Chapter Seven: The Weekend from Hell

Logan and Rory both decided not to stress out over what had happened. They went about their normal routine for the next two days. Friday came fast and after classes were done for the day Rory and Logan arrived home to get ready for the family dinner.

Rory gave Will sis snack and helped with his bath while Logan got their clothes around. He picked a pretty little blue dress for Rory and nice pants and shirts for him and Will. After Rory finished with Will she handed him off to Logan, so she could get ready. An hour later they were all ready to go and were in Logan's SUV that he had picked up from this parents house the night before.

The drive to the Gilmore mansion was a quite one and when they got to the door, Rory and Logan both refuses to ring the bell. Will, who was hungry again, ended up doing it himself. The main answered and after taking their jackets lead them into the setting room. Their Rory and Logan made their rounds on hand shakes and little kisses on the checks. Every one that was at the casino was there except for Paris. After taking their seats Rory smiled at her grandma. "So, did you just decided to have a family get together or is there something you guys have to tell us?"

Emily looked at Richard. "We might as well give it to them now."

Richard nods and bends to pick up the briefcase beside his chair. "We took it upon our selves to set up the necessities for you two. He pulls out several folders and hands them to Rory. We all went in together to get you two joint bank accounts, a checking and a saving. We also had a safety deposit box opened in the same back. Each family added a few things of importance that you were set to inherit anyways. A list of the items and the key are all in the first folder with the information on the bank accounts. The next folder has deeds and the keys to a couple of family homes, wedding presents of course. We also took the liberty of starting a few investments in you guy's names. Those are listed in the third folder. The forth folder has the documents you will need to adopt William and have your name changed."

Rory looked up in anger. "We already told you that we weren't adopting Will, at least not yet."

"It's for the best dear." Francine states.

Logan steps in before Rory starts yelling and upsetting Will. "This doesn't involve you. We, meaning Rory, Will and I will decide if we want to go through with this. We agreed to stay married because it's for the best, but this it's for the best for anyone. So please stay out of this or so help me god when Rory's identity is finally out to the world, I will tell the highest bidder the truth about this marriage. And tell them that although we care about each other, we didn't know each other when we tied the knot. I will tell the world that it was just a drunken bet that just happened to turn out okay. Is that for the best?"

"Don't threaten us boy, we're your family!" Straub yelled.

"Then don't go demanded things that are none of your business! We will adopt Will if we decide to on our own. We will decide when and weather or not we want to have an heir. We will decide where we live and how to run our lives. Now don't get me wrong here, we greatly appreciate you helping us get started and helping cover our mess. But we will not stand for you running our lives." He picks up Will and grabs Rory's hand. "Thank you for the invite Emily, but we're leaving."

Once in the SUV Logan looks at Will. "You okay buddy?"

Will nods "I hungry."

Logan smiles and looks at Rory. "Are you okay Ace?"

Rory smiles and nods "You should wear a cape when you do that."

"Do what?"

"Save me from committing valance or just from loosing my temper."

Logan laughs "What color should I wear?"

"Red!" Will yells from his booster seat. "Like superman!"

Rory and Logan laugh. "What do you feel like eating buddy?" Logan asks Will.

"Luke's" Rory nods in agreement with her brother.

"Okay then lets go to Luke's." Logan says and then looks at Rory. "Your going to have to tell me where one is."

"Drive to Stars Hollow. You can meet Jess and Lane."

A haft an hour later they pulled up in front of the first Luke's Diner and get out. They walk in and Rory leads them to an empty table in the corner. Lane hurries over. "So is this the famous Logan?"

"I'm famous?" he looks at Rory.

"This is news to you?" she smiles at Lane "Logan this is my best friend Lane Van Gerbig, Lane this is my husband Logan Huntzberger."

Logan extends is hand "Nice to meet you Lane."

A few seconds later Jess walks over. "So this is the guy I need to beat up?"

"No! I told you on the phone, you're not going to beat him up Jess. He's done nothing wrong."

