Title: A Different Lifetime: Chapter 3
Author: Sorceress aKa The One Called Death
Show: Dragonball Z/Sailor Moon
Email:[email protected]
Website: http://www.geocities.com/prue_power_of_three
Note: I will be mixing names and couples in this fic.
Sorceress: Well here is the next part!

Max: Hey, why you writing so fast for them, but not ours?

Logan: Ya know she has a point. . .

Sorceress: Well I can't think of anything yet! Besides there
are more funny scenes I can make up when mixing these
two shows. hehe.

Rei: If you don't like it then leave!

Max: What you gonna do little girl?


Sorceress: (holds hand over Rei's mouth)

Max: And why shut her up?

Sorceress: Do you want to be a fried duck?

Max: What?

Sorceress: Hey, I need Mercury over here.

Ami: Yes?

Sorceress: Do that bubble freezey thing on those two?


(See Logan and Max being forzen)

Sorceress: Thank you.

(snaps fingers and Trunks and Vegeta showup)

Vegeta: And why are we here?

(Sorceress gives a deadly glare)

Trunks: Dad, I think we should lister to her. . .

Vegeta: Why should I?

Sorceress: (snaps fingers and a Vegeta becomes a puff of smoke)

Trunks: Where'd he go?

Sorceress: Look down.

(They look down, and see a frog)

Bulma: HA! Lets see how he likes being a frog!

Trunks: Oh, hi ma.

Sorceress: I think we should let them go ahead and read the fic.

Ami: (ahem) Sailor Moon,

Bulma: or DragonBall Z

Ami&Bulma: Do not belong to Sorceress

Sorceress: In otherwords, its my disclaimer. I do not own any shows
or anyting! Hope ya like the fanfic!

*Rei's POV*

Where is that Odanga Atama at? I've waiting here for
almost half an hour!

"I am going to hurt that little girl!"

"Sheesh, calm down babe. I know you got a hot head,
but Usagi-San will always how she is. . ." My husband tried to get
me to lower my temper.

"Well, I'm not Mars for a reason. Being a hot head runs
in the family." Then I stuck my tongue at him. Next thing you
hear are little giggles coming from my daughter.

Jadeite went to pick her up and she raised her arms
telling him she wanted to be held by her daddy.

"So you think me and mommy fighting is funny." Then
he proceeded to tickled her. God how I love that man! Hehe, I
guess I'm still a love struck puppy.

"Hey Rei!" Finally, you'd think she would grow up? I had
no such luck. I guess Usa will always be Usa.

"Good grief woman, what took you so long? My wife was
about to blow a fuse!" All right, he's sleeping on the couch for a week.

"Sorry, I guess I still have to get a hold of my emotions
when being like this."

"Usa, you couldn't handle those when not being pregnant,
so why complain." Even to this day we still have our little battles.

*Mamoru's POV*

Will those two ever learn? How old are they? I may love
my Usako, but when those two get near each other. . .

"How long you think that this one will last?" I heard Ami
ask me.

"Not sure, but we should hurry up. I mean it is Diana's
birthday today." I looked at my watch, and those little black digits
showed that it was twenty of 3. Which means that we have about
15 minutes before we are late.

"GIRLS!" I shouted out. Both of them stopped their
argument and looked and me.

My darling wife walked up to me and gave her puppy dog
pout. Please not this, she know I'll do whatever she wants when
she does that.

"Mamo-chan, are you mad at me?" And she's using her
adorable baby voice. I guess that's the price I pay for loving her so

I looked over to Rei and Ami. They were both ready to
burst out laughing. Since they have suffered my Usako's little faces.

"No, I could never be mad at you. Though we have about
ten minutes to get over to V-chan's place." I had said, referring to
Minako's nickname from the group.

"Okie dokie. I call gunshot!" 'sigh' Usako has to much
energy for own good.

*Minako's POV*

"Artimas! Where are you hiding!" I had been yelling. Where
is that fur-ball at?

"Venus, where is my mommy and daddy?" I heard a small
voice behind me.

"I don't know girlie, but please just call me Minako, not

"Sorry, it's a force of habit." She held her head down.

