Hi ya!! This is my first ever AU fic. I'm so excited!! (And nervous, but I'm just going to try to forget about that.) Yeah, so this is going to be MattxMello later on (maybe in the second or third chapter), so just wait for a little bit fangirlies (and fanboyies?), okay? I'll probably have the first chapter up later today. And if you recognize the yearbook signatures, that's because I took them out of my yearbook and replaced my name with Mello's. (Except for the last one. I made that up.) Okay, I think that's more than enough out of me!!

I don't own Death Note (duh...), but I do own any people I may have to make up.

'Hey Mello! Wassup!! Haha; it was nice getting to know you. HAGS'

'Hey! Can't believe year's almost over, see ya next year!'

'Yo, sup Mello! HAGS'

'Hey Mello, hope you have a great summer!'

'Hello, Mello! Haha, what a great year this was! It sucks that we're not going to the same high school. Who knows what'll happen?'

Mello closed the yearbook in front of him; pushed it forward a bit. Tomorrow was his first day of high school, and something big was going to happen. He didn't know when, but something was definitely going to happen in his freshman year. He could feel it.

Little did he know how right he was.