Sesshomaru didn't try to hide his disgust. The air here reeked of humans. Though he had to admit; these humans didn't smell quite as bad as the ones in his time. Everyone here must have similar hygiene habits to Kagome.

He tightened his grip on Kagome and jumped out of the well. They landed and Kagome stepped out in front of him. "You have to promise not to kill anyone or anything," she said sternly.

"Oh, and don't threaten to kill or maim anyone either," she added. Sesshomaru smirked down at her. "Since when does this Sesshomaru take orders from you, little human?" he asked in a mocking voice.

Kagome was taken aback by his words. She didn't know what to say, and suddenly she was afraid he would hurt someone. Sesshomaru could smell her fear, and he didn't like it.

"I will not harm anyone," he said finally. "Unless they are threatening your life; then I will tear them apart." Kagome smiled and lead him out of the well house and towards her old home.

She opened the back door and they stepped through. Sesshomaru looked at the strange things within the room that he didn't recognize. Both noticed the house was unusually quiet. No one was in sight and Kagome started to worry a bit. "Hello?" Kagome called out.

At that moment her mother walked out of the kitchen. "Sorry, I was just straightening up a bit," she said before walking up to them. She gave a short bow and introduced herself to Sesshomaru as Kagome's mother. Sesshomaru nodded, "It is a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Higurashi." She straightened up and smiled. "Please, come sit down," she said gesturing at the couch.

Sesshomaru and Kagome both moved to sit, but before Kagome could move past she reached out and touched her arm. "Kagome dear, would you please excuse us for a moment so I can talk with him in private?" She asked.

Kagome nodded yes and went up to her room. Mrs. Higurashi sat down next to Sesshomaru and looked him over. Well, I have to say it's an improvement from Inuyasha. He has manners and he's quite attractive.

Sesshomaru sat still and let the human woman study him. She looked up and met his eyes. "There is only one thing I have to ask of you," she said quietly. "Please, don't break my daughter's heart."

She paused for a moment, "Inuyasha put her through so much. I don't think she can take much more, and I can't either. Almost every time Kagome came home she was in tears." She shifted her position, "I just want Kagome to be happy, and she seems to be very happy with you." Sesshomaru stayed quiet for a minute thinking about what she said.

He knew what she said was true. Many times, before he became attached to her, he had seen her cry because that half-wit half-breed. "I will do everything in my power to keep Kagome happy." He finally said. Mrs. Higurashi smiled up at him and he noticed where Kagome got her kind smile from.

"I'm sure Kagome's worried about how this went. So, if you'd like to go get her then please do." She said still smiling. Sesshomaru nodded and stood. It was easy enough to find her by following her scent.

He knocked on her door and waited; a bit unsure of how to open it. Kagome opened it from inside and smiled when she saw him standing on the other side. "So, how'd it go?" She burst out; unable to contain her curiosity.

Sesshomaru smirked at her, "Well, I made no threats to kill anyone and your mother didn't kick me out. So, I suppose it went well." Kagome threw herself forward and wrapped her arms around him. He returned the favor and they stood in silence for a moment simply holding one another.

Sesshomaru looked around Kagome's room and found it painfully pink. "Do you like any other color?" He asked her suddenly. The question surprised Kagome and she turned and looked at her room.

"Yeah," she finally answered. "I like a lot of colors. Pink is just my favorite." Sesshomaru nodded and then moved around her to look at everything. It was all so strange and foreign. There were a few things about this "future" that he didn't like. But it was things he could over look.

He closed his eyes and took in the scent of Kagome. It was everywhere in this room. Even with her being gone all the time; it seemed like the smell had barely faded.

One part of the scent in particular caught his attention. He opened his eyes and walked over to the bed. Leaning over it, he sniffed. A smirk slowly spread across his face. He could tell by the scent, despite her innocent appearance, Kagome had quite a few naughty moments.

Kagome noticed what he was doing and blushed. "W-What do you think you're doing?" She asked, her voice a bit higher than normal. Sesshomaru looked up at her; smirk still firmly in place.

"Just enjoying your sweet scent, Kagome." He answered. "Although, I do have to say I like it much better from the direct source." As he said that he moved up next to her and ran his hand up her inner thigh.

She blushed even more and tried to move away. His other arm snaked around her back; blocking her escape. "Sesshomaru", she said his name, attempting to protest, but it came out in a moan. His fingers skillfully played with her through her panties until she started to become wet.

She was softly panting while still feebly pushing at his chest. He leaned down and began to kiss her. His lips gently pressed against hers before trailing down her jaw and neck. Kagome sighed with pleasure as he began to nibble her.

The friction he was causing with his fingers was driving her over the edge and she knew it wouldn't take much more to make her come. She was so close to release. Her hips were moving with the rhythm of his fingers.

Easily, without breaking the motion, Sessomaru pushed aside her panties and slid two fingers inside her. She gasped and moaned loudly; her small hands grabbing onto his haori. In that moment Kagome climaxed. Her knees became weak and she fell against Sesshomaru for support.

Sesshomaru smiled and lifted his hand away. His fingers were slick with her nectar and he eagerly licked them clean. Kagome watched with embarrassed satisfaction. "Mmm... You taste as good as you smell."

"Dammit!" Inuyasha yelled as he paced back and forth. It was driving him crazy having to wait. Busy with his ranting, Inuyasha didn't notice that the others had showed up. Sango sent a worried glance in Miroku's direction, who simply shrugged. He was as confused as she was.

Obviously something had happened if Kagome was gone and Inuyasha was pacing at the well. "Inuyasha", Shippo suddenly called out. With a startled jerk, Inuyasha looked in their direction. Great, just what I needed. He thought with frustration. They all walked up to him and the barrage of questions began.

"Where is Lady Kagome?"

"Why isn't Kagome back yet?"

"What did you do this time?"

They all asked in sync with each other. Inuyasha glared at them and flattened his ears. "Why is it you people always assume I did something?" He snapped. They stared back blankly. "Because it is always something you did." Sango said with an accusing stare. "Yeah," Shippo chimed in. "Kagome has been gone forever. She's never coming back is she?" He began to cry. "There, there Shippo. I am sure Lady Kagome will return to us soon." Miroku said in an attempt to comfort the kit.

All this was accomplishing was making Inuyasha even more irritated. He growled loudly and began to pace again. "She should come back soon." Inuyasha growled out. As he finished his sentance a flash of light could be seen from the well. "Kagome!" Shippo called out happily and bounce towards the well. He stopped abruptly as a flash of white appeared. Everyone became silent as the pair landed.

"Hi guys!" Kagome said with her normal bright smile. Beside her was the ever imposing Sesshomaru. His arm wrapped possessively around Kagome's waist. The trio stared at her in silent shock as Inuyasha began to growl again. Inuyasha's eyes widened as a specific scent hit his nose. He looked at Sesshomaru with rage. "How dare you touch her like that!" He shouted.

Sesshomaru smirked. He knew exactly what Inuyasha was talking about. Intentionally he lifted his fingers and took in the scent deeply. This didn't escape Kagome and a horrified look came over her as she blushed. "Sesshomaru! Don't do that!" She yelled. She looked back at her friends. Inuyasha still looked very angry and the others were still staring at her confused. Finally Miroku found his voice and spoke up. "Would someone like to explain what is going on here?"

Kagome sighed. "It's a long story. We should all go back to Kaede's and sit down."

The fire in the center of the small hut crackled and popped. All eyes were on Kagome; waiting for her to explain why Sesshomaru was there, and touching her. The two were sitting side by side with Sesshomaru's hand sitting on her leg. Kagome was completely comfortable and was infact leaning against the great demon. "A week ago," she started quietly. "I went back home, but... the next day when I awoke, I felt the presence of a jewel shard. It was very faint. So I knew it had to be coming from the feudal era."

She took a deep breath. "I came back and followed the jewel. And what I found shocked me, and broke my heart." She said, looking at Inuyasha. He suddenly lost the glare he had focused on Sesshomaru. It was replaced by a look of realization and horror. "Blinded by the anger and hurt I felt," Kagome continued. "I fled and ended up getting very lost. A demon had followed me and was going to kill me and take my shards, but I was saved, by the least likely person." She glanced up at Sesshomaru.

"The past week I have been with Sesshomaru. And as I'm sure you've noticed, we've gotten a lot closer." She paused and looked at everyone. "Well, that's it. That's the story." She said a bit awkwardly. A thick silence hung in the air before finally someone spoke. "Well... Okay then." It was Miroku who was attempting to break the tension. No one really knew how to react to the information they had just recieved. Sesshomaru had stayed quiet during her explaination. Finally, he spoke. "I will be traveling with you until the rest of the shards of the Shikon Jewel are found."

Inuyasha opened his mouth to protest, but stopped. His thoughts were still plauged by the thought that Kagome had seen him with Kikyo. What all did she see? The question continued to spin through his mind. Hearing no negative comments to his announcment, Sesshomaru relaxed a bit and looked at Kagome. He was relieved that no one said anything. Kagome was already have a stressful time. Her back was stiff and she seemed like she was going to cry at any moment, despite the false smile she was wearing. Sango suddenly said something. "Kagome... Can I talk to you alone, please?"

Kagome nodded and stood to follow the demon slayer outside. "What is it Sango?" Kagome said once they were a good distance away from the hut. Sango hesitated for a moment before turning to her friend. "Are you sure about all this Kagome? It all seems a bit rushed. I just don't want you to get hurt." She said quickly. Kagome smiled at her. "I know what you mean. It must be a lot to take in. Even I still can't believe it sometimes. But, I'm so happy with him Sango. It not ever like it was with Inuyasha. He never makes me feel like I'm not good enough. Actually, he makes me feel like I'm the only one he looks at." She had a serene look on her face as she explained her feelings. Sango could tell that Kagome was head over heels for Sesshomaru. "Alright, I really hope this works out for you Kagome. You deserve to be happy."