"It's ok. Hmm, Diana check what time it is for me, I'm
kinda tied up at the moment." I really was too. My hair caught on
to the hair band that was in my hair. Ouch! I swear one of these
days I am going to cut it all off!

"It's five of three."


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
DBZ Realm
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

*Gohan's POV*

". . .and thats pretty much how we got here." The cat,
now known as Luna just told us how she thinks she got here.

"So lemme get this strait. . . You both are the gaurdiens of
two princess's, and one of them is the princess of Earth's Moon? I
can't see how." Ok, this is so confusing me.

"And why not?" We turned to see the white cat. His name
was Artimas. He was the gaurdien of the princess of Venus. As Luna
was the gaurdien of the Moon princess.

"Cause there is no moon." I had told them. Both of them
looked like they were going to pass out. "What's wrong with you

"What happened to the moon?" Luna asked. She turned to
Artimas and shook her head.

"Well, Piccolo kinda blew it up. . ." Man if looks could kill.

"Is this person a friend of yours?" She seethed out of her
moth, it was as if she was poison.

"Um. . ."

"Picowo a fwiend." Great now the baby is talking. Ca'mon
Trunks be quiet.

"Really now." She wasn't looking to happy.

"Luna, hunny. . ." Artimas was treading on thin ice. I could
tell that by the look that he was getting from her.

"Don't you even try fur-ball!" Ouch, that was cold.

"Great, she has PMS." I heard him mumble.

"ARTIMAS! You flea bag! See who I go to when I'm in
heat! "Whoa, are these two married?

"Luna! Think clearly now. We are not even in our own place
or time."

"Why did I marry you in the first place?" She got up and
walked towards baby trunks. When she did, Trunks started to pet her,
as he would do with his own striped kitten that Bulma had gotten for

"We have to get you two back home, but how?

I felt my pants being pulled on and saw that Trunks was
trying to get my attention. When I turned my eye's back to the cats,
he did what most kids would do. He punched me, and it HURT!

"Owwwwwe. Trunks, why did you do that?" The little runt
laughed. Ok and that goofy grin is scaring me. Well, it's doing that
cause it's the look Vegeta gives everyone.

"Dwagon Balls." I looked at him in awe. Who said babies
aren't smart?

"You're too much like your mother." He giggled again.

"That would be a compliment." Everyone looked over to the
door and saw two women carrying bags and boxes.

"Gohan, why are there two cats in my house." Oops, guess
I should have taken them to my room.

"And why is my son to much like me? Even though I love
it. Hehe, my baby like his mommy." Geez, how does this woman
have so much energy? Where was she when we were fighting Cell?
She would have scared the hell out him. And with all that energy she
would throw one hell of an attack.

"Well, I suggest you hurry with an explanation young man."
Don't ya just love mom's?

"It would be better if you asked us, miss." Luna had said.

Damn, where's a camera when you need one? My Mom
looked pale as a ghost. Then Bulma's reaction was pretty much the

"Oh my. . . Cats that can talk. That's rare." Yep, that would
be good old Bulma.

"And to answer you questions in order. He suggested that
we use the dragonballs. Onlybecausethesetwotalkingcatsaregaurdien
sofprincesssofsomeotherworlds." I hope I can get away not. Maybe
I should just teleport?

"This time to talk slower." My mother had said.

"Only because these two talking cats are guardians of
princess's of some other world's. That better?"

"Very much. At least now I might not ground you." Sheesh,
I saved the world and I still get grounded. What does a guy gotta do?

"Well, what are you standing around for? Go get them!"
Bulma yelled.


Sorceress: Sheesh, calm down.

ChiChi: Wow, she must eat alot of sugar. . .

Sorceress: Or drink alot of soda.

Ami: You mean pop.

Sorceress: No, its Soda.

Ami: Pop.

Sorceress: Soda.

Ami: It. Is. POP!

Sorceress: SODA, SODA, SODA!

ChiChi: Girls!

(both stop)

Bulma: I think it's Cola.

ChiChi: (sweatdrop) Folks I'd leave if I were you..... Oh, and the more
reviews Sorceress gets, the bigger her ego gets, meaning she writes
faster. So if you want to get more out REVIEW! Bye everyone.