Baby Steps
Part One

Summary: KateTony. Kate's pregnant but will things run smoothy? Pointless fluff with angst thrown in along the way. Will only be a few chapters long. Please review! Xx

Yes, I've done it again and started another fic but this won't be too long, I hope! Thanks to everyone who has reviewed my other two Tate fics which are in progress! Xxx.

"Hey honey!" Tony DiNozzo called out as he shut the front door behind him. "I'm home!" It sounded so ordinary and domesticated but Tony found himself loving these feelings. He had never wanted to settle for a normal life like this, he had always enjoyed the lifestyle of a bachelor but as he had got older he had begun to realise that he was lonely. His many encounters with women only filled the void and left him feeling even emptier. Tony needed someone to love and someone to love him back. "Where are you?" He continued, walking down the hallway and standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Bedroom!" The reply came back and Tony kicked off his shoes and headed up the stairs to greet his girlfriend.

Tony entered their bedroom and smiled, all he could see of her at the moment was in profile. His smiled broadened as he took in every inch of her, concentrating most of his attention of the bulge of her stomach, growing larger and larger with maternity. To Tony she had never looked more beautiful than she did now. Pregnancy suited her. He crossed the room to where she was standing. With a little difficulty he wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed the side of her neck. She leaned her head against his chest and breathed in his scent. After a few moments Tony released her from his embrace.

"You okay?" He asked, looking her deep in the eye with concern.

She sighed. "My clothes look ridiculous, my bra doesn't fit, my back aches, my feet are killing me, my hormones are all over place but yeah I'm great thanks Tony." He words dripped with sarcasm.

"Well, if it's any consolation, you look beautiful." Tony replied, ignoring most of her previous remarks. He knew she was as pleased about the baby as he was, if not more so, but she had a different way of showing it. Tony supposed he would too if he had to carry their unborn child around for nine months.

She sighed. "I don't feel it. I feel fat. And I want chocolate ice cream."

Tony couldn't help but smile. They had bought so much chocolate ice cream over the last five months that they might as well have had shares in Ben and Jerry's.

"I love you, Kate." He said, taking her face in his hand and running his thumb across her cheek.

She smiled up at him. "I love you too, Tony."

Kate began to waddle towards the bathroom, she was five months pregnant now and nearing the end of her second trimester. To begin with she hadn't shown much at all but now she finding it hard to see her feet and bending over was becoming more and more of a problem. She was glad that she had Tony though; she had never expected him to be so attentive and so obviously happy about the prospect of soon becoming a father for the first time.

"Kate?" Tony called out from the bedroom where he was changing out of his work clothes into jeans and a t-shirt.

"I'm going to have a bath, I think." She replied.

"Let me." Tony said, heading to the bathroom and suppressing a smirk as he saw Kate trying to reach over to turn the bath taps on.

"I can do it." Was Kate's forceful response. Pregnancy had done nothing to decrease her stubbornness.

"Kateā€¦" Tony began, gently but with a hint of warning in his tone of voice. "Remember what the doctor said honey, you've got to take it easy; for your sake and our baby's."

Kate sighed and rolled her eyes. "Yes, Gibbs." She replied.

Tony laughed. "I'll tell him you said that!"

Back in their bedroom Kate undressed and put on her bathrobe, at least that still fitted her; at least for now. Tony ran the bath water to the right temperature and added plenty of relaxing lavender and camomile bath salts for Kate.

"Do you want me to make dinner while you're in the bath?" Tony asked Kate as she appeared in the doorway wrapped in her bathrobe with her hair pinned up.

"Tony, you don't have to do all this for me, I can fend for myself you know." She replied gently.

"I know you can but I want to do it."

Kate closed the distance and kissed him softly. "I really do appreciate everything you're doing for me."

Tony put his arms around her and rubbed the small of her back. "I know." He whispered in her ear. Kate placed her arms by her side and began to life up Tony's shirt.

"How about we get a take away?" She asked, her voice dropping a tone as she lifted the garment over Tony's head.

Tony smiled. "God, you pregnant women." He laughed as Kate began to unbuckle his belt.

"And what do you know about pregnant women?" Kate asked.

Tony rolled his eyes. "Enough - believe me."

Tony was downstairs on the phone ordering their Chinese take out when Kate downstairs wearing an old pair of his boxer shorts and a baggy NCIS t-shirt.

"Hey," He smiled as she sank down onto the sofa.

She smiled back. "When's the food coming?"

"It'll be here at about seven." Tony replied, moving closer to Kate on the sofa so that she could lean into him.

"Okay." She smiled up at him and then reached for the remote control for the television.

When the doorbell rang twenty minutes later they were engrossed in a movie. Tony went to answer the door and came back with a steaming paper bag of Chinese food. He spread the food out on the coffee table and they both tucked in, Kate's appetite now matching Tony's now that she was pregnant.

"That was delicious." Kate said, finishing her last mouthful and putting down the carton and her chopsticks.

"Glad you liked it." Tony smiled, placing his own carton on the table in front of them. Kate leaned against Tony again and he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"So, where's my chocolate ice cream?"

Once the first movie had finished Tony got up to put another DVD in the machine. He carefully removed himself from underneath Kate and crossed to the television set. A cry of pain caused him spin around quickly, watching as Kate's face contorted. He dashed across to her, taking her hand in his.

"Baby, what's wrong?" He asked.

Tears shone in Kate's eyes as she gripped Tony's hand.

"I don't know." She managed to say finally. "I think something is wrong with the baby."

Acting on autopilot Tony helped Kate to her feet and lead her to the car, only stopping for his keys and phone on the way out of the house before they sped off to the hospital. Both of them were running on pure adrenaline.