl said from the shadows.

"Kouga!?" I asked unsurely. I hadn't seen the wolf yukai in two months. Which is really abnormal considering he's always up my but with this whole fiance thing. I can thank his disappearance to my friend Alaiyo; his stalker.

"The one and only," said wolf demon walked out from behind the nearest tree. "How have you been Kagome?"

I don't know why, but I was actually really happy to see him. "I've been great smexy!" I ran over and hugged him. (Inner Me: Omigod...I just hugged Kouga...and I called him smexy!) "Long time no see. Has Alaiyo got you jumping through hoops for her yet?"

"Um," Kouga scratched his tan nose. "That's kind of what I wanted to come and talk to you about. You see, Alaiyo and I want to get hitched. And I basically came here to break off our engagement and get your blessing."

There was a twinge of disappointment that now resided in my stomach. Now, no guy wanted me, not even Kouga. "Oh," I put on a fake smile. "Of course I wouldn't mind if you broke off the engagement. I didn't want it in the beginning anyway. Plus, I think it's so cute that you two are getting married...you belonged together. You're so lucky you've found someone who loves you for you and that you love back."

"Hey," he shoved me gently. "You have muttface. Not much of a consolation prize to me, but at least he's something."

"Inuyasha doesn't care for me like that," I said sadly.

"Get real," Kouga snorted. "Have you seen the looks Dogbreath gives you? Or do you not notice how protective he is over you? Face it! He's a little lost puppy dog following his master."

"I think Alaiyo's craziness is rubbing off on you," I commented.

"Whatever," Kouga shrugged. "You're just blind."

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes. "Have you seen Shippou?"

"You mean the little fox kit?" Kouga asked. "NO! And he certainly isn't behind that big oak tree over there." He signaled which tree he was talking about with his head.

"Way to go Kouga," Shippou whined as he came out from behind that very same tree. "The king of subtlety.

"Sorry little man," Kouga chuckled. "Your mom was worried."

"Kagome isn't my mom," Shippou argued. "She's just the woman who takes care of me."

"Oh," I said curtly. "So that's all I am to you? Well then, I guess I don't have to rub your back as you go to sleep, or read you stories, or give you special desserts anymore." With that, I started marching back in the direction I thought lead to the campsite.

"NO!" Shippou squealed. "Don't stop giving me the big cookies! I like the big cookies!" He came galloping on all fours after me.

"Nope," I shook my head. "I'm just the woman who takes care of you. All I need to do is feed you and keep you healthy. Nothing more, nothing special."

"I was just trying to be-be a man," Shippou wailed. "M-M-MOMMY!" He tripped and began to cry his eyes out. "I-I like being your special little boy."

"Aw Shippou," I picked him up and hugged him to my chest. "You know I love you! You're my special little boy! And I'll always love you and spoil you no matter what you say or do."

"Good," Shippou snuggled close to my chest. "Because I need a mommy, and you're the only one I've got."

Oh boy, I don't know what I've gotten myself into. I've always been Shippou's maternal figure, but now I think I've just officially signed up for permanent babysitting.


"Will you bear my children," Miroku asked some random hussy he met on the corner of the street we were walking along. "I only have a short while longer to live and I need a son to carry on my mission if I fail. And I want my son to be good looking, and I think our looks combined could make him very handsome."

"Well alright," the heavily made up girl giggled. "But it's gonna cost you a pretty coin, honey."

"How much," Miroku started digging in his monk toga for his money.

SLAP! A red hand print appeared on Miroku's left cheek. The one who had imprinted it on his face had been Sango. "Could you give it a rest Miroku?" Sango raged. "That's like the fourth girl today you asked to bear you child."

"That's true Sango," Miroku latched onto her. "But that's only because you have refused of doing me the honor of doing so." Then he rubbed her left butt cheek and sighed dreamily, adding, "Buddha, this feels so right, like my hand was created to be placed here. Forever caressing your wonderfully formed ass."

