Holy...crap! I am sooooo sorry for the VERY long wait. I lost my writing notebook, so not only did I not have my story I also had my password written in it too. Anyway, a huge thank you to everyone who reviewed, you guys are what keeps this story going and encourages me to write more chapters!
Chapter 12
Two hours later the small group stood just outside of McKinley's ' sole source of entertainment ', as the majority of the population of the town called it, casually debating what movie to see. Even now Erin couldn't look at Kevin or Wendy for more then a few seconds. God, she wished she had her boyfriends ability to almost immediately shake off his embarrassment, opting instead to taunt Kevin for screaming " like a little girl" when he had felt the large van move. She however, still turned a faint shade of red just thinking about it, even though it had been far from the first time getting caught I the act.
Pulling herself out of her thoughts, she tried to focus on the conversation taking place.
Wendy rolled her eyes as she partially stood in between Kevin who was half heartedly glaring at the grinning teen opposite from him.
"Why don't we break this down," Wendy said, trying to distract the two males. "First we need to decide what kind of movie to see."
"Well we can rule out horror, we can't have Kevin getting scared and busting the projector lens." Ian teased, giving Erin a playful look when she tried to cover her amused smile by glaring at him. "Hey, I'm just trying to make sure we get to see the whole movie."
Her expression softened as she looked over the odd group. It was still strange to be out with other people, not that she minded, but her and Ian weren't really social butterflies, so they usually spent their time doing stuff the liked together just enjoying each others company. So she wasn't really to surprised that everyone was having a bit of trouble agreeing.
A loud honk drew Erin's attention out of her thoughts as well as making everyone jump. Four set of eyes were directed to the dark green muscle car, the driver drumming his fingers on the steering wheel impatiently as a mother and her daughter crossed in front of him.
"God, what the hell was that guys problem?" Kevin asked watching as the vehicle sped away. He turned to Wendy who was shaking her head.
"Some people." She mumbled.
"Still vote for horror," Erin said, directing their attention back to her. She wrapped her right arm around Ian's waist, leaning against his side, and batting her eyes at him. "What do you think Zip?"
Shifting his gaze from the parking lot, Ian couldn't help the smile that came with the affectionate nickname. He sighed. "Fine, but remember, I warned you all." Ian put his arm around Erin's shoulders, kissed her cheek, and turned to go inside. "Fuck."
Erin looked over to him. "What's wrong?" she asked.
With his free hand he patted himself down. "My wallet's in the van. I'll go get it." He stepped from under the overhang and stopped, patiently waiting for a small group of guys to cross the parking lot. Rolling his eyes when they stopped to jokingly fight with each other, he walked into the small strip of road that separated the building from the big parking lot.
"Ian hold on!" Halting in mid-step he turned to look at Erin questioningly. "I have your wallet!"
"Why do you have my wallet?"
" Remember it fell out of your pocket in the back of the van and I picked it up."
Raising his eyebrows, Ian shrugged and started back towards her. He had only gotten a few steps before someone slammed into him and knocked him backwards onto the ground. Angrily he glared up at the men who had still been messing around as they cross the road. "What the fuck man?! Watch where your-"
Suddenly there was a blaring horn followed by a sickening thud.
"Ian!" Running forward Erin pushed her way through the group of spectators already gathering around. Vaguely she heard someone yelling to call 911. Breathing a sigh of relief when she spotted him standing up slowly she went over to help him up. "Are you ok baby?" she asked, looking him over.
Looking straight ahead he paused before answering. "Yeah."
Slowly Erin followed his line of sight and gasped.
A silver Subaru sat, it's engine idling. In front of it, lying on the pavement was the guy that had bumped into Ian, on his stomach, his head turned completely to the side and his limbs splayed unnaturally, a pool of blood forming around his crushed skull. The driver jumped out of his car. "I didn't even see him!" He shouted. "H-he came out of nowhere!"
The motley group sat in the cinder blocked interrogation room. None of them knew how long they had been there. The ambulance had arrive shortly, of course tailed closely by three or four squad cars. Upon interviewing everyone there their little group had been flagged to take in for 'additional' questioning.
Kevin shifted in the uncomfortable metal chair, Wendy was biting her lip and staring into her lap, Erin was leaning in the table, twirling a lock of red hair around her finger and checking her watch every two minutes; and Ian was sitting back in his chair with his hands in the table, staring at the large two-way mirror across from him.
All of them turned towards the door as it open and the officer stepped in. "Alright," he said. " Looks like we have everything we need. Now all we have to do is contact your parents and have the take you back to your vehicles. I'll need your information." Setting a notepad down he pushed it to Kevin who was seated on the end.
Kevin took the pen that was laying on top and wrote something before passing it to Wendy, then from Wendy to Erin. But when Erin slid it to Ian he looked at it for a moment before giving it back.
"No one is at my house." He said, looking at the cop. "My mom works graveyard."
"Oh alright, then we might be able to call a cab."
Kevin leaned forward so he could see the other end of the table. "Isn't Jeff there?"
Ian gaze snapped to the jock, so did Erin's, even Wendy looked at him with wide eyes.
Putting the paper in front of Ian, the cop tapped the pen. "I need your home phone number." He waited for the teen to finish before taking the pad and exiting the room, shutting the door behind him.
Sighing, Ian put his head on the table. He was never going to hear the end of this. He turned to look at Kevin dryly. "I hate you…"
I'm really sorry it's so short, I was just so excited to have my story back I just had to put something out. I hope you all enjoyed it. Don't forget to review! Until next time!