Author's Note: I AM SO SORRY GUYS!! I've just been so busy lately that I haven't had time. I've got like three projects going on at the same time and they're all due next week! But that leads me to my next announcement. The reason why everything is getting really hectic is because from April 2 to April 12, I'm going to be in Vietnam. I know, that'll mean I won't be updating for awhile, but I'm going to see if I can get anything done over my trip. Not only that, the beginning part of my trip is during my school week, so I have to make up several homework assignments and such. That makes things even worse. And no, I'm not getting any internet over there, so I guess no updating for me. Not only that, I've got a speech tomorrow and I'm really not ready for it right now. My life has just been a bit busy, but once the trip is over, my spring break is over, and all that hectic stuff is over, I can go back to my normal life and I can actually try to raise my grade up. I mean, my grade isn't that bad, actually, it's really good, but missing about three days of school is going to bring my grade down a bit. Well, that's all I've got to say. I'm going to miss you guys!