SMACK! "Stop being such a hentai!" Sango's face was bright red with embarrassment, but secretly, she also thought that Miroku was made for her. But she'll never let him know that, he has to earn her full trust and love.

While they were having their little lovers spat, Inuyasha and I were going at it again. "And I say we don't have to wast the little money we made on vanquishin' that demon out of that damn temple on some damn cloth!"

"Inuyasha," I screeched. "We need to make Shippou some new clothes, he only has one outfit for crying out loud. Also, we need some new beddings to sleep on. I know you're a dog, but you have to be getting tired of sleeping on a raggedy blanket which you can feel the hard ground through."

"Food's more important!" Inuyasha roared.

"You should know that they don't sell Ramen in this time period," I informed him.

Inuyasha thought about this new fact and then decided, "Buy your damn fabric. See if I care if you all go hungry. I can hunt."

"Stop being such a drama king," I scoffed. "We're not going to go hungry while I keep making trips back to my era. I bring back enough food with me for an army every time I come to Feudal Japan."

"Don't listen to him mommy," Shippou stuck his tongue out at Inuyasha. "He's just ungrateful."

"Look her twerp," Inuyasha used Shippou's head as a foot rest. "I am the alpha dog and you don't want to mess with me."

"No," I corrected him. "You're just a big bully. SIT INUYASHA!" After the beads of subjugation forced Inuyasha face first into the ground, I picked Shippou up and added, "Let's go Shippou. We'll pick out some nice cloth to make your clothes."

"Really Inuyasha," Miroku shook his head. "You really should learn how to talk to a woman properly."

"YOU'RE ONE TO TALK!" Sango yelled at Miroku for the umpteenth time that day.

As we were passing one of the venders along the street, I bumped into a boy running in the opposite direction. I looked down at the boy and realied it was Kohaku, Sango's little brother. This time, he had the soulless mahogany murder eyes, and he had blood all over him and his Kunai Whip Chain. And since he ran into me, there was blood all over my new school uniform. "Kohaku," I said cautiously.

He lifted his head and I looked into those soulless eyes of his. That's when I saw all the crimes he had committed. All the people he had murdered; their dying screams, last words, and the terrified looks on their faces before the Kunai Whip Chain came down upon them. Then, he whipped the deadly weapon at me and the kunai got stuck in my stomach before he pulled it out. "Ah," I gasped. Then I fell to the ground, bleeding and gasping for breath.

"KOHAKU!" Sango ran after her little brother. Whenever he's around, he's the only thing she's worried about. She ran right passed where I was lying; dying. "MOMMY!" Shippou had been on my shoulder when I had been stabbed/whipped. "Mommy, what do I do? HELP! HELP! MOMMY DOWN!"

"KAGOME!" Inuyasha ran over to me. By now I had passed out from the excruciating pain. But the blood flow from my stomach wound was heavier than ever. "Oh man, what are going to do? I don't know anything aobut medicine! HELP! THERE'S A GIRL HERE WHO'S BLEEDING TO DEATH!"

"Move out of my way you imbecile," a blonde haired guy shoved Inuyasha out of the way. "Some demons just can't compare to others." He knelt down and smoothed my hair back away from her face. Then he bent over me and kissed me.


But all of a sudden, a green glow came from Kagome's lips and the unknown new demon lips met. Then a green glow came from where the wound was. The wound slowly began to disappear and the blood from the wound vanished.


Me: (drool)...that new blonde haired hunk is sexy...

Inuyasha: What the hell did you say?!

Me: You don't care about me like that so what's wrong with me having a crush on this dude.

Inuyasha: I'll kill him for putting his filthy hands on you!

Me: Why? Are you jealous?

Inuyasha: No, I'm just worried he's going to taint your powers. How are we supposed to find the shards if he can steal them from you with his kiss.

Me: Do you care about anything but those shards?

Inuyasha: No, why?

Me: SIT! And that concludes chapter one of "Who To Chose?"