Well, I haven't written a fic. it a while. This is my latest one. Read and review. I'll say it now. If you don't like lemons then don't read this.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Inuyasha characters.

Kagome collapsed on the bed and a sigh of relief escaped her. Finally, Inuyasha let me come home for the weekend. She rolled over and looked up at the ceiling. I'm so tired, but I want to take a bath before I go to sleep. After debating with herself, she decided to go take a quick shower. She grabbed a spare set of clothes and headed to the bathroom.

Downstairs her mother was cooking dinner, Souta was playing a video game, and Grandpa was sleeping on the couch. Inuyasha came in the back door and stood next to Souta.

"Hey, Inuyasha." Souta said, turning to look at the half-demon. "What are you doing here?"

Inuyasha looked down at him and replied, "I came to tell Kagome something, but it sounds like she's in the shower. Would you tell her she can stay the whole week, not just the weekend?"

Souta looked a little confused, but he nodded yes anyways. That's strange. Souta thought. Inuyasha hates it when Kagome's gone for too long. Once Souta nodded, Inuyasha turned and left. At that moment the phone rang.

"I'll get it!" Souta yelled running to the phone.

"Hello." Souta's friend answered him from the other side.

"Hey, I just asked my mom if you could stay the night and she said yes. Do you want to come over?" He asked enthusiastically.

Souta's eyes lit up, "Hang on, I'll ask my mom. MOM! Sanji wants to know if I can come stay the night."

His mother appeared out of the kitchen, "Well, I guess. After you finish your dinner, which is ready. Where's Kagome?"

Souta told Sanji the news and got off the phone.

"I think she's in the shower." He said as he ran for the kitchen.

After dinner Souta's mom took him to Sanji's house.

Kagome went to her room after she got done drying her hair. After putting away her dirty clothes, she headed down stairs. I wonder where mom and Souta went. See that only Grandpa was there she woke him up.

"Grandpa, where did mom and Souta go?" He jumped slightly and looked up at her.

"I don't know dear. Ask your mother." He grumbled before falling back asleep.

She glared at him and was about to wake him up again when she heard the door. Her mom appeared.

"Oh, Kagome, dinners ready if you're hungry." Kagome's stomach answered for her by growling.

"Mom, where is Souta?" Kagome asked as she headed for the kitchen.

"He went to stay the night at a friend's house." She answered before heading to bed.

After Kagome finished her dinner she went to her room. Her dark blue eyes grew heavy as she headed for the bed. Lying down, she wrapped the covers around her and fell asleep.

The morning sun glared at Kagome through her window. She cracked her eyes open and peered at the clock. It was 8:23 in the morning and she decided to get up.

On the other side of the well, the others were also just waking up. Inuyasha could hear the others stirring and headed into the forest.
After brushing her teeth and getting dressed, Kagome headed downstairs.

"I'm going shopping." She said to her mom, who was sitting on the couch watching the news.

"Alright, don't stay out all day."

Inuyasha ran through the forest, his destination close at hand. Just wait; I'll be there…Kikyo. He sped up, the thought of his love waiting for him driving him on.
Kagome stepped outside, heading down the shrine steps and towards the bus stop. But she stopped. She had a bad feeling, and her bad feelings were usually right. She turned and headed for the well, letting her instincts guide her. Once she landed on the other side she looked around and found the source of her discomfort. She could sense three jewel shards in the distance. The aura of the shards was tainted. I don't have time to go back to the village. I'm sure Inuyasha will catch my scent and come after me. She thought as she ran in the direction of the shards. Branches reached out and caught her clothes, tearing her shirt. Her leg got caught in a thorny vine and tears began to fill her eyes as she pulled her leg free. Blood flowed down her leg in small streams. Now Inuyasha will definitely be able to smell me. She thought as she continued on. What she didn't realize, was that everything else could too.
Inuyasha landed in the clearing and gazed longingly at Kikyo. She stood there with her soul stealers flying around her.

"Inuyasha, you came." She spoke in her low voice.

"Yes Kikyo, I would never think of leaving you." Inuyasha said as he walked towards her.

Once he reached her he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"I love you, Kikyo." He whispered before pressing his lips to hers.

He deepened the kiss when she didn't push him away. She wrapped her arms around his neck; pushing her breasts against his chest. He slid his tongue into her mouth; tasting her.

