Disclaimer: I own nothing except Jordan (he's my character). The character's belong to CBS and not me.

Note: Thanks to Trace for continuing to be my beta.

I hope you all enjoy and with that here's my newest chapter.

Chapter 6

As I look out my window I notice it's overcast, which will be a nice change from the hot weather we have been having. 6:00a.m. the clock reads on my dresser, and it seems like it has been that time forever but at least it's finally Friday. Yesterday felt like it lasted an eternity though I know it didn't. But it is hard when I am anticipating Grissom's call not to mention the tentative date that is set for tonight.

Hopping in the car I go to turn on the radio but I think better of it. Instead, I ride to work in silence with the day's plans running through my head. I have an array of stuff that needs to be done and I figure I will only have time for half of it as usual. But on the bright side I have an early start to my day. Most likely, this means I can quit earlier than usual which will be nice. Actually, I know I will be thinking of all the paperwork I could be getting done instead of goofing off. But if it means I get to see Grissom sooner rather than later than it is totally worth it.

Surprisingly Jordan's car is already in the parking lot when I arrive. As I walk through the front door he looks up and smiles, "Hey! Sara, you're in earlier than usual"

I chuckle, "So are you. What brings you in early?"

"Uh, I got a lot I need to get done today," he mutters.

"Huh, me too," comes my soft reply.

Continuing into the office I start thinking of the Carman file that needs to be put in order, copied and then delivered to the correct people. Quickly, I get absorbed by this task so when my phone rings and I look up to find that it's one o' clock comes as a surprise.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Sara, it's Grissom," he replies.

"Oh, hey, how are you today?" I casually inquire. Or at least I hope it came off as casual.

"Good, good," he answers distractedly. Before I can say anything in response, he starts up again, "I was wondering if uh, after we have dinner tonight you would be interested in doing something a little different than you know a movie?"

"Yes," I softly utter. So, the date is really going to happen. In fact, it sounds like he hadn't even thought about it not happening.

"Great, then, I will pick you up about six, how's that?" he questions quickly.

"Absolutely fine, I will see you then." I say almost breathless.

"Goodbye then," he closes our conversation.


This is just entirely too good to be true. I mean this is the first time in ever that I have had this great luck with guys. Really, a second date with a man I am completely interested in? wow! I want to run out and tell Jordan I am so excited but I restrain myself. I know to go tell him about the date would only hurt him. It's so hard having him be my closest friend and at the same time have him in love with me. I guess this means I should get some friends that are girls but work just takes so much of my time. I used to only ever have enough time to be friends with Jordan. Now, of course, I have time to be friends with Jordan and date. Or I suppose the difference is I have made time to date.

The next few hours fly by amazingly, instead of dragging on like they usually do when you want time to speed up. Jordan actually makes it out the door before me. At five o' clock I am hurriedly locking up and leaving so I can get ready for my date with Grissom. Not that it will take me too long to get ready but you never know maybe he's early or maybe the shirt I am going to wear needs to be cleaned quickly. But if I wanted to run a load of laundry then I should have left about four instead. However, I am really not worried. I am sure I will be able to find an outfit to wear. Well, I hope I can anyway. Oh, oh thinking about this is so nerve racking. I halt my thoughts and take a deep breath. It will be fine, I know it will.

Upon arriving at home I quickly take a second shower for the day. Searching through my closet I find a cute shirt and skirt outfit to wear. As it nears six o' clock I finish applying a light amount of make-up. Oh dear, I can't believe this I am nervous. How can I be so nervous? It is the second date after all. Maybe it's the fact that I have no idea what the "something different" is that we are doing after dinner. I look over at the clock on my wall it reads 5:59. Just one minute and he'll be here. Suddenly I hear a car turn in and park. I give myself a cursory glance in the mirror as footsteps move towards my apartment door. Seconds later I open the door after Grissom's knock. He smiles, "Ready?"

"Yes," I reply. At this we depart from my apartment and leave for dinner in his car.

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