"He got you drunk, married you, and I'm guessing took you virginity. So yeah he's done something wrong." Jess argued.

Rory rolls her eyes. "Logan meet my over protective, over bearing, miscreant of a cousin Jess Mariano. Jess this is my husband Logan Huntzberger. Who, by the way, if you so much as even think about hurting, I will tell your mother that I found a place for her and TJ to live in Stars Hollow."

Jess gasped "You wouldn't dare!"

"Want to try me?"

Jess sighed and extended his hand to Logan, once Logan shock it Jess faked a smile and said "Welcome to the family." With that he walked away.

Logan looked at Rory "He seems like loads of fun."

Rory laughs "Don't worry he'll get used to you. Some year."

The next day the house phone rang around two in the afternoon. Rory was out with Sophia and Will shopping, so Logan had the house to him self. "Huntzberger residence."

"Logan?" he heard Emily's voice.

'Damn' Logan thought "What can I do for you Emily?"

"I am calling on behalf of both families to inform you that we have decided to agree to your conditions."


"We just have a condition of our own."

'Here we go' he thought again. "Oh yeah, what's that?"

"We want to have Friday night diners with all the families present every week. It will give us a chance to grow as a combined family. And it will be good for William to get to know everybody."

"I will have to discuss this with Rory Emily."

"Good, call me back tonight." With that she hangs up.

"Damn it!" he quickly calls Rory "How do you feel about Fridays from hell every week?"

"What are you talking about?" Logan explains "Please tell me this is a very cruel joke you're trying to play one me?"

"Sorry Ace, it's not a joke."

"Have I ever mentioned to you before that I hate our families?"

"No, but I'm right there with you."

"What are we going to do?"

"Go on a murder spree?"

"I'm being serious Logan."

"Who says I'm not?" Logan says "I'm sure I can talk Jess into helping out." Rory laughs.

Later that night Logan got another phone call, this time from his father.

"It's time you start acting like my heir Logan."

"What does that mean dad?"

"What from now on you're going to be helping out with the Huntzberger Publishing Group. Going to meetings, checking out new papers with me, helping out were your needed. It's time to take your place in the company. And before you start with the excuses, this is not an option. You're married now; you have a family to support. Rory may have a lot of money but it's the man's job to support the family at least by majority. And the only way to do that is to stop acting like a spoiled rich kid and become a man. There's a meeting tomorrow at the Stamford Eagle Gazette at 7am. Be there on time and ready to go." With that Mitchum hangs up.

Logan throws his phone against the wall breaking it. "Damn it!"

He tells Rory what happened and heads out to drink with Colin and Finn only to stumble back into the house at 3am. Rory set the alarm for him and set a glass of water and some aspirin on the side table. She had an early meeting herself in Hartford and left early to meet Paris for an early breakfast. Doyle was watching Will for the day.

Rory makes it back home by 4. Doyle and Paris had agreed to watch Will for the night so Logan could cool off. But when Rory pulled in the drive way the first thing she noticed was that Logan wasn't there. She walked in and asked Sophia if she seen him seen he left this morning. After getting a no for reply she gave her the rest of the night off. Rory waits until 8 before finally deciding to order a pizza. After eating she does some work on her laptop that she was planning on doing tomorrow. It was a little after midnight when she finally heard a car pull up to the front of the house. A few minutes later Logan walks in, loosening is tie. He yawns and kisses her on the check.

"Where have you been all night?" Rory asked.

"My dad failed to inform me yesterday that there were four meetings today the last on of which was in New York City."

"Why didn't you call, I've been worried?"

"I'm sorry, dad had me on the go all day, I forgot. God Rory I'm so tired. I know it's my fault for going out last night. Can we please go to bed?"

"Sure. Let me finish this last thing real quick and I'll be right there."

"Okay." He kisses her gently on the lips. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

"I know, its okay. Just please let me know what's going on next time."

"Okay. Goodnight Ace."

Rory waits until he gets upstairs before sighing heavily. Things just took a turn the wrong way for them. And it was all Mitchum Huntzberger's fault.