The aura from the shards was getting stronger, so Kagome slowed down. She quietly and slowly approached the clearing. What she saw when she gazed around a tree left her heart in pieces. Kikyo was naked and Inuyasha might as well have been. He was moving over her and she was moaning his name. Kagome knew what they were doing and it killed her inside. Silent tears streamed down her face as she turned and ran. How could he do this? She thought as she blindly ran through the forest. Before long her legs felt like lead and her eyes burned. She slowed down and leaned against a tree. Looking around she realized that she had no clue where she was. Great, I'm lost and Inuyasha's a little pre-occupied at the moment. The thought made the tears begin to flow again. Soon the sun was at the mid-point, and Kagome had yet to move. I guess I should try to find a village or something. At least some shelter. She thought as she gazed at the storm clouds gathering over head. After a few more hours of travel she broke through the tree line. All she could see for miles was open plains and the river that cut through them. She sighed in defeat. This is just wonderful.

"Why is this happening to me?! Why isn't there somewhere I can hide from the storm?!" She cried out.

"Aw. Is the poor human lost?" A malicious voice called to her.

Kagome jumped and stepped further into the open plains.

"W-Who's there?" She called back.

A disgusting lizard demon came forth from the shadows. Saliva dripped from its open maw, and his tongue slid over sharp fangs. He flexed his claws as he moved closer to her.

"I've been following you for a while; the scent of your sweet blood was irresistible."

Her eyes flicked down to her leg. Crap. Why did I have to be so reckless? She moved further away each time he stepped towards her.

Golden eyes turned in the direction of the scent. Blood. He followed the scent; his instincts guided him to her. He listened to her cry out; listened to the pathetic lesser demon taunt her. She was afraid. Her scent was mixed with blood, fear, and tears.
The lizard demon leaped forward; his claws inches from tearing through her flesh. She closed her eyes and waited for the finishing blow. She heard the pain-filled cries coming from the lizard demon and knew she had been saved. She opened her eyes; expecting to see Inuyasha. She wasn't prepared for the sight that greeted her. Sesshomaru stood before her; his claws covered in the demons blood. Oh no. What's Sesshomaru doing here? She stood silently; waiting for him to say something. Except he didn't. He flicked the blood from his fingers and turned to face her fully. Kagome grew nervous under his unwavering stare. She could think of nothing else to do, so she dropped to her hands and knees and bowed to him.

"Thank you." She said quietly. Please don't kill me. Please don't kill me.

His deep voice floated to her, "What are you doing so far west, and without the half-breed?"

He noticed the thick scent of sadness that came from her at the mention of the mutt.

"Did you leave him?" He asked.

Kagome didn't know what to say. Did I leave Inuyasha? I did run away. Her silence was annoying him. Finally, she spoke.

"I…I left him; ran away from him actually. Now I'm lost, but I-I don't want to go back."

Sesshomaru looked down at her and listened to her story. What should I do with her? Killing her would be the simplest option; but that would be a waste of energy.

"You may come with me." He said as he turned and began to walk away.

Kagome watched him walking in stunned silence. She quickly decided that following him was her best chance. If I don't go with him some demon will make me their next meal. She stood up and ran after him. She walked a few paces behind him; watching the way his hair swayed as he walked. His hair is so well kept. I wonder if Inuyasha's hair would be that nice if he took care of it. Kagome zoned out as they walked; her thoughts plagued with images of Kikyo and Inuyasha. Ugh. Think of something else Kagome. Before she knew it, it was dark and Sesshomaru had stopped in front of her. Lost in her musings, she ran into him.

"Oh, sorry."

She backed away from him as he turned around. Please don't kill me. The thought repeated in her head.

"We'll rest here." He said before sitting down.

She nodded and sat down a few feet from him. After sitting there in silence for a few minutes she lay down in the soft grass and soon drifted off to sleep.

All too soon morning came. Slowly she opened her eyes and sat up. Sesshomaru stood off a distance waiting for her. At least he didn't leave me. She thought as she stood up and trotted to catch up to him. It never rained. She looked up at the dark sky. Looks like it could any minute though. Once she caught up Sesshomaru started walking towards the woods. We should get there by night fall; right before the storm. He thought as he sped up his pace a little. Kagome followed behind him in silence. Half way there, they were stopped by an arrogant boar demon.

"Give me the jewel shards and the human. Only then may you pass." It snorted at them.

Sesshomaru answered with his poison claws. Within seconds the demon was reduced to a pile of acidy gore. Kagome covered her nose at the smell of it. The rest of their journey went undisturbed. It began to rain as the entrance of the cave came into view. Kagome ran for it, but Sesshomaru maintained his normal pace. She made it inside; only slightly wet. Sesshomaru wasn't so lucky. By the time he entered the cave he was soaked. Kagome panted from her short run and sat down. She watched Sesshomaru as he removed his armor and swords. He set them aside and removed the fur pelt he usually wore over his shoulder. Kagome began to blush as she watched him. I never realized how good looking he is before. Sesshomaru noticed felt her eyes on him and turned to face her.

"Do you like what you see?" He asked; his tone mocking.

Her blush deepened at his words and she turned away. I shouldn't be afraid. I have nothing to hide, or lose.

"Actually, yes." She answered.

Sesshomaru hadn't been expecting her to answer, but her answer pleased him. He walked over to her and sat down. She looked up at him; her heart pounding. He's so handsome. Her gaze was drawn to his lips; so inviting. He leaned over to her and kissed her. His lips were soft and warm. He lifted his hand and caressed her cheek. Her eyes closed as she leaned into the kiss; enjoying the feeling. He put his arms around her and pulled her into his lap. She straddled him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He broke the kiss and trailed his lips down her neck. Kagome pressed herself against him and moaned. Who would have thought that this morning I would have given anything to do this with Inuyasha? And now I'm here with his brother.

Kagome, in a normal state of mind, would've never done this. At least, not before what she had seen in the forest that morning. She had waited long enough for Inuyasha; she was tired of waiting. Sesshomaru pulled her shirt over her head; leaving only her bra hiding her breasts. Using his claws, he removed the strange piece of clothing. Kagome blushed; having never been so intimate with someone before.

Sesshomaru leaned forward and sucked a nipple into his mouth. Sensations of pure pleasure shot through her body and she could feel herself becoming wet. He ran his hand over her back and moved to the other nipple. Kagome ran her fingers through his hair and she pressed her center against his erection. She reached back and unzipped her skirt, not wanting Sesshomaru to rip it.

He grabbed the pelt and, using his youki to manipulate the fur, spread it out like a blanket. After he laid her on it he removed his hoari. He could tell she was nervous, even without his keen sense of smell. Soon, she will be so lost in the pleasure I will give her, her fears will disappear.

Kagome closed her eyes as he ran his hands over her body; his claws raking softly against her. She shivered in anticipation as his lips touched her heated skin. He moved lower; trailing kisses across her stomach. When he reached her skirt he pulled it off, along with her panties.

The cool breeze caressed her heated core and she shivered. Her eyes opened in surprise as his tongue slid between the lips of her core. He pressed his mouth against her and sucked. A load moan escaped her lips as she panted. His tongue slid up and down once before entering her tight cavern.

Her hips lifted as she pressed herself against him; begging for more. He used his left hand to hold her down and teased her nipple with the other. He stopped and removed his hakamas before positioning himself at her entrance. Kagome felt the tip of his head pressing against her and knew what happened next.

It would hurt, being her first time, but she wouldn't regret it. She wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He pushed forward slightly; the tip sliding in before he pulled back. He continued to do this until Kagome thought she'd go insane. She pushed her hips forward to make him slide in further, but he had anticipated her move. He controlled it to where he only moved in a little more. He continued this pace; slowly pushing further into her welcoming pussy. He pushed himself completely into her before he stopped.

Kagome's foggy mind barely registered that he'd stopped. When her head finally cleared, she realized that he had broken her barrier without causing her any pain. Before she could say anything however, he began to pump in and out of her. Pleasure filled her entire body in waves. Her legs tightened around him and she began to moan with each thrust. Lightning flashed and illuminated the cave. Thunder crashed through the forest and the pounding rain drowned out Kagome's cries of pleasure. Sesshomaru's pace was relentless and soon Kagome climaxed; her muscles tightening around him. He continued to pump in and out of her; prolonging the orgasm that was driving her over the edge.

"Sesshomaru!" She cried out his name and he reached his climax; spilling his seed into her.

He thrust into her a few more times; completely emptying himself. He stilled over her, his breathing slowly returning to normal. Kagome lay panting beneath him; the after glow of sex around her. Her half-lidded eyes watched him. He leaned down and gently kissed her before moving to lie next to her. Kagome turned and snuggled against his chest before falling asleep.

So, let me know what you think? Should I leave it a one shot or continue it? What I do will depend on the reviews I get. So please let me know what you think. Thank you